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Strong Motion Data Catalog Search

Accelerograph Record descriptions from NCEI's Earthquake Strong Motion Database

If you wish to retrieve the entire inventory database, go to the bottom of this page and click the Clear Form button and the Search Database button. The database contains over 15,000 record listings and is approximately 4 MB.

NOTE: Also check Other Sources of Earthquake Strong Motion Data and Information

Earthquake Parameters:

Event Year: Beginning year (yyyy): Ending year:

Name of the Triggering Earthquake:

Event Range Coordinates in decimal degrees:

Latitude: 0 to 90 (Northern Hemisphere) -90 to 0 (Southern Hemisphere)
Longitude: 0 to 180 (Eastern Hemisphere) -179 to 0 (Western Hemisphere)
Northernmost Latitude (-90 to 90):
Westernmost Longitude (-179 to 180):
Easternmost Longitude (-179 to 180):
Southernmost Latitude (-90 to 90):
Earthquake Magnitudes (0.0 to 9.9): Minimum: Maximum:

Earthquake Intensities (1 to 12): Minimum: Maximum:

Focal Depths (0 to 240 km): Minimum: Maximum:

Station Parameters:

Name of the Recording Station:


State (if in United States):

Station Coordinates in decimal degrees:

Latitude: 0 to 90 (Northern Hemisphere) -90 to 0 (Southern Hemisphere)
Longitude: 0 to 180 (Eastern Hemisphere) -180 to 0 (Western Hemisphere)
Northernmost Latitude (-90 to 90):
Westernmost Longitude (-179 to 180):
Easternmost Longitude (-179 to 180):
Southernmost Latitude (-90 to 90):
Structure Type:

Floor Numbers (-1 is the Basement and 99 is the Roof): Lowest Floor: Highest Floor:

Site Geology:

Epicentral Distances (0-830 km): Minimum Distance: Maximum Distance:

Accelerograph Record Parameters:

Data Type(s): Uncorrected Corrected Response

Uncorrected Peak Acceleration (0-2300 cm/sec2): Minimum Acceleration: Maximum Acceleration:

Corrected Peak Acceleration (0-2350 cm/sec2): Minimum Acceleration: Maximum Acceleration:

Peak Velocity (0-120 cm/sec): Minimum Velocity: Maximum Velocity:

Peak Displacement (0-75 cm): Minimum Displacement: Maximum Displacement: