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Weight Percentage of Calcium Carbonate for 17 Equatorial Pacific Cores from Brown University
browse graphic Weight percentages of calcium carbonate in this file were compiled by J. Farrell and W. L. Prell of Brown University for 17 equatorial Pacific Ocean sediment cores. Cores are identified by cruise and core id. Depth-in-core information and estimates of sediment age, by depth, in millions of years (Ma) are included. Carbonate percentages are weight percent of bulk samples, rounded to the nearest integer. Models used to generate (by linear interpolation) ages also included in table form. Ages are based primarily on paleomagnetic stratigraphy, refined by oxygen isotope stratigraphy, and correlation of CaCO3 events among cores, and range from 0 to 4 million years. Comments on biostratigraphy, delta oxygen 18, calcium carbonate events, and core quality are also included on age model tables. These data were originally submitted to NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) for archive and subsequently transferred to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Paleoclimatology Group for stewardship. These data are available for direct download from NCDC.