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Scripps Sediment Description File- OCSEAP Portion
browse graphic The Scripps Institution of Oceanography compiled descriptions of sediment samples in the Alaskan Outer Continental Shelf area, funded through the NOAA Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP), with previous funding from the International Decade of Ocean Exploration (IDOE) by the National Science Foundation, as part of the SIO world sediment data bank. Descriptions and basic grain size analyses of 688 core, dredge, and grab samples from the Alaskan outer continental shelf are included, along with station and reference information. These data are in ASCII form. Nodule description data are for approximately 100 cores, 585 grabs, and 3 box cores from the Northern Pacific offshore Alaska. Data include lithology, percent CaCO3, constituents by grain size, organic material/fossils, ages, other features, and minerals. Station and inventory information are included. Headers in the data provide format information necessary to read the files, codes are translated in the references noted below. Bibliographic references to the data are included at the end of the file. The grain size data were too general for inclusion in the NGDC digital grain size database with other OCSEAP grain size analyses. They are available for direct download from NCEI's web site.