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A Hypercube of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Marine Geological and Geophysical Data
browse graphic Dr. Christopher Jenkins of the University of Colorado Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), produced this data hypercube derived from the prime data (exclusive of G.R.A.P.E. and logging data) of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). The Deep-Sea Drilling Project legacy data on the lithologies and physical properties of core recoveries is reprocessed into a uniformly formatted, integrated dataset which can be worked on in a wide range of software applications for query, analysis, mapping and visualization. The goal is to create a dataset which is able to be used efficiently across many science disciplines, especially in the fields of global change, ocean management and earth sciences research. The hypercube data model allows scientists and others to easily comprehend and work with the data layout and content. The integration has employed methods of standardization, linguistic parsing, error trapping, uncertainty analysis, and presentation that have developed and been validated over a decade of use in dbSEABED, for marine ecology, resources, engineering, research and survey. Nevertheless integration of the DSDP dataset has been challenging, not all the DSDP data could be treated successfully.