leg site hole core section top interval depth(centimeters) bottom interval depth(centimeters) top of core depth(meters) sample midpoint depth(meters) analyst code piece number lithology shipboard or onshore measurement data source nrm intensity nrm inclination nrm declination stable inclination stable declination quality of orientation mean demagnetizing field initial susceptibility koenigsberger ration comments 38 348 32 4 93.0 0.0 522.00 527.43 KENT, D. IGNEOUS ONSHORE INITIAL REPORTS (IR) 43. 3. -76. 279. 32 GLASSY BASALT* 4 38 348 34 2 107.0 0.0 541.00 543.57 KENT, D. IGNEOUS ONSHORE INITIAL REPORTS (IR) 38. 326. -70. 259. 31 APHYRIC BASALT* 4