DSDP Depths 3/86 ====================================== = DEEP SEA DRILLING PROJECT = = CORED INTERVAL AND RECOVERY FILE = = "DEPTH DECK" = ====================================== I. INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND AND METHODS The Cored Interval and Recovery File ("depth deck") contains depth and recovery information for each core collected by the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Each record represents a single core which is identified by leg, site, hole, and core number. The subbottom depths for the top and bottom of the cored interval, the meters of material recovered and the last section number are included. In addition, the length of any "zero section" (see appendix) and the method of coring are noted. B. LEGS IN DATA SET The data base contains data for all of the Deep Sea Drilling Project legs (1-96). II. FORMAT AND FIELD DESCRIPTIONS A. DATA FORMAT Record length = 73 characters. (Originally 80, blank fields removed by NGDC) COLUMN FIELD FORMAT ====== ========================================= ====== 1-2 LEG A2 3-5 SITE A3 6 HOLE A1 7-9 CORE A3 10-17 TOP OF CORE DEPTH (meters) F8.2 18-25 BOTTOM OF CORE DEPTH (meters) F8.2 26-30 MATERIAL RECOVERED (meters) F5.2 31-33 NUMBER OF LAST SECTION IN CORE I3 34-36 ZERO SECTION LENGTH (centimeters) I3 LENGTH OF SECTIONS : Up to 9 sections measured to the nearest tenth of a cm. 37-40 LENGTH OF SECTION 1 F4.1 41-44 LENGTH OF SECTION 2 F4.1 45-48 LENGTH OF SECTION 3 F4.1 49-52 LENGTH OF SECTION 4 F4.1 53-56 LENGTH OF SECTION 5 F4.1 57-60 LENGTH OF SECTION 6 F4.1 61-64 LENGTH OF SECTION 7 F4.1 65-68 LENGTH OF SECTION 8 F4.1 69-72 LENGTH OF SECTION 9 F4.1 73 CORE TYPE A1 B. FIELD DESCRIPTIONS The definition of leg, site, hole, core and section may be found in the explanatory notes. In addition, the special core designations, as well as the methods of sample labeling and calculating absolute sample depths are discussed. CORE DEPTH: The subbottom depth in meters to the top (columns 10-17) or bottom (columns 18-25) of the cored interval. MATERIAL RECOVERED: The meters of material recovered from the cored interval. NUMBER OF LAST SECTION IN CORE: The number of the last section cataloged and stored. Refer to the appended notes for a discussion on sections and how they were labeled. ZERO SECTION LENGTH: The length of the zero section (see appended notes) measured to the nearest centimeter. LENGTH OF EACH SECTION: Due to a fundamental change in the way each core was cut and labeled following leg 46 (see appended notes), the length of the sections were encoded only for legs 47-96. Following leg 46 the core was measured from the top. This change in in procedure marked the end of the troublesome zero section and forced all odd-length sections to the bottom of each core. Since all of the sections except for the last are 150 cm long, only the length of the last section is encoded. The field may appear blank if the last section was 150 cm long or if the recovery was limited to the core-catcher. The lengths are measured to the nearest tenth of a centimeter and encoded with an implied decimal point so that a value of 805 represents 80.5 centimeters. Since sections may or may not be entirely filled with material, section lengths should not be confused with the amount of material recovered. Please refer to the appended notes for a complete discussion on how cores were cut and the sections labeled. CORE TYPE: This column is used to denote what type of core was extracted from the hole. A blank field denotes that the core was a regular rotary core. H = Hydraulic piston core P = Pressure core barrel X = Extended core barrel HYDRAULIC PISTON CORE (HPC): The HPC operates on the principle of a 4.5 meter core barrel which is lowered inside the drill string, hydraulically ejected into the sediment and retrieved. Since in stiff sediment the piston core was not always capable of driving itself to full extension, the drill string is lowered the amount the piston core extended into the sediment and the procedure repeated. The variable length HPC (VLHPC) operates on the same principle as the HPC except that the core barrel length is variable with a maximum reach of nine meters. This field denotes which cores were hydraulically piston cored but makes no distinction between the HPC and the VLHPC. The first HPC was taken on leg 64 and the first VLHPC was taken on leg 85. PRESSURE CORE BARREL: The procedure core barrel collected a reduced diameter core and was designed to maintain the in-situ hydrostatic pressure of the core. Cores were first collected using the pressure core barrel on leg 42. EXTENDED CORE BARREL: With a core barrel that extended beyond the bit, the system was designed to collect the core into the core barrel ahead of the drill bit. The core was full size and collection could be done while the pipe rotated. NGDC NOTES: (list of deviations from the field descriptions) Description of deviation Record Number(s) ===================================== ================ Non-numeric material recovered value: 2371 col 29-33 Decimal not in expected position on 18292 material recovered: col 29-33 NGDC NOTE: Records with no core # or information (NO RECOVERY) were removed, the Site Summary file records all holes. DSDP Depths 3/86