DSDP Visual Core Descriptions 4/87 ================================================= = DEEP SEA DRILLING PROJECT = = VISUAL CORE DESCRIPTIONS = = IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS DATA FILE = ================================================= I. INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND This file contains encoded megascopic descriptions of drill core sections of igneous and metamorphic rocks and a few core sections containing sedimentary rocks composed of volcanic material. The vast majority of the descriptions were encoded from shipboard Visual Core Descriptions - Igneous Rocks forms. Some descriptions were encoded from the "Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project". B. METHODS The descriptions were encoded with a minimum of editing unless there were instructions to edit from the shipboard petrographer or the DSDP staff representative. No summaries of visual core descriptions, only descriptions of individual core sections, were encoded. A 12x binocular microscope was used in the shipboard hand sample studies. An attempt was made to be consistent in terminology and in organization of the data. See Table 2 for special abbreviations used in this file. A code for the describer's name, when available, was included with each description. See Table 1 for the index to describers' codes. Each core section description can be organized into ten categories of information. The categories are represented by codes. Each data record begins in column 1 with the appropriate code. The codes are: Rock name (L) Piece number (N) Structure (S) Vesicles (V) Texture (T) Phenocrysts (P) Groundmass (G) Alteration, or Replacement, minerals (R) Alteration, degree of (A) Other information (O) The data records are organized into both narrative and fixed-field formats. Six of the codes are exclusively associated with narrative data. These are Rock name (L), Piece number (N), Structure (S), Texture (T), Degree of alteration (A), and Other information (O). Four codes have both narrative and fixed-field data. They are Vesicles (V), Phenocryts (P), Groundmass minerals (G), and Alteration minerals (R). Each visual core description set includes a lead record followed by the data records. A minimum of one data record is present and it must be an (L) code record containing the rock name. C. LEGS IN DATA SET The data set contains data from legs 2-9, 11-39, 41-43, 45-46, 49, 51-55, 57-86, 88-89, 91-92, and 94. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY Natland, James, 1978. Cruise Objectives and Major Results, Analytical Procedures, and Explanatory Notes. In Melson, W. G., Rabinowitz, P. D., et al., Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Volume 45. Washington (U.S. Government Printing Office), pp. 19-20. For information about the igneous and metamorphic rocks classification used during a DSDP leg, consult the Explanatory Notes chapter of the Initial Reports. II. FORMAT, FIELD DESCRIPTIONS, AND CODES A. RECORD FORMATS =============== = LEAD RECORD = =============== Record length = 60 characters COLUMN FIELD FORMAT ====== ================================== ====== 1-2 LEG A2 3-5 SITE A3 6 HOLE A1 7-9 CORE A3 10-11 SECTION A2 12-15 TOP INTERVAL DEPTH (centimeters) F4.1 16-19 BOTTOM INTERVAL DEPTH (centimeters) F4.1 20-27 TOP OF CORE DEPTH (meters) F8.2 28-35 TOP OF SECTION (meters) F8.2 36-43 SAMPLE MIDPOINT DEPTH (meters) F8.2 44 unused 45-48 DESCRIBER CODE A4 49 unused 50-52 NUMBER OF PHYSICAL RECORDS I3 53-57 unused 58-60 PHYSICAL RECORD NUMBER I3 ======================================= = VISUAL CORE DESCRIPTION DATA RECORD = ======================================= Record length = 60 characters COLUMN FIELD FORMAT ====== =================================== ====== L CODE 1 ROCK NAME CODE "L" A1 2 unused 3-55 ROCK NAME A53 56-57 unused for all codes 58-60 PHYSICAL RECORD NUMBER (for all codes) I3 N CODE 1 PIECE NUMBER CODE "N" A1 2 unused 3-55 PIECE NUMBERS A53 Length of core segment (in cm) is enclosed in parentheses. T CODE 1 TEXTURE CODE "T" A1 2 unused 3-55 TEXTURAL DATA A53 S CODE 1 STRUCTURE CODE "S" A1 2 unused 3-55 STRUCTURAL DATA A53 A CODE 1 ALTERATION CODE "A" A1 2 unused 3-55 ALTERATION DATA A53 O CODE 1 OTHER INFORMATION CODE "O" A1 2 unused 3-55 OTHER INFORMATION DATA A53 V CODE 1 VESICLE CODE "V" A1 2 unused 3 VESICLE DATA 3-10 a. Size range (mm) A8 11-15 b. Percent A5 16-25 c. Location *(A13 in original doc) A10 26-42 d. Filling *(A15 in original doc) A17 43-55 e. Shape *(A12 in original doc) A13 or 3-55 % for comment A53 P CODE 1 PHENOCRYST CODE "P" A1 2 unused 3 PHENOCRYST DATA 3-10 a. Mineral A8 11-15 b. Percent A5 16-25 c. Size range (mm) A10 26-55 unused or 3-55 % for comment A53 G CODE 1 GROUNDMASS MINERAL CODE "G" A1 2 unused 3 GROUNDMASS MINERAL DATA 3-10 a. Mineral A8 11-15 b. Percent A5 16-25 c. Size range (mm) A10 26-55 unused or 3-55 % for comment A53 R CODE 1 REPLACEMENT MINERAL CODE "R" A1 2 unused 3 REPLACEMENT MINERAL DATA 3-10 a. Mineral A8 11-15 b. Percent A5 16-25 c. Size range (mm) A10 26-55 d. Mineral(s) replaced A30 or 3-55 % for comment A53 The definition of leg, site, hole, core and section may be found in the explanatory notes. In addition, the special core designations, as well as the methods of sample labeling and calculating absolute sample depths are discussed. INTERVAL DEPTH: Refers to the depth in centimeters within the section at which the rock was sampled. Values are encoded with an implicit decimal point. TOP OF CORE DEPTH: The subbottom depth in meters to the top of the core. TOP OF SECTION DEPTH: The subbottom depth in meters to the top of the section being described. SAMPLE MIDPOINT DEPTH: The subbottom depth in meters to the level at which the core was sampled. DESCRIBER CODE: The following codes are common to the DSDP igneous and metamorphic rocks data bases. TABLE 1 - DESCRIBERS' CODES CODE DESCRIBER ==== ========= ADA Adamson, A. C. AL Ali, S. ALT Alt, J. C. AN Anoshin, G. AOKI Aoki, K. ARA Arakeljanz, M. ARAI Arai, S. ARM Armstrong, R. L. ARN Arnott, R. AU Aumento, F. AVD Avdeiko, G. AZE Azema, J. BAL Baltuck, M. BAN Bannich, L. BAR Baragar, W. R. A. BARB Barberi, F. BART Barrett, T. BASS Bass, M. BAT Batiza, R. BCE Bence, A. E. BDR Bender, J. BEL Belyi, A. A. BELL Bellon, H. BIJN Bijon, J. BING Bingham, E. BLEI Bleil, U. BLG Bollinger, C. BLMR Bloomer, S. BOG Bougault, H. BORN Bornhold, B. BOTT Botts, S. BOU Bourgois, J. BREC Brecher, A. BRLA Borella, P. E. BRT Barrett, P. J. BRY Bryan, W. BT Bonatti, E. BUNC Bunch, T. F. BY Byerly, G. CA Cann, J. CAB Cambon, P. CAN Cande, S. CAR Carman, M. CARM Carmichael, C. CHE Chernogorova, S. CHK Churkin, M. CK Crocket, J. CKM Cockerham, R.S. CLAG Clague, D. CLK Clarke, D. B. COLE Cole, D. COLM Coleman, R. COOK Cook, H. E. COR Corliss, J. COUL Coulbourn W. CR Cronan, D. CRRE Corre, O. CTLN Cotillon, P. CTR Carter, A. M. CUR Curtis, D. M. DAL Dalrymple, G.B. DAV Davies, T. A. DAY Day, R. DEA Dean, W. DEG DeGraciansky, P. C. DEN Denham, C. DES Desprairies, A. DEUT Deutsch, E. DGR Roberts, D. G. DI Dick, H. DIET Dietrich, V. DIN Din, V. DK Kinsman, D. J. J. DKR Rea, D. K. DMI Dmitriev, Y. DN Donnelly, T. DON Donaldson, C. H. DOS Dostal, J. DRA Drake, N. DSC Cowan, D. S. DT Dmitriev, L. DUEE Duee, G. DUFF Duff, W. DUG Dungan, M. DUNC Duncan, J. R. DUNN Dunn, D. DUR Durasova, H. DYM Dymond, J. ECK Eckhardt, F.-J. EJ Jarosewich, E. J. ELL Ellwood, B. ELMR Elmore, P. EMRN Emmermann, R. ER Eremeev, V. ERLK Erlank, A. J. ERZ Erzinger, J. ET Elliot, D. H. ETOU Etoubleau, J. EVAN Evans, J. FAB Fabbi, B. P. FACY Facey, D. FAL Faller, A. FD Fodor, R. FJ Fujii, T. FJN Fujii, N. FLOW Flower, M. FLOY Floyd, P. FM Maurrasse, F. FOR Fornari, D. FORD Ford, A. FOUN Fountain, J. C. FREY Frey, F. A. FRJ Fischer, J. FUJ Fujioka, K. FUR Furuta, T. FUTR Futterer, D. FYR Fryer, P. GAL Galehouse, J. GH Graham, A. GO Gostin, V. GOL Goldberg, D. GRCH Grechin, V. GRD Gardner, J. V. GRIF Griffin, B. J. GROM Gromme, S. GUNN Gunn, B. HAIL Haile, N. HAJ Hajash, A. HALL Hall, J.M. HAM Hamilton, N. HAMY Hamano, Y. HARA Haramura, H. HATH Hathaway, J. C. HDG Hodges, F. HEAT Heath, R. HEK Hekinian, R. HELM Helm, R. HERO Heropoulos, C. HILL Hill, R. E. HJR Rose, H. J. Jr. HK Hickey, R. L. HLEY Halley, R. HO Horvath, G. HOLM Holmes, K. A. HON Honnorez, J. HOUG Houghton, R. HOUS Housden, J. HP Hampton, M. A. HRN Hoernes, S. HSU Hsu, K. J. HT Hart, S. HUB Hubberten, H.-W. HUM Humphris, S. HUT Hutchison, D. ISH Ishi, Teruaki JACK Jackson, E.D. JAN Jansa, L. F. JBK Keene, J. JCB Brannon, J. JCG Guerrero, J. JCRO Crouch, J. JOH Johnson,Paul JON Johnson, D. JOR Joron, J. L. JP Jip, D. JR Jarrard, R. JS Stephan, J-F JUT Juteau, T. JWN Niemitz, J. KAY Kay, R. KD Kidd, R. KEA Keating, B. KEIG Keigwin, L. D. KELT Kelts, K. KEM Kempton, P. D. KEMP Kempe, D. KENT Kent, D. KH Kharin, G. KHAN Khan, M. J. KIR Kirshenbaum, H. KK Kirkpatrick, J. KLEE Kleeman, J. D. KLOK Klock, P. R. KMP Kemp, F. M. KNS Kinoshita, H. KONO Kono, M. KOS Kostecki, J. A. KR Rodolfo, K. KRIS Krissek, L. KRMK Krumsiek, K. KRZR Kreuzer, H. KUDO Kudo, A. KZP Kazpe, G. LAB LaBorde, R. LAM Lambert, R. LAN Lanphere, M. A. LANC Lancelot, Y. LARS Larson, R. LAV Laverne, C. LBR Loubere, P. LEB Lebedkova, A. LEIN Leinen, M. LEVR Lever, A. LIE Lienert, B. LN Van der Lingen, G. LOG Logothetis, J. LOW Lowrie, W. LV Levi, Shaul LW Lawrence, J. LYLE Mitchell, W. L. MAA Murdmaa, I MACL MacLeod, N. S. MAN Manheim, F. MAR Marshall, M. MARG Margolis, S. MAUR Maury, R. C. MAYS Mays, R. E. MCEL McElhinny, M. W. MDG Masson, D. G. MEIJ Meijer, A. MEV Mevel, C. MG MacGregor, I. MILL Mills, W. M. MIN Minami, H. MJB Bradshaw, M. J. MKN McKnight, B. K. ML Melson, W. MOB Moberly, R. MONT Montgomery, A. F. MOOR Moore, C. MOR Morrison, M. Ann MORG Morgan, S. MORS Morris, J. MORT Morton, A. C. MRSH Marsh, N. MT Matter, A. MTY Mattey, D. MTZ Mathez, E. MURP Murphy, J. MUY Muysson, J. MY McKelvey, B. C. NAK Nakamura, K. NAT Natland, J. NEST Nesteroff, W. D. NEU Neuser, R. NEW Newmark, R. NIEM Niem, Alan NIL Nilsen, T. H. NISH Nishitani, T. NIST Nisterenko, G. NL Lundberg, N. NM Niitsuma, N. NO Noack, Y. NOR Norberg, J. NOT Notsu, K. OCON O'Connell, S. ODON O'Donovan, J. B. OGA Ogawa, Y. OGG Ogg, J. OHN O'Hearn, T. OKA Okamoto, K. ON O'nions, R. OTS Otsuka, K. OV Ovenshine, A. T PA Andrews, P. PARY Parry, S. PAUL Paulus, F. J. PEA Pearce, J. A. PECH Pechersky, D. M. PEIR Peirce, J. W. PET Petersen, N. PI Pimm, A. C. PITO Pisciotto, K. PONO Ponomarev, A. I. POP Popolitov, E. PP Piper, D. J. W. PRH Hill, P. R. PRIT Pritchard, R. G. PRP Propach, G. PRS Prosser, E. PUC Puchelt, H. PV Pertsev, N. QFT Quisefit, J. RB Robinson, P. T. RBRT Roberts, W. RCH Riech, V. RHD Rhodes, M. RI Ridley, W. RIC Ricou, L. RICD Richardson, C. RICE Rice, S. RICH Richardson, S. H. RID Rideout, M. RIG Rigotti, P. ROB Garrison, R. ROS Rosencrantz, E. RUFF Ruffman, A. RUS Rusinov, V. RYAL Ryall, P. SAL Salloway, J. SALS Salisbury, M. SAUN Saunders, A. SAV Savinova, E. SCAR Scarfe, C. M. SCH Schilling, J-G. SCHD Scheidegger, K. SCHK Schlocker, L. SCHL Schlanger, S. SCHW Schwartz, E. SCON Scoon, J. SCOT Scott, R. SDR Schrader, E. L. SEIF Seifert, K. SEY Seyfried, W. SG Sigurdsson, H. SHEV Shevalevsky, I. SHIB Shibata, T. SHIH Shih, Chi-Yu SHIK Shiki, T. SHIM Shimizu, H. SHKA Shcheka, S. A. SHM Schmincke, H. SHOR Shor, A. SID Siddiquie, H. N. SMIT Smith, G. M. SO Sato, H. SRI Srivastava, R. K. SRN Sharaskin, A. STAU Staudigel, H. STG Strong, D. F. STN Sinton, J. STO Stow, D. STOS Stoeser, D. STR Steiner, M. SUR Pal Verma, Surendra SUT Sutter, J. F. SWN Swanson, D. SWTZ Schwartz, L.J. SYR Sayre, W. TAK Takigami, Y. TARA Tarasiewicz, G. TARN Tarney, J. TAY Taylor, S. R. TD Thiede, J. TE Edgar, N. T. TEMP Templeman, J. H. TEST Testarmata, M. THO Thomas, E. THOM Thompson, R.N. THP Thompson, R. W. TIE Christie, D. M. TOK Tokuyama, H. TOM Thompson, G. TUAL Tual, C. TYS Tyson, R. UI Ui, Tadahide UVR Von Rad, U. VAC Vacquier, V. VAL Vallier, T. VARE Varet, J. VDB Von der Borch, C. VENM Vennum, W. VIER Viereck, L. G. VV Veevers, J. J. WB Benson, W. E. WEAV Weaver, B. WEIB Weibel, M. WEIN Weinreich, N. WEIS Weissert, H.J. WESR Weser, O. E. WG Wright, T. WHIT Whitney, J. WHT White, S. M. WIL Wilson, D. WIN Windom, K WIT Whitmarsh, R. B. WOLE Wolejszo, J. WOOD Wood, D. WP Prell, W. YEAT Yeats, R. S. ZAK Zakariadze, G. ZHV Zhivago, V. N. ZOL Zolotarev, B. NUMBER OF PHYSICAL RECORDS: The total number of physical records which together comprise a complete visual core description. Since there is always a lead record and at least one data record, the number of records is never less than two. PHYSICAL RECORD NUMBER: Each physical record in a visual core description set is numbered sequentially in column 58-60. The physical record number will always be "1" for the lead record. VISUAL CORE DESCRIPTION DATA: TABLE 3 - ABBREVIATIONS USED IN DATA RECORDS The following abbreviations are used in the igneous rocks data bases. Other abbreviations were borrowed from the soft rocks data bases. For a key to these abbreviations consult the documentation for the soft rocks lithological data bases. ACTINOLITE ACTINOL ALKALI FELDSPAR ALK.SPAR ALL MINERALS ALL.MINS ALTERED GLASS ALT.GLASS ALTERED MINERALS ALT.MINS AMPHIBOLE AMPH ANHYDRITE ANHYD ANTHOPHYLLITE ANTHOPHL ANTIGORITE ANTIGORI ARAGONITE ARAGONIT BOWLINGITE BWLGITE CARBONATE CARB CELADONITE CELAD CHABAZITE CHABAZIT CHALCOPYRITE CHALPYR CHLOROPHAEITE CHLOROPH CHROME SPINEL CR.SPIN CHRYSOTILE CHRYSOTI CLAY MINERALS CLAY.MIN CLINOPYROXENE CPX CLINOZOISITE CLZOIS CORDIERITE CORD CRYPTOCRYSTALLINE CRYPTXLN CRYSTALS XTLS DEVITRIFIED GLASS DEVT.GLS DIKTYTAXITIC DIKTYTAX FE-TI OXIDE FE.TI.OX FELDSPAR FELD FERRIC MINERALS (PHENOS) FE.MINS FERROMAGNESIUM FE.MG FERROUS HYDROXIDE MINERALS FE.HYDRX FERROUS MANGANESE OXIDE FE.MN.OX FERROUS OXIDE FE.OXIDE FIBROUS CHLORITE FIBROUS GROUNDMASS GNDMASS HORNBLENDE HBL HYDROBIOTITE HYD.BIOT HYDROMICA HYD.MICA HYDROXIDE HYDROXID HYPERSTHENE HY IDDINGSITE IDDINGS IRON ORE FE.ORE KAERSUTITE KAERSUT KAOLINITE KAOLIN LABRADORITE LABRADOR LAUMONTITE LAUMON LAWSONITE LAWSONIT LEUCOXENE LEUCOX MAGNETITE MAGN MANGANESE HYDROXIDE MN.HYDRX MANGANESE OXIDE MN.OXIDE MARCASITE MARCASIT MESOSTASIS MESOSTAS MICROCRYSTALLINE GROUNDMASS MICROXLN MICROLITE MICROLIT MONTMORILLONITE MONT MORDENITE MORDENIT MUSCOVITE MUSC NATROLITE NATROL NEPHELINE NEPHELIN NONTRONITE NONTRON OLIVINE OL ORE MINERALS ORE.MINS ORTHOAMPHIBOLE ORTHAMPH ORTHOCLASE OR ORTHOPYROXENE OPX OXYHORNBLENDE OXY.HBL PALAGONITE PALAG PHENOCRYSTS PHENOS PHILLIPSITE PHIL PIGEONITE PIGEONIT PLAGIOCLASE PLAG PSILOMELANE PSILOMEL PUMPELLYITE PUMPELLY PYROXENE PYX PYRRHOTITE PYRRHOT SAUSSURITE SAUSSUR SCAPOLITE SCAPOLIT SCOLECITE SCOLECIT SERPENTINITE SERP SIDEROMELANE SIDEROM SMECTITE SMEC SPHERULITES SPHERUL SPHERULITIC MESOSTASIS SPHR.MES STILPNOMELANE STILPNOM TITANAUGITE TI.AUGIT TITANOMAGNETITE TI.MAG TITANOMAGNETITE TITAN.MT TREMOLITE TREMOL UNIDENTIFIED UNIDENT NGDC NOTE: Other mnemonics were found in those fields, their meanings are evident, no translation is neccessary here. NGDC NOTE: (list of problems & deviations from field descriptions) Type of Error and Description Record Number(s) ======================================== ================ not represented in coredepths data file, Leg 60 Hole 454 Core 17 core # changed to x01 after inspection of Initial Reports The following cores were out of order Leg Hole Core int the data file (some sections of the --- ---- -------- same core separated and/or intermixed 37 332A 26 with data from other cores) 37 332B 43,44,45 37 334 21 64 478 41,44,54 Describer code not in list (UV) 432-435 (HO) 596-600 (FRG) 1267-1269 (MC) 1761 (KUM) 1768 (RHO) 1946 (ADG) 2124-2125 (JUI) 2644 (EM) 2775,2782,2798,2801, 2819-2820,2841-2842,2844, 2847-2848,2850,2852-2853, 2855,2870-2874,2879-2882, 2896-2897,2900-2901,2903, 2926-2928,2982,2986,2988, 2990,3007,3024-3026 (STAN) 3112 (MEZ) 3228 (PAL) 5011,5043,5052,5076- 5078,5107-5110 (MORW) 5372,5376 (JKL) 5647-5648 (BLW) 6773 (RMO 7422-7423 blank general information code 1109,5435,7145 general information code (4) 2236 DSDP Visual Core Descriptions 4/87