DSDP Smear 8/86 ======================================= = DEEP SEA DRILLING PROJECT = = PROCESSED SMEAR SLIDE DATA BASE = ======================================= I. INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND AND METHODS The Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) processed smear slide data base was designed to act as a source file for the DSDP SCREEN computer program. The DSDP SCREEN file is a separate data base which contains computer generated lithologic classifications of DSDP sedimentary material (see Davies 1977). The file provides the user with a standardized lithologic data base. The processed smear slide data is derived directly from the smear slide data collected on board the Glomar Challenger. Each smear slide represents a small portion of sediment distributed on a glass slide for microscopic evaluation of mineral and fossil composition. The information was recorded as either relative or numerical abundances depending on the preference of the shipboard party for a particular leg. Since the DSDP SCREEN program requires numeric values in order for it to calculate a lithologic code, the chief difference between the processed and unprocessed smear slide data is that the processed data contains only numeric abundances. Relative abundances are equated to numeric ranges as outlined below. A separate smear side data base containing the original data with relative percentages was also generated by the DSDP. Since ranges cannot be used by the SCREEN program the approximate average of the numeric range was used. Relative Scale Abbrev. Numeric Range Value used ============== ======= ============= ========== Trace T Less than 5% 3% Rare R 5 to 10% 7% Common C 10 to 30% 20% Abundant A 30 to 60% 45% Dominant D 60 to 100% 80% Once a numeric value has been assigned to each relative abundance the conversion process *normalizes the values to 100% for each smear slide. For example, if a describer reported five minerals to be common (5x20%), one to be abundant (45%) and one dominant (80%), the total would be 225% before normalization. *Following normalization the component minerals would be reassigned numeric values of 9%, 20% and 35% respectively. There are three distinct types of physical records used within the data base and are referred to as the lead record, sediment name-age record and the smear component record. the formats of each of these records is outlined later in this document. Each slide description involves a lead record followed by at least one name-age record and one component record. Since slide descriptions may involve lengthy component lists additional component records may be employed as necessary. The sediment name, taken from visual core descriptions, may also be quite lengthy and may involve more than one record. ______________________ *This is not the case. Data in this file have been assigned numeric values, but the values are not normalized. Values exceeding 100% are flagged at the end of this document file. (NGDC note; confirmed by P. Woodbury 8/23/88) B. LEGS IN DATA SET The data base contains data for legs 1-96; C. BIBLIOGRAPHY Davies, Thomas A., Musich, Lillian F. and Woodbury, Peter B., 1977, Automated Classification of Deep-Sea Sediments: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Volume 47, No. 2, June 1977, pp. 650-656. Musich, L., 1984. Sediment Smear Slides: Preparation and Handling. In: Sedimentology, Physical Properties, and Geochemistry in the Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Volumes 1-44: An Overview. G. Ross Heath, ed. (Published by National Geophysical Data Center) pp. 63-70. Supko, Peter R., Perch-Nielsen, Katharina, and Carlson, Richard L., 1977. Introduction and Explanatory Notes, Leg 39. Deep Sea Drilling Project, Appendix A - Classification of Sediments. In Supko, P.R., Perch-Nielsen, K. et al., 1977. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Volume 39. Washington (U.S. Government Printing Office) pp. 19-24. van Andel, T.H., Winterer, E.L., and Duncan, J., 1973, Report of Subcommittee on sediment classification, of advisory panel on sedimentary petrology and physical properties: Unpublished JOIDES Report. II. FORMAT AND FIELD DESCRIPTIONS A. RECORD FORMATS =============== = LEAD RECORD = =============== Record length = 84 characters COLUMN FIELD FORMAT ====== =================================== ====== 1-2 LEG A2 3-5 SITE A3 6 HOLE A1 10-11 SECTION A3 12-15 TOP INTERVAL DEPTH (centimeters) F4.1 16-23 TOP OF CORE DEPTH (meters) F8.2 24-31 SAMPLE DEPTH (meters) F8.2 32-33 NUMBER OF PHYSICAL RECORDS I2 34 space X1 35-38 SLIDE DESCRIBER A4 no initials are present in this field (NGDC note) 39 * SCREEN PROGRAM DATA FLAG A1 40 DOMINANT OR MINOR LITH. ("D" OR "M") A1 41-43 PERCENT SAND I3 44-46 PERCENT SILT I3 47-49 PERCENT CLAY I3 50-51 space X2 52 ABUNDANCE CODE ("R" OR "N") A1 53-54 space X2 55-57 LENGTH OF SEDIMENT NAME IN CHARACTERS I3 58-60 NUMBER OF COMPONENTS I3 61-63 * TOTAL SILICEOUS COMPONENTS I3 64-66 * TOTAL CALCEROUS COMPONENTS I3 67-69 * TOTAL SLOW SEDIMENTATION INDICATORS I3 70-72 * TOTAL SHALLOW WATER INDICATORS I3 73-75 * TOTAL VOLCANICS I3 76-78 * DOLOMITE I3 79-81 * EVAPORITES I3 82-84 * TOTAL PERCENT COMPONENTS REPORTED I3 * SCREEN RELATED DATA FIELDS These data fields are not part of the original smear slide description but rather are used by the DSDP in the production of its SCREEN data base (see page 9). ================================ = SEDIMENT NAME AND AGE RECORD = ================================ Record length = 84 characters COLUMN FIELD FORMAT ====== =================================== ====== 1-72 SEDIMENT NAME A72 a. Additional records are used if name exceeds 72 characters. b. If no name then blank fill. 73-80 NUMERIC AGE CODE I8 81-84 space X4 ================================ = SMEAR SLIDE COMPONENT RECORD = ================================ Record length = 84 characters COLUMN FIELD FORMAT ====== =================================== ====== 1-6 PRIMARY COMPONENT CODE I6 7-12 SECONDARY COMPONENT CODE I6 13-72 UP TO 10 MORE COMPONENT CODES 10I6 a. Additional records are used if necessary. 73-84 space X12 B. FIELD DESCRIPTIONS The definition of leg, site, hole, core and section may be found in th explanatory notes. In addition, the special core designations as well as the methods of sample labeling and calculating absolute sample depths are discussed. INTERVAL DEPTH: The depth, in centimeters, within a section at which the top or bottom of a measurement was taken. Values are encoded with an implicit decimal point, therefore an encoded value 805 represents 80.5 centimeters. CORE DEPTH: The subbottom depth in meters to the top of the core. SAMPLE DEPTH: The subbottom depth in meters to the point of measurement. NUMBER OF RECORDS: The total number of physical records which together comprise a complete smear slide description. Since there is always a lead record and at least one sediment name and age record, the number of records is never less than two. SLIDE DESCRIBER: The initials of the person who described the smear slide. (NGDC Note: no initials were found in this field at all) SLIDE TYPE CODE: (NGDC NOTE: This field is not in the data file) CODE TYPE OF SLIDE ==== ======================== A ACID TREATED AND SIEVED C COARSE FRACTION SAMPLE S REGULAR SMEAR SLIDE T SEDIMENT THIN SECTION PERCENT SAND, SILT OR CLAY: The percent of each fraction as determined by the smear slide describer. The DSDP maintained a separate grain size data base. DOMINANT OR MINOR LITHOLOGY: (NGDC NOTE: in col. 40, supposed to be in 51) The slide may be prepared from either a sample that was representative of the entire section (dominant=D) or a distinct small layer or bleb within the section (minor=M). ABUNDANCE CODE: This code indicates whether abundance was originally recorded as numerical abundance (N) or as relative abundance (R). LENGTH OF SEDIMENT NAME: The number of characters (including blanks) which are in the sediment name. Each sediment name-age record may contain up to 72 characters of the name. Additional records may be included as needed. NUMBER OF COMPONENTS: The number of components on the smear slide description. Each component record may contain twelve component codes and as many component records may be used as necessary. COMPONENT CODES: The six digit component codes identify a particular smear slide component and its absolute abundance. The first four digits represents one of the components from the list below. The fifth and sixth digits represent the abundance (100% abundance is represented by 99). For example, the component code 320315 would mean that 15 percent of the smear slide contained phosphorite. CODE ABBREV COMPONENT NAME ==== ====== ======================= 1000 ESTCAR ESTIMATED CARBONATE 1100 AUTCAR AUTHIGENIC CARBONATE 1110 OTHCAR CARBONATE 1120 OOLITE OOLITE 1130 DOLOMI DOLOMITE 1140 ARAGON ARAGONITE 1200 UNICAL UNIDENT CALC FOSSIL 1210 NANNOS NANNOFOSSIL 1221 FORAMS FORAMINIFERA 1300 PTEROP PTEROPOD 1410 LAMELI LAMELLIBRANCH 1420 CALSPI CALCAREOUS SPICULE 1430 CORAL CORAL 1440 BRYOZO BRYOZOA 1450 ALGAE ALGAE 1460 OSTRCO OSTRACOD 1999 UNCOMP MYSTERY COMPONENT 2000 OTHSI OTHER SILICEOUS MTRL. 2100 AUTSIL AUTHIGENIC SILICA 2110 CHALC CHALCEDONY 2120 OPAL OPAL 2130 CHFRA CHERT FRAGMENT 2200 SIFOSS SILICEOUS FOSSIL 2210 RADS RADILARIA 2220 DIAT DIATOM 2230 SIFLAG SILICOFLAGELLATE 2240 OPALPH OPAL PHYTOLITH 2300 OTHPAL OTHER FOSSIL 2310 SPICUL SPICULE 3000 MINS OTHER MINERAL 3111 SIDERI SIDERITE 3112 RDCHRO RHODOCHROSITE 3113 FLOURI FLOURITE 3151 ANHYD ANHYDRITE 3152 GYPSUM GYPSUM 3153 HALITE HALITE 3200 PHOPHT PHOSPHATE 3201 MONAZI MONAZITE 3202 COLLOP COLLOPHANE 3203 PHOSPH PHOSPHORITE 3250 SULFID SULFIDE 3251 BARI BARITE 3311 QTZ QUARTZ 3312 CRISTO CRISTOBALITE 3320 FELD FELDSPAR 3350 ZEOL ZEOLITE 3351 ANAL ANALCITE 3400 MICA MICA 3402 BIOTIT BIOTITE 3450 CLAMIN CLAY MINERAL 3452 MONTMO MONTMORILLONITE 3453 ILLITE ILLITE 3500 SERPEN SERPENTINE 3501 GLAUC GLAUCONITE 3550 OPMINR OPAQUE MINERAL 3551 PYRITE PYRITE 3552 FE IRON 3553 LIMONI LIMONITE 3554 MAGNET MAGNETITE 3555 ILMENI ILMENITE 3600 HVYMIN HEAVY MINERAL 3601 AUGITE AUGITE 3604 RUTILE RUTILE 3605 ZIR ZIRCON 3606 TOUR TOURMALINE 3607 GARNET GARNET 3608 APAT APATITE 3609 STAURO STAUROLITE 3611 KYANIT KYANITE 3612 EPID EPIDOTE 3613 HORNBL HORNBLENDE 3614 AMPH AMPHIBOLE 3615 TOPAZ TOPAZ 3616 SPHENE SPHENE 3617 ZOISIT ZOISITE 3620 SILMAN SILLIMANITE 3621 HYPERS HYPERSTHENE 3622 DIOPSI DIOPSIDE 3623 TREMOL TREMOLITE 3625 PYROXE PYROXENE 3626 GLAUPH GLAUCOPHANE 3627 SPINEL SPINEL 3628 SPHALE SPHALERITE 3629 ANATAS ANATASE 3634 OLIVIN OLIVINE 3651 GLAS GLASS 3652 PALAG PALAGONITE 3700 VOLFRA COLC MATERIAL FRAG 3705 VOLCLY VOLCANIC CLAY 3710 BASALT BASALT 3711 PUMICE PUMICE 3712 SCORIA SCORIA 3751 MANGAN MANGANESE 3752 ISOAG ISOTROPIC SILVER 3753 MOLYBD MOLYBDENUM 3754 MAGNSM MAGNESIUM 3800 ROCFRA ROCK FRAGMENT 3850 ORGDEB ORGANIC DEBRIS 3870 CHIT CHITANOZOA 3871 FECPEL FECAL PELLET 3872 CARBFR CARBON FRAGMENT 3901 LIMNIC LIMNIC 3902 AUTCRY AUTHIGENIC CRYSTAL 3903 MESOST MESOSTASIS 3904 MICAGG MICROGRANULAR AGGREGATE 3905 MICPHE MICROPHENOCRYST 3906 ISOMIN ISOTROPIC MINERAL 3907 SPHERU SPHERULITE 3908 TERDET TERIGENOS DETRITUS 3909 ALTERI ALTERITE 3910 MICRON MICRONODULE 3911 DETMAT DETRITAL MATERIAL 3912 DETMIN DETRITAL MINERAL 3915 AMPHOX AMORPHOUS OXIDE SCREEN RELATED FIELD DESCRIPTIONS ================================= The following data fields are not part of the original smear slide description but rather are used by the DSDP in the production of it's screen data base. The SCREEN data base contains computer-generated lithologic classifications of the sedimentary material collected by the DSDP. The computer program outlined in Davies et al., 1977, uses a modified deep-sea sediment classification scheme developed by the JOIDES Advisory Panel on Sedimentary Petrology and Physical Properties (van Andel et al., 1973). The file provides the user with a standardized lithologic data base. The file also contains information on basic composition, average density, porosity, geologic age and the shipboard observer's lithologic description. SCREEN PROGRAM DATA FLAG: Special character used to relay data disposition information to the DSDP SCREEN production program. TOTAL SILICEOUS COMPONENTS: The sum of the biogenic silica component percentages. TOTAL CALCAREOUS COMPONENTS: The sum of the calcareous component percentages. SLOW SEDIMENT INDICATORS: The sum of the component percentages which imply the sediment was deposited at a slow depostional rate. These include manganese oxide, fish debris, limonite, etc. . SHALLOW WATER INDICATORS: The sum of the component percentages which imply the sediment was deposited in shallow water. These include shell debris, glauconite, terrigenous material, etc. . TOTAL VOLCANICS: The sum of the volcanic component percentages such as glass, pumice and palagonite. DOLOMITE: Since dolomite must be considered both as a mineral and a rock type, the percent dolomite was encoded separately in order for the SCREEN program to properly classify the sample. EVAPORITES: The sum of the evaporite component percentages. These include anhydrite, gypsum, halite, etc. . TOTAL PERCENT COMPONENTS REPORTED: Ideally, the total components should always sum to 100%. However due to faulty reporting or when relative abundances necessitate conversion to numerical percentages this number may be more or less than 100%. In these cases the totals are normalized prior to their being processed by the SCREEN program. (NGDC Note: totals were NOT normalized for SCREEN as indicated. Confirmed by P. Woodbury 8/88) SEDIMENT NAME: The name given to the sediment by the describer on the corresponding visual core description. NUMERIC AGE CODE: An eight digit hierarchical code which represents a specific age. The code is designed to provide age level information as outlined below. Age assignments are determined by comparing the smear slide depth against the depths within the DSDP age profile data base. The corresponding age code is then transferred to the smear slide data base. CODE DIGIT AGE LEVEL ========== ========= 1 (1) ERA 2-3 (2) PERIOD 4 (3) SUBPERIOD 5 (4) EPOCH 6 (5) SUBEPOCH 7 (6) STAGE 8 (7) SUBSTAGE Smearslide errors include the following: Cores and Sections within cores were out of sequence throughout the Smearslide data base. In some cases there are two sets of information for one interval which match except for a small change in a percentage for one component. This suggests that during an update at DSDP new or corrected information for an interval may have been placed in the file out of order. The Smearslide data base has been completely re-sorted, but "duplicate" records were not eliminated. NGDC personnel felt that data users are better qualified to select "correct" entries where multiple data exist, perhaps by comparing the data to the Initial Reports. The following is a list of verified out-of-order cores found, others may have existed in the file: Leg 3, Hole 13, Core 1 Leg 3, Hole 20C, Cores 2,4,5 Leg 9, Hole 80A, Cores 2,3 Leg 17, Hole 171, Core 28 Leg 19, Hole 183, Cores 12-15,17 Leg 21, Hole 207A, Cores 20,26 Leg 22, Hole 217, Cores 1,25 Leg 24, Hole 231, Cores 36,37 Leg 25, Hole 239, Cores 1,11-14,18 Leg 25, Hole 241, Core 1 Leg 27, Hole 262, Core 28 Leg 29, Hole 277, Core 1 Leg 30, Hole 286, Core 2 Leg 30, Hole 289, Core 13 Leg 32, Hole 303, Cores 2,4 Leg 50, Hole 416A, Cores 21,22 Leg 75, Hole 530A, Cores 69,70 Age codes within the Smearslide data base frequently contained even numbers, which are not valid. After discussing this with DSDP staff, we found that these even numbers were interpolations due to uncertain ages. After consulting Peter Woodbury of the DSDP, even numbers and all digits to their right were replaced with zeros to show the lack of precision past the last valid age level. Core/Hole renumbering: 1) The original Smearslide data file referenced Hole 1A for Leg 1. Hole 1A does not exist in the Coredepths file or the Initial Reports. After comparing cores in Hole 1 and cores listed under "Hole 1A" in the Smearslide file, the cores from Hole 1 were assigned "X 1", etc. Hole 1A was then changed to Hole 1. 2) Leg 16, Hole 155, Cores S13 and S14 (sidewall cores), were changed to S1 and S2 to match the numbering scheme for sidewall cores at that hole used by the Coredepths file and other data files. 3) Leg 93, Hole 603, Cores 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, and 53 were represented in the Coredepths file as H_. An "H" was appended to those cores in the Smearslide file. Columns 34-38 of the lead record should contain a space followed by the describer's initials: Echos of parts of the %silt/clay fields were found in nearly half of the records - these were removed by NGDC staff. The other records were blank in the describer's initials field. No confirmed, valid describers' initials were found in this file. There are frequent occurrences of numeric entries in columns 73-84 of the smear slide component record. These numeric entries sometimes appear as age codes or look like '00000000010'. The second type of entry contains nine zeros and a three digit number, which is not always '101'. There should only be spaces in columns 73-84. (NGDC staff have removed these characters after consultation with DSDP data management) The "Slide Type Code", which was column 40 on the lead record in the original documentation is not present. Instead, column 40 contains either a "D" or an "M" for dominant or minor lithology (column 51 in original documentation). The total components fields on the lead record in columns 61-81 have not been normalized. Percentages well over 200% will result from adding up individual components in some cases. See NGDC NOTES under the field explanation for "TOTAL PERCENT COMPONENTS REPORTED" above. DSDP Smear 8/86