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Area Summary - Indian Ocean

Results of search on the Marine Trackline Geophysics Database - Gravity

32.649 39.782
28.432 27.530
-33.675 18.915
-72.204 19.681
-70.863 148.325
-12.015 142.773
-5.689 141.050
-3.772 133.393
-1.663 131.670
9.263 125.353
14.438 121.333
31.882 121.141

Geophysical data summary in nautical miles

Source Surveys Nav Bath Mag Grav Seis ss/ref dig grav
LAMONT (LDEO) 122 439078 421523 398811 398508 0 0 724523
WOODS HOLE O.I. 27 94604 92329 77074 85209 0 0 126766
NOAA 2 17179 17136 15728 12740 0 0 10172
US GEOL. SURVEY 1 2138 1454 1211 1794 981 0 17228
U.HAWAII SOEST 6 21228 20411 11874 20543 0 0 166243
SCRIPPS INST.OC 9 37721 35105 28473 28071 6330 0 52875
CHINA 3 611 611 0 609 0 0 303
UNITED KINGDOM 10 35336 34290 30991 34807 0 0 125012
AUSTRALIA 1 9344 4705 8123 9237 0 0 74497
RUSSIA 7 31944 26428 0 31944 0 0 12511
FRANCE 15 54454 46107 39013 49643 0 0 304810
ORSTOM NEW CAL 1 3777 3295 3618 3498 0 0 4522
UNIV TOKYO 7 17639 17551 24 17607 0 0 16852
INST.POLAR RES. 27 86203 81554 0 86203 0 0 416076
Grand Totals 238 851257 802499 614940 780414 7310 0 2052390

248.3 Megabytes needed to store standard MGD77 data from this SEARCH

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