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Directory Title: Hawaiian Islands Gravity Data per 2 min Cell (96)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Dennis G. Milbert

Contributing Organization: NOAA, National Geodetic Survey, N/NGS5
1315 East-West Highway, Room 9349
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282

Summary: This 2' gravity density grid for the Principal Hawaiian Islands displays the distribution of about 61,000 terrestrial and marine gravity data held in the National Geodetic Survey gravity data base in July 1996. These data were augmented by gravity data contributions from NIMA (former Defense Mapping Agency) and by satellite altimeter-derived marine gravity anomalies computed by Sandwell and Smith (1996). The values show the number of gravity data contained in a given 2' cell.

Additional information is available at:

We are particularly grateful to NIMA for their assistance and their data contributions.

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