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11.G. Obtaining and Importing GLOBE Data

11.G.i. Obtaining the Data See Section 10.
11.G.ii. GUNZIP the Compressed Data from the Web Site
11.G.iii. Which Computer Are You Using?
11.G.iv. Importing into NGDC's GeoVu
11.G.v. Importing into Clark University's Idrisi Importing into the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' GRASS
11.G.vii. Importing into ERDAS
11.G.viii. Importing into ESRI's Arc/INFO
11.G.ix. Importing into ESRI's ArcView
11.G.x. Importing into Adobe Photoshop
11.G.xi. Importing into Other Software Packages
11.G.xii. Importing into ESRI's ArcGIS 9.x


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