PROGRAM IGRF12 C C This is a program for synthesising geomagnetic field values from the C International Geomagnetic Reference Field series of models as agreed c in December 2014 by IAGA Working Group V-MOD. C It is the 12th generation IGRF, ie the 11th revision. C The main-field models for 1900.0, 1905.0,..1940.0 and 2015.0 are C non-definitive, those for 1945.0, 1950.0,...2010.0 are definitive and C the secular-variation model for 2015.0 to 2020.0 is non-definitive. C C Main-field models are to degree and order 10 (ie 120 coefficients) C for 1900.0-1995.0 and to 13 (ie 195 coefficients) for 2000.0 onwards. C The predictive secular-variation model is to degree and order 8 (ie 80 C coefficients). C C Options include values at different locations at different C times (spot), values at same location at one year intervals C (time series), grid of values at one time (grid); geodetic or C geocentric coordinates, latitude & longitude entered as decimal C degrees or degrees & minutes (not in grid), choice of main field C or secular variation or both (grid only). C Recent history of code: c Aug 2003: c Adapted from 8th generation version to include new maximum degree for c main-field models for 2000.0 and onwards and use WGS84 spheroid instead c of International Astronomical Union 1966 spheroid as recommended by IAGA c in July 2003. Reference radius remains as 6371.2 km - it is NOT the mean c radius (= 6371.0 km) but 6371.2 km is what is used in determining the c coefficients. c Dec 2004: c Adapted for 10th generation c Jul 2005: c 1995.0 coefficients as published in igrf9coeffs.xls and igrf10coeffs.xls c now used in code - (Kimmo Korhonen spotted 1 nT difference in 11 coefficients) c Dec 2009: c Adapted for 11th generation c Dec 2014: c Adapted for 12th generation c IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) CHARACTER*1 IA CHARACTER*11 TYPE CHARACTER*20 NAME CHARACTER*30 FNM DATA DTMN,DTMX/1900.0,2025.0/ C C WRITE(6,*) WRITE(6,*)'******************************************************' WRITE(6,*)'* IGRF SYNTHESIS PROGRAM *' WRITE(6,*)'* *' WRITE(6,*)'* A program for the computation of geomagnetic *' WRITE(6,*)'* field elements from the International Geomagnetic *' WRITE(6,*)'* Reference Field (12th generation) as revised in *' WRITE(6,*)'* December 2014 by the IAGA Working Group V-MOD. *' WRITE(6,*)'* *' WRITE(6,*)'* It is valid for dates from 1900.0 to 2020.0, *' WRITE(6,*)'* values up to 2025.0 will be computed but with *' WRITE(6,*)'* reduced accuracy. Values for dates before 1945.0 *' WRITE(6,*)'* and after 2010.0 are non-definitive, otherwise the *' WRITE(6,*)'* values are definitive. *' WRITE(6,*)'* *' WRITE(6,*)'* Susan Macmillan British Geological Survey *' WRITE(6,*)'* IAGA Working Group V-MOD *' WRITE(6,*)'******************************************************' WRITE(6,*) WRITE(6,*)'Enter name of output file (30 characters maximum)' WRITE(6,*)'or press "Return" for output to screen' READ (5,991) FNM 991 FORMAT (A30) IF (ICHAR(FNM(1:1)).EQ.32) THEN IU = 6 ELSE IU = 2 OPEN (UNIT = IU,FILE = FNM,STATUS = 'NEW') END IF FACT = 180.0/3.141592654 NCOUNT = 0 C 10 WRITE(6,*)'Enter value for coordinate system:' WRITE(6,*) 1'1 - geodetic (shape of Earth is approximated by a spheroid)' WRITE(6,*) 1'2 - geocentric (shape of Earth is approximated by a sphere)' READ (5,*) ITYPE IF (ITYPE.LT.1.OR.ITYPE.GT.2) GO TO 10 IF (ITYPE.EQ.1) TYPE = ' geodetic ' IF (ITYPE.EQ.2) TYPE = ' geocentric' C 20 WRITE(6,*) 'Choose an option:' WRITE(6,*) '1 - values at one or more locations & dates' WRITE(6,*) '2 - values at yearly intervals at one location' WRITE(6,*) '3 - values on a latitude/longitude grid at one date' READ (5,*) IOPT IF(IOPT.LT.1.OR.IOPT.GT.3) GO TO 20 IF (IOPT.EQ.3) GO TO 150 C 30 WRITE(6,*)'Enter value for format of latitudes and longitudes:' WRITE(6,*)'1 - in degrees & minutes' WRITE(6,*)'2 - in decimal degrees' READ (5,*) IDM IF (IDM.LT.1.OR.IDM.GT.2) GO TO 30 IF (NCOUNT.EQ.0) GOTO 50 C 40 WRITE(6,*) 1'Do you want values for another date & position? (y/n)' READ (5,'(A1)') IA IF (IA.NE.'Y'.AND.IA.NE.'y'.AND.IA.NE.'N'.AND.IA.NE.'n') 1 GO TO 40 IF(IA.EQ.'N'.OR.IA.EQ.'n') THEN WRITE(IU,928) 928 FORMAT (' D is declination (+ve east)'/ 1 ' I is inclination (+ve down)'/ 2 ' H is horizontal intensity'/ 3 ' X is north component'/ 4 ' Y is east component'/ 5 ' Z is vertical component (+ve down)'/ 6 ' F is total intensity') WRITE(IU,929) 929 FORMAT (/' SV is secular variation (annual rate of change)') IF (ITYPE.EQ.2) THEN WRITE(IU,*) 1'These elements are relative to the geocentric coordinate system' ELSE WRITE(IU,*) ENDIF STOP ENDIF C 50 NCOUNT = 1 IF (IOPT.NE.2) THEN WRITE(6,*) 'Enter date in years A.D.' READ (5,*) DATE IF (DATE.LT.DTMN.OR.DATE.GT.DTMX) GO TO 209 ENDIF IF(ITYPE.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(6,*) 'Enter altitude in km' ELSE WRITE(6,*) 'Enter radial distance in km (>3485 km)' END IF READ (5,*) ALT IF (ITYPE.EQ.2.AND.ALT.LE.3485.0) GO TO 210 C IF (IDM.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(6,*) 'Enter latitude & longitude in degrees & minutes' WRITE(6,*) '(if either latitude or longitude is between -1' WRITE(6,*) 'and 0 degrees, enter the minutes as negative).' WRITE(6,*) 'Enter 4 integers' READ (5,*) LTD,LTM,LND,LNM IF (LTD.LT.-90.OR.LTD.GT.90.OR.LTM.LE.-60.OR.LTM.GE.60) GO TO 204 IF (LND.LT.-360.OR.LND.GT.360.OR.LNM.LE.-60.OR.LNM.GE.60) 1 GO TO 205 IF (LTM.LT.0.AND.LTD.NE.0) GO TO 204 IF (LNM.LT.0.AND.LND.NE.0) GO TO 205 CALL DMDDEC (LTD,LTM,XLT) CALL DMDDEC (LND,LNM,XLN) ELSE WRITE(6,*) 'Enter latitude & longitude in decimal degrees' READ (5,*) XLT,XLN IF (XLT.LT.-90.0.OR.XLT.GT.90.0) GO TO 202 IF (XLN.LT.-360.0.OR.XLN.GT.360.0) GO TO 203 ENDIF C WRITE(*,*) 'Enter place name (20 characters maximum)' READ (*,'(A)') NAME CLT = 90.0 - XLT IF (CLT.LT.0.0.OR.CLT.GT.180.0) GO TO 204 IF (XLN.LE.-360.0.OR.XLN.GE.360.0) GO TO 205 IF (IOPT.EQ.2) GOTO 60 C CALL IGRF12SYN (0,DATE,ITYPE,ALT,CLT,XLN,X,Y,Z,F) D = FACT*ATAN2(Y,X) H = SQRT(X*X + Y*Y) S = FACT*ATAN2(Z,H) CALL DDECDM (D,IDEC,IDECM) CALL DDECDM (S,INC,INCM) C CALL IGRF12SYN (1,DATE,ITYPE,ALT,CLT,XLN,DX,DY,DZ,F1) DD = (60.0*FACT*(X*DY - Y*DX))/(H*H) DH = (X*DX + Y*DY)/H DS = (60.0*FACT*(H*DZ - Z*DH))/(F*F) DF = (H*DH + Z*DZ)/F C IF (IDM.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(IU,930) DATE,LTD,LTM,TYPE,LND,LNM,ALT,NAME 930 FORMAT (1X,F8.3,' Lat',2I4,A11,' Long ',2I4,F10.3,' km ',A20) ELSE WRITE(IU,931) DATE,XLT,TYPE,XLN,ALT,NAME 931 FORMAT (1X,F8.3,' Lat',F8.3,A11,' Long ',F8.3,F10.3,' km ',A20) ENDIF C IDD = NINT(DD) WRITE(IU,937) IDEC,IDECM,IDD 937 FORMAT (15X,'D =',I5,' deg',I4,' min',4X,'SV =',I8,' min/yr') C IDS = NINT(DS) WRITE(IU,939) INC,INCM,IDS 939 FORMAT (15X,'I =',I5,' deg',I4,' min',4X,'SV =',I8,' min/yr') C IH = NINT(H) IDH = NINT(DH) WRITE(IU,941) IH,IDH 941 FORMAT (15X,'H =',I8,' nT ',5X,'SV =',I8,' nT/yr') C IX = NINT(X) IDX = NINT(DX) WRITE(IU,943) IX,IDX 943 FORMAT (15X,'X =',I8,' nT ',5X,'SV =',I8,' nT/yr') C IY = NINT(Y) IDY = NINT(DY) WRITE(IU,945) IY,IDY 945 FORMAT (15X,'Y =',I8,' nT ',5X,'SV =',I8,' nT/yr') C IZ = NINT(Z) IDZ = NINT(DZ) WRITE(IU,947) IZ,IDZ 947 FORMAT (15X,'Z =',I8,' nT ',5X,'SV =',I8,' nT/yr') C NF = NINT(F) IDF = NINT(DF) WRITE(IU,949) NF,IDF 949 FORMAT (15X,'F =',I8,' nT ',5X,'SV =',I8,' nT/yr'/) C GO TO 40 C 60 CONTINUE C C SERIES OF VALUES AT ONE LOCATION... C IF (IDM.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(IU,932) LTD,LTM,TYPE,LND,LNM,ALT,NAME 932 FORMAT ('Lat',2I4,A11,' Long ',2I4,F10.3,' km ',A20) ELSE WRITE(IU,933) XLT,TYPE,XLN,ALT,NAME 933 FORMAT ('Lat',F8.3,A11,' Long ',F8.3,F10.3,' km ',A20) ENDIF WRITE (IU,934) 934 FORMAT (3X,'DATE',7X,'D',3X,'SV',6X,'I',2X,'SV',6X,'H',4X,'SV', 17X,'X',4X,'SV',7X,'Y',4X,'SV',7X,'Z',4X,'SV',6X,'F',4X,'SV') IMX = DTMX - DTMN - 5 DO 70 I = 1,IMX DATE = DTMN - 0.5 + I CALL IGRF12SYN (0,DATE,ITYPE,ALT,CLT,XLN,X,Y,Z,F) D = FACT*ATAN2(Y,X) H = SQRT(X*X + Y*Y) S = FACT*ATAN2(Z,H) IH = NINT(H) IX = NINT(X) IY = NINT(Y) IZ = NINT(Z) NF = NINT(F) C CALL IGRF12SYN (1,DATE,ITYPE,ALT,CLT,XLN,DX,DY,DZ,F1) DD = (60.0*FACT*(X*DY - Y*DX))/(H*H) DH = (X*DX + Y*DY)/H DS = (60.0*FACT*(H*DZ - Z*DH))/(F*F) DF = (H*DH + Z*DZ)/F IDD = NINT(DD) IDH = NINT(DH) IDS = NINT(DS) IDX = NINT(DX) IDY = NINT(DY) IDZ = NINT(DZ) IDF = NINT(DF) C WRITE(IU,935) 1 DATE,D,IDD,S,IDS,IH,IDH,IX,IDX,IY,IDY,IZ,IDZ,NF,IDF 935 FORMAT(1X,F6.1,F8.2,I5,F7.2,I4,I7,I6,3(I8,I6),I7,I6) 70 CONTINUE IFL = 2 GOTO 158 C C GRID OF VALUES... C 150 WRITE(6,*)'Enter value for MF/SV flag:' WRITE(6,*)'0 for main field (MF)' WRITE(6,*)'1 for secular variation (SV)' WRITE(6,*)'2 for both' WRITE(6,*)'9 to quit' READ (5,*) IFL IF (IFL.EQ.9) STOP IF (IFL.NE.0.AND.IFL.NE.1.AND.IFL.NE.2) GOTO 150 C WRITE(6,*) 'Enter initial value, final value & increment or' WRITE(6,*) 'decrement of latitude, in degrees & decimals' READ (5,*) XLTI,XLTF,XLTD LTI = NINT(1000.0*XLTI) LTF = NINT(1000.0*XLTF) LTD = NINT(1000.0*XLTD) WRITE(6,*) 'Enter initial value, final value & increment or' WRITE(6,*) 'decrement of longitude, in degrees & decimals' READ (5,*) XLNI,XLNF,XLND LNI = NINT(1000.0*XLNI) LNF = NINT(1000.0*XLNF) LND = NINT(1000.0*XLND) IF (LTI.LT.-90000.OR.LTI.GT.90000) GO TO 206 IF (LTF.LT.-90000.OR.LTF.GT.90000) GO TO 206 IF (LNI.LT.-360000.OR.LNI.GT.360000) GO TO 207 IF (LNF.LT.-360000.OR.LNF.GT.360000) GO TO 207 98 WRITE(6,*) 'Enter date in years A.D.' READ (5,*) DATE IF (DATE.LT.DTMN.OR.DATE.GT.DTMX) GO TO 209 IF (ITYPE.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(6,*) 'Enter altitude in km' ELSE WRITE(6,*) 'Enter radial distance in km (>3485 km)' END IF READ (5,*) ALT IF (ITYPE.EQ.2.AND.ALT.LE.3485.0) GO TO 210 WRITE(IU,958) DATE,ALT,TYPE 958 FORMAT (' Date =',F9.3,5X,'Altitude =',F10.3,' km',5X,A11// 1 ' Lat Long',7X,'D',7X,'I',7X,'H',7X,'X',7X,'Y', 2 7X,'Z',7X,'F') C LT = LTI 151 XLT = LT XLT = 0.001*XLT CLT = 90.0 - XLT IF (CLT.LT.-0.001.OR.CLT.GT.180.001) GO TO 202 LN = LNI 152 XLN = LN XLN = 0.001*XLN IF (XLN.LE.-360.0) XLN = XLN + 360.0 IF (XLN.GE.360.0) XLN = XLN - 360.0 CALL IGRF12SYN (0,DATE,ITYPE,ALT,CLT,XLN,X,Y,Z,F) D = FACT*ATAN2(Y,X) H = SQRT(X*X + Y*Y) S = FACT*ATAN2(Z,H) IH = NINT(H) IX = NINT(X) IY = NINT(Y) IZ = NINT(Z) NF = NINT(F) IF (IFL.EQ.0) GOTO 153 CALL IGRF12SYN (1,DATE,ITYPE,ALT,CLT,XLN,DX,DY,DZ,F1) IDX = NINT(DX) IDY = NINT(DY) IDZ = NINT(DZ) DD = (60.0*FACT*(X*DY - Y*DX))/(H*H) IDD = NINT(DD) DH = (X*DX + Y*DY)/H IDH = NINT(DH) DS = (60.0*FACT*(H*DZ - Z*DH))/(F*F) IDS = NINT(DS) DF = (H*DH + Z*DZ)/F IDF = NINT(DF) C 153 CONTINUE IF (IFL.EQ.0) WRITE(IU,959) XLT,XLN,D,S,IH,IX,IY,IZ,NF IF (IFL.EQ.1) WRITE(IU,960) XLT,XLN,IDD,IDS,IDH,IDX,IDY,IDZ,IDF IF (IFL.EQ.2) THEN WRITE(IU,959) XLT,XLN,D,S,IH,IX,IY,IZ,NF WRITE(IU,961) IDD,IDS,IDH,IDX,IDY,IDZ,IDF ENDIF 959 FORMAT (2F9.3,2F8.2,5I8) 960 FORMAT (2F9.3,7I8) 961 FORMAT (14X,'SV: ',7I8) C 154 LN = LN + LND IF (LND.LT.0) GO TO 156 IF (LN.LE.LNF) GO TO 152 155 LT = LT + LTD IF (LTD.LT.0) GO TO 157 IF (LT - LTF) 151,151,158 156 IF (LN - LNF) 155,152,152 157 IF (LT.GE.LTF) GO TO 151 158 CONTINUE IF (IFL.EQ.0.OR.IFL.EQ.2) THEN WRITE(IU,962) 962 FORMAT (/' D is declination in degrees (+ve east)'/ 1 ' I is inclination in degrees (+ve down)'/ 2 ' H is horizontal intensity in nT'/ 3 ' X is north component in nT'/ 4 ' Y is east component in nT'/ 5 ' Z is vertical component in nT (+ve down)'/ 6 ' F is total intensity in nT') IF (IFL.NE.0) WRITE(IU,963) 963 FORMAT (' SV is secular variation (annual rate of change)'/ 1' Units for SV: minutes/yr (D & I); nT/yr (H,X,Y,Z & F)') IF (ITYPE.EQ.2) WRITE(IU,*) 1'These elements are relative to the geocentric coordinate system' ELSE WRITE(IU,964) 964 FORMAT (/' D is SV in declination in minutes/yr (+ve east)'/ 1 ' I is SV in inclination in minutes/yr (+ve down)'/ 2 ' H is SV in horizontal intensity in nT/yr'/ 3 ' X is SV in north component in nT/yr'/ 4 ' Y is SV in east component in nT/yr'/ 5 ' Z is SV in vertical component in nT/yr (+ve down)'/ 6 ' F is SV in total intensity in nT/yr') IF (ITYPE.EQ.2) WRITE(IU,*) 1'These elements are relative to the geocentric coordinate system' ENDIF 159 STOP C 209 WRITE(6,972) DATE 972 FORMAT (' ***** Error *****'/' DATE =',F9.3, 1 ' - out of range') STOP C 210 WRITE(6,973) ALT,ITYPE 973 FORMAT (' ***** Error *****'/' A value of ALT =',F10.3, 1 ' is not allowed when ITYPE =',I2) STOP C 202 WRITE(6,966) XLT 966 FORMAT (' ***** Error *****'/' XLT =',F9.3, 1 ' - out of range') STOP C 203 WRITE(6,967) XLN 967 FORMAT (' ***** Error *****'/' XLN =',F10.3, 1 ' - out of range') STOP C 204 WRITE(6,968) LTD,LTM 968 FORMAT (' ***** Error *****'/' Latitude out of range', 1 ' - LTD =',I6,5X,'LTM =',I4) STOP C 205 WRITE(6,969) LND,LNM 969 FORMAT (' ***** Error *****'/' Longitude out of range', 1 ' - LND =',I8,5X,'LNM =',I4) STOP C 206 WRITE(6,970) LTI,LTF 970 FORMAT (' ***** Error *****'/ 1 ' Latitude limits of table out of range - LTI =', 2 I6,5X,' LTF =',I6) STOP C 207 WRITE(6,971) LNI,LNF 971 FORMAT (' ***** Error *****'/ 1 ' Longitude limits of table out of range - LNI =', 2 I8,5X,' LNF =',I8) STOP C END C SUBROUTINE DMDDEC (I,M,X) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) DE = I EM = M IF (I.LT.0) EM = -EM X = DE + EM/60.0 RETURN END C SUBROUTINE DDECDM (X,I,M) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) SIG = SIGN(1.1D0,X) DR = ABS(X) I = INT(DR) T = I M = NINT(60.*(DR - T)) IF (M.EQ.60) THEN M = 0 I = I + 1 ENDIF ISIG = INT(SIG) IF (I.NE.0) THEN I = I * ISIG ELSE IF (M.NE.0) M = M * ISIG ENDIF RETURN END subroutine igrf12syn (isv,date,itype,alt,colat,elong,x,y,z,f) c c This is a synthesis routine for the 12th generation IGRF as agreed c in December 2014 by IAGA Working Group V-MOD. It is valid 1900.0 to c 2020.0 inclusive. Values for dates from 1945.0 to 2010.0 inclusive are c definitive, otherwise they are non-definitive. c INPUT c isv = 0 if main-field values are required c isv = 1 if secular variation values are required c date = year A.D. Must be greater than or equal to 1900.0 and c less than or equal to 2025.0. Warning message is given c for dates greater than 2020.0. Must be double precision. c itype = 1 if geodetic (spheroid) c itype = 2 if geocentric (sphere) c alt = height in km above sea level if itype = 1 c = distance from centre of Earth in km if itype = 2 (>3485 km) c colat = colatitude (0-180) c elong = east-longitude (0-360) c alt, colat and elong must be double precision. c OUTPUT c x = north component (nT) if isv = 0, nT/year if isv = 1 c y = east component (nT) if isv = 0, nT/year if isv = 1 c z = vertical component (nT) if isv = 0, nT/year if isv = 1 c f = total intensity (nT) if isv = 0, rubbish if isv = 1 c c To get the other geomagnetic elements (D, I, H and secular c variations dD, dH, dI and dF) use routines ptoc and ptocsv. c c Adapted from 8th generation version to include new maximum degree for c main-field models for 2000.0 and onwards and use WGS84 spheroid instead c of International Astronomical Union 1966 spheroid as recommended by IAGA c in July 2003. Reference radius remains as 6371.2 km - it is NOT the mean c radius (= 6371.0 km) but 6371.2 km is what is used in determining the c coefficients. Adaptation by Susan Macmillan, August 2003 (for c 9th generation), December 2004, December 2009 & December 2014. c c Coefficients at 1995.0 incorrectly rounded (rounded up instead of c to even) included as these are the coefficients published in Excel c spreadsheet July 2005. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension gh(3451),g0(120),g1(120),g2(120),g3(120),g4(120), 1 g5(120),g6(120),g7(120),g8(120),g9(120),ga(120), 2 gb(120),gc(120),gd(120),ge(120),gf(120),gg(120), 3 gi(120),gj(120),gk(195),gl(195),gm(195),gp(195), 4 gq(195),gr(195), 5 p(105),q(105),cl(13),sl(13) equivalence (g0,gh(1)),(g1,gh(121)),(g2,gh(241)),(g3,gh(361)), 1 (g4,gh(481)),(g5,gh(601)),(g6,gh(721)),(g7,gh(841)), 2 (g8,gh(961)),(g9,gh(1081)),(ga,gh(1201)), 3 (gb,gh(1321)),(gc,gh(1441)),(gd,gh(1561)), 4 (ge,gh(1681)),(gf,gh(1801)),(gg,gh(1921)), 5 (gi,gh(2041)),(gj,gh(2161)),(gk,gh(2281)), 6 (gl,gh(2476)),(gm,gh(2671)),(gp,gh(2866)), 7 (gq,gh(3061)),(gr,gh(3256)) c data g0/ -31543.,-2298., 5922., -677., 2905.,-1061., 924., 1121., 1900 1 1022.,-1469., -330., 1256., 3., 572., 523., 876., 1900 2 628., 195., 660., -69., -361., -210., 134., -75., 1900 3 -184., 328., -210., 264., 53., 5., -33., -86., 1900 4 -124., -16., 3., 63., 61., -9., -11., 83., 1900 5 -217., 2., -58., -35., 59., 36., -90., -69., 1900 6 70., -55., -45., 0., -13., 34., -10., -41., 1900 7 -1., -21., 28., 18., -12., 6., -22., 11., 1900 8 8., 8., -4., -14., -9., 7., 1., -13., 1900 9 2., 5., -9., 16., 5., -5., 8., -18., 1900 a 8., 10., -20., 1., 14., -11., 5., 12., 1900 b -3., 1., -2., -2., 8., 2., 10., -1., 1900 c -2., -1., 2., -3., -4., 2., 2., 1., 1900 d -5., 2., -2., 6., 6., -4., 4., 0., 1900 e 0., -2., 2., 4., 2., 0., 0., -6./ 1900 data g1/ -31464.,-2298., 5909., -728., 2928.,-1086., 1041., 1065., 1905 1 1037.,-1494., -357., 1239., 34., 635., 480., 880., 1905 2 643., 203., 653., -77., -380., -201., 146., -65., 1905 3 -192., 328., -193., 259., 56., -1., -32., -93., 1905 4 -125., -26., 11., 62., 60., -7., -11., 86., 1905 5 -221., 4., -57., -32., 57., 32., -92., -67., 1905 6 70., -54., -46., 0., -14., 33., -11., -41., 1905 7 0., -20., 28., 18., -12., 6., -22., 11., 1905 8 8., 8., -4., -15., -9., 7., 1., -13., 1905 9 2., 5., -8., 16., 5., -5., 8., -18., 1905 a 8., 10., -20., 1., 14., -11., 5., 12., 1905 b -3., 1., -2., -2., 8., 2., 10., 0., 1905 c -2., -1., 2., -3., -4., 2., 2., 1., 1905 d -5., 2., -2., 6., 6., -4., 4., 0., 1905 e 0., -2., 2., 4., 2., 0., 0., -6./ 1905 data g2/ -31354.,-2297., 5898., -769., 2948.,-1128., 1176., 1000., 1910 1 1058.,-1524., -389., 1223., 62., 705., 425., 884., 1910 2 660., 211., 644., -90., -400., -189., 160., -55., 1910 3 -201., 327., -172., 253., 57., -9., -33., -102., 1910 4 -126., -38., 21., 62., 58., -5., -11., 89., 1910 5 -224., 5., -54., -29., 54., 28., -95., -65., 1910 6 71., -54., -47., 1., -14., 32., -12., -40., 1910 7 1., -19., 28., 18., -13., 6., -22., 11., 1910 8 8., 8., -4., -15., -9., 6., 1., -13., 1910 9 2., 5., -8., 16., 5., -5., 8., -18., 1910 a 8., 10., -20., 1., 14., -11., 5., 12., 1910 b -3., 1., -2., -2., 8., 2., 10., 0., 1910 c -2., -1., 2., -3., -4., 2., 2., 1., 1910 d -5., 2., -2., 6., 6., -4., 4., 0., 1910 e 0., -2., 2., 4., 2., 0., 0., -6./ 1910 data g3/ -31212.,-2306., 5875., -802., 2956.,-1191., 1309., 917., 1915 1 1084.,-1559., -421., 1212., 84., 778., 360., 887., 1915 2 678., 218., 631., -109., -416., -173., 178., -51., 1915 3 -211., 327., -148., 245., 58., -16., -34., -111., 1915 4 -126., -51., 32., 61., 57., -2., -10., 93., 1915 5 -228., 8., -51., -26., 49., 23., -98., -62., 1915 6 72., -54., -48., 2., -14., 31., -12., -38., 1915 7 2., -18., 28., 19., -15., 6., -22., 11., 1915 8 8., 8., -4., -15., -9., 6., 2., -13., 1915 9 3., 5., -8., 16., 6., -5., 8., -18., 1915 a 8., 10., -20., 1., 14., -11., 5., 12., 1915 b -3., 1., -2., -2., 8., 2., 10., 0., 1915 c -2., -1., 2., -3., -4., 2., 2., 1., 1915 d -5., 2., -2., 6., 6., -4., 4., 0., 1915 e 0., -2., 1., 4., 2., 0., 0., -6./ 1915 data g4/ -31060.,-2317., 5845., -839., 2959.,-1259., 1407., 823., 1920 1 1111.,-1600., -445., 1205., 103., 839., 293., 889., 1920 2 695., 220., 616., -134., -424., -153., 199., -57., 1920 3 -221., 326., -122., 236., 58., -23., -38., -119., 1920 4 -125., -62., 43., 61., 55., 0., -10., 96., 1920 5 -233., 11., -46., -22., 44., 18., -101., -57., 1920 6 73., -54., -49., 2., -14., 29., -13., -37., 1920 7 4., -16., 28., 19., -16., 6., -22., 11., 1920 8 7., 8., -3., -15., -9., 6., 2., -14., 1920 9 4., 5., -7., 17., 6., -5., 8., -19., 1920 a 8., 10., -20., 1., 14., -11., 5., 12., 1920 b -3., 1., -2., -2., 9., 2., 10., 0., 1920 c -2., -1., 2., -3., -4., 2., 2., 1., 1920 d -5., 2., -2., 6., 6., -4., 4., 0., 1920 e 0., -2., 1., 4., 3., 0., 0., -6./ 1920 data g5/ -30926.,-2318., 5817., -893., 2969.,-1334., 1471., 728., 1925 1 1140.,-1645., -462., 1202., 119., 881., 229., 891., 1925 2 711., 216., 601., -163., -426., -130., 217., -70., 1925 3 -230., 326., -96., 226., 58., -28., -44., -125., 1925 4 -122., -69., 51., 61., 54., 3., -9., 99., 1925 5 -238., 14., -40., -18., 39., 13., -103., -52., 1925 6 73., -54., -50., 3., -14., 27., -14., -35., 1925 7 5., -14., 29., 19., -17., 6., -21., 11., 1925 8 7., 8., -3., -15., -9., 6., 2., -14., 1925 9 4., 5., -7., 17., 7., -5., 8., -19., 1925 a 8., 10., -20., 1., 14., -11., 5., 12., 1925 b -3., 1., -2., -2., 9., 2., 10., 0., 1925 c -2., -1., 2., -3., -4., 2., 2., 1., 1925 d -5., 2., -2., 6., 6., -4., 4., 0., 1925 e 0., -2., 1., 4., 3., 0., 0., -6./ 1925 data g6/ -30805.,-2316., 5808., -951., 2980.,-1424., 1517., 644., 1930 1 1172.,-1692., -480., 1205., 133., 907., 166., 896., 1930 2 727., 205., 584., -195., -422., -109., 234., -90., 1930 3 -237., 327., -72., 218., 60., -32., -53., -131., 1930 4 -118., -74., 58., 60., 53., 4., -9., 102., 1930 5 -242., 19., -32., -16., 32., 8., -104., -46., 1930 6 74., -54., -51., 4., -15., 25., -14., -34., 1930 7 6., -12., 29., 18., -18., 6., -20., 11., 1930 8 7., 8., -3., -15., -9., 5., 2., -14., 1930 9 5., 5., -6., 18., 8., -5., 8., -19., 1930 a 8., 10., -20., 1., 14., -12., 5., 12., 1930 b -3., 1., -2., -2., 9., 3., 10., 0., 1930 c -2., -2., 2., -3., -4., 2., 2., 1., 1930 d -5., 2., -2., 6., 6., -4., 4., 0., 1930 e 0., -2., 1., 4., 3., 0., 0., -6./ 1930 data g7/ -30715.,-2306., 5812.,-1018., 2984.,-1520., 1550., 586., 1935 1 1206.,-1740., -494., 1215., 146., 918., 101., 903., 1935 2 744., 188., 565., -226., -415., -90., 249., -114., 1935 3 -241., 329., -51., 211., 64., -33., -64., -136., 1935 4 -115., -76., 64., 59., 53., 4., -8., 104., 1935 5 -246., 25., -25., -15., 25., 4., -106., -40., 1935 6 74., -53., -52., 4., -17., 23., -14., -33., 1935 7 7., -11., 29., 18., -19., 6., -19., 11., 1935 8 7., 8., -3., -15., -9., 5., 1., -15., 1935 9 6., 5., -6., 18., 8., -5., 7., -19., 1935 a 8., 10., -20., 1., 15., -12., 5., 11., 1935 b -3., 1., -3., -2., 9., 3., 11., 0., 1935 c -2., -2., 2., -3., -4., 2., 2., 1., 1935 d -5., 2., -2., 6., 6., -4., 4., 0., 1935 e 0., -1., 2., 4., 3., 0., 0., -6./ 1935 data g8/ -30654.,-2292., 5821.,-1106., 2981.,-1614., 1566., 528., 1940 1 1240.,-1790., -499., 1232., 163., 916., 43., 914., 1940 2 762., 169., 550., -252., -405., -72., 265., -141., 1940 3 -241., 334., -33., 208., 71., -33., -75., -141., 1940 4 -113., -76., 69., 57., 54., 4., -7., 105., 1940 5 -249., 33., -18., -15., 18., 0., -107., -33., 1940 6 74., -53., -52., 4., -18., 20., -14., -31., 1940 7 7., -9., 29., 17., -20., 5., -19., 11., 1940 8 7., 8., -3., -14., -10., 5., 1., -15., 1940 9 6., 5., -5., 19., 9., -5., 7., -19., 1940 a 8., 10., -21., 1., 15., -12., 5., 11., 1940 b -3., 1., -3., -2., 9., 3., 11., 1., 1940 c -2., -2., 2., -3., -4., 2., 2., 1., 1940 d -5., 2., -2., 6., 6., -4., 4., 0., 1940 e 0., -1., 2., 4., 3., 0., 0., -6./ 1940 data g9/ -30594.,-2285., 5810.,-1244., 2990.,-1702., 1578., 477., 1945 1 1282.,-1834., -499., 1255., 186., 913., -11., 944., 1945 2 776., 144., 544., -276., -421., -55., 304., -178., 1945 3 -253., 346., -12., 194., 95., -20., -67., -142., 1945 4 -119., -82., 82., 59., 57., 6., 6., 100., 1945 5 -246., 16., -25., -9., 21., -16., -104., -39., 1945 6 70., -40., -45., 0., -18., 0., 2., -29., 1945 7 6., -10., 28., 15., -17., 29., -22., 13., 1945 8 7., 12., -8., -21., -5., -12., 9., -7., 1945 9 7., 2., -10., 18., 7., 3., 2., -11., 1945 a 5., -21., -27., 1., 17., -11., 29., 3., 1945 b -9., 16., 4., -3., 9., -4., 6., -3., 1945 c 1., -4., 8., -3., 11., 5., 1., 1., 1945 d 2., -20., -5., -1., -1., -6., 8., 6., 1945 e -1., -4., -3., -2., 5., 0., -2., -2./ 1945 data ga/ -30554.,-2250., 5815.,-1341., 2998.,-1810., 1576., 381., 1950 1 1297.,-1889., -476., 1274., 206., 896., -46., 954., 1950 2 792., 136., 528., -278., -408., -37., 303., -210., 1950 3 -240., 349., 3., 211., 103., -20., -87., -147., 1950 4 -122., -76., 80., 54., 57., -1., 4., 99., 1950 5 -247., 33., -16., -12., 12., -12., -105., -30., 1950 6 65., -55., -35., 2., -17., 1., 0., -40., 1950 7 10., -7., 36., 5., -18., 19., -16., 22., 1950 8 15., 5., -4., -22., -1., 0., 11., -21., 1950 9 15., -8., -13., 17., 5., -4., -1., -17., 1950 a 3., -7., -24., -1., 19., -25., 12., 10., 1950 b 2., 5., 2., -5., 8., -2., 8., 3., 1950 c -11., 8., -7., -8., 4., 13., -1., -2., 1950 d 13., -10., -4., 2., 4., -3., 12., 6., 1950 e 3., -3., 2., 6., 10., 11., 3., 8./ 1950 data gb/ -30500.,-2215., 5820.,-1440., 3003.,-1898., 1581., 291., 1955 1 1302.,-1944., -462., 1288., 216., 882., -83., 958., 1955 2 796., 133., 510., -274., -397., -23., 290., -230., 1955 3 -229., 360., 15., 230., 110., -23., -98., -152., 1955 4 -121., -69., 78., 47., 57., -9., 3., 96., 1955 5 -247., 48., -8., -16., 7., -12., -107., -24., 1955 6 65., -56., -50., 2., -24., 10., -4., -32., 1955 7 8., -11., 28., 9., -20., 18., -18., 11., 1955 8 9., 10., -6., -15., -14., 5., 6., -23., 1955 9 10., 3., -7., 23., 6., -4., 9., -13., 1955 a 4., 9., -11., -4., 12., -5., 7., 2., 1955 b 6., 4., -2., 1., 10., 2., 7., 2., 1955 c -6., 5., 5., -3., -5., -4., -1., 0., 1955 d 2., -8., -3., -2., 7., -4., 4., 1., 1955 e -2., -3., 6., 7., -2., -1., 0., -3./ 1955 data gc/ -30421.,-2169., 5791.,-1555., 3002.,-1967., 1590., 206., 1960 1 1302.,-1992., -414., 1289., 224., 878., -130., 957., 1960 2 800., 135., 504., -278., -394., 3., 269., -255., 1960 3 -222., 362., 16., 242., 125., -26., -117., -156., 1960 4 -114., -63., 81., 46., 58., -10., 1., 99., 1960 5 -237., 60., -1., -20., -2., -11., -113., -17., 1960 6 67., -56., -55., 5., -28., 15., -6., -32., 1960 7 7., -7., 23., 17., -18., 8., -17., 15., 1960 8 6., 11., -4., -14., -11., 7., 2., -18., 1960 9 10., 4., -5., 23., 10., 1., 8., -20., 1960 a 4., 6., -18., 0., 12., -9., 2., 1., 1960 b 0., 4., -3., -1., 9., -2., 8., 3., 1960 c 0., -1., 5., 1., -3., 4., 4., 1., 1960 d 0., 0., -1., 2., 4., -5., 6., 1., 1960 e 1., -1., -1., 6., 2., 0., 0., -7./ 1960 data gd/ -30334.,-2119., 5776.,-1662., 2997.,-2016., 1594., 114., 1965 1 1297.,-2038., -404., 1292., 240., 856., -165., 957., 1965 2 804., 148., 479., -269., -390., 13., 252., -269., 1965 3 -219., 358., 19., 254., 128., -31., -126., -157., 1965 4 -97., -62., 81., 45., 61., -11., 8., 100., 1965 5 -228., 68., 4., -32., 1., -8., -111., -7., 1965 6 75., -57., -61., 4., -27., 13., -2., -26., 1965 7 6., -6., 26., 13., -23., 1., -12., 13., 1965 8 5., 7., -4., -12., -14., 9., 0., -16., 1965 9 8., 4., -1., 24., 11., -3., 4., -17., 1965 a 8., 10., -22., 2., 15., -13., 7., 10., 1965 b -4., -1., -5., -1., 10., 5., 10., 1., 1965 c -4., -2., 1., -2., -3., 2., 2., 1., 1965 d -5., 2., -2., 6., 4., -4., 4., 0., 1965 e 0., -2., 2., 3., 2., 0., 0., -6./ 1965 data ge/ -30220.,-2068., 5737.,-1781., 3000.,-2047., 1611., 25., 1970 1 1287.,-2091., -366., 1278., 251., 838., -196., 952., 1970 2 800., 167., 461., -266., -395., 26., 234., -279., 1970 3 -216., 359., 26., 262., 139., -42., -139., -160., 1970 4 -91., -56., 83., 43., 64., -12., 15., 100., 1970 5 -212., 72., 2., -37., 3., -6., -112., 1., 1970 6 72., -57., -70., 1., -27., 14., -4., -22., 1970 7 8., -2., 23., 13., -23., -2., -11., 14., 1970 8 6., 7., -2., -15., -13., 6., -3., -17., 1970 9 5., 6., 0., 21., 11., -6., 3., -16., 1970 a 8., 10., -21., 2., 16., -12., 6., 10., 1970 b -4., -1., -5., 0., 10., 3., 11., 1., 1970 c -2., -1., 1., -3., -3., 1., 2., 1., 1970 d -5., 3., -1., 4., 6., -4., 4., 0., 1970 e 1., -1., 0., 3., 3., 1., -1., -4./ 1970 data gf/ -30100.,-2013., 5675.,-1902., 3010.,-2067., 1632., -68., 1975 1 1276.,-2144., -333., 1260., 262., 830., -223., 946., 1975 2 791., 191., 438., -265., -405., 39., 216., -288., 1975 3 -218., 356., 31., 264., 148., -59., -152., -159., 1975 4 -83., -49., 88., 45., 66., -13., 28., 99., 1975 5 -198., 75., 1., -41., 6., -4., -111., 11., 1975 6 71., -56., -77., 1., -26., 16., -5., -14., 1975 7 10., 0., 22., 12., -23., -5., -12., 14., 1975 8 6., 6., -1., -16., -12., 4., -8., -19., 1975 9 4., 6., 0., 18., 10., -10., 1., -17., 1975 a 7., 10., -21., 2., 16., -12., 7., 10., 1975 b -4., -1., -5., -1., 10., 4., 11., 1., 1975 c -3., -2., 1., -3., -3., 1., 2., 1., 1975 d -5., 3., -2., 4., 5., -4., 4., -1., 1975 e 1., -1., 0., 3., 3., 1., -1., -5./ 1975 data gg/ -29992.,-1956., 5604.,-1997., 3027.,-2129., 1663., -200., 1980 1 1281.,-2180., -336., 1251., 271., 833., -252., 938., 1980 2 782., 212., 398., -257., -419., 53., 199., -297., 1980 3 -218., 357., 46., 261., 150., -74., -151., -162., 1980 4 -78., -48., 92., 48., 66., -15., 42., 93., 1980 5 -192., 71., 4., -43., 14., -2., -108., 17., 1980 6 72., -59., -82., 2., -27., 21., -5., -12., 1980 7 16., 1., 18., 11., -23., -2., -10., 18., 1980 8 6., 7., 0., -18., -11., 4., -7., -22., 1980 9 4., 9., 3., 16., 6., -13., -1., -15., 1980 a 5., 10., -21., 1., 16., -12., 9., 9., 1980 b -5., -3., -6., -1., 9., 7., 10., 2., 1980 c -6., -5., 2., -4., -4., 1., 2., 0., 1980 d -5., 3., -2., 6., 5., -4., 3., 0., 1980 e 1., -1., 2., 4., 3., 0., 0., -6./ 1980 data gi/ -29873.,-1905., 5500.,-2072., 3044.,-2197., 1687., -306., 1985 1 1296.,-2208., -310., 1247., 284., 829., -297., 936., 1985 2 780., 232., 361., -249., -424., 69., 170., -297., 1985 3 -214., 355., 47., 253., 150., -93., -154., -164., 1985 4 -75., -46., 95., 53., 65., -16., 51., 88., 1985 5 -185., 69., 4., -48., 16., -1., -102., 21., 1985 6 74., -62., -83., 3., -27., 24., -2., -6., 1985 7 20., 4., 17., 10., -23., 0., -7., 21., 1985 8 6., 8., 0., -19., -11., 5., -9., -23., 1985 9 4., 11., 4., 14., 4., -15., -4., -11., 1985 a 5., 10., -21., 1., 15., -12., 9., 9., 1985 b -6., -3., -6., -1., 9., 7., 9., 1., 1985 c -7., -5., 2., -4., -4., 1., 3., 0., 1985 d -5., 3., -2., 6., 5., -4., 3., 0., 1985 e 1., -1., 2., 4., 3., 0., 0., -6./ 1985 data gj/ -29775.,-1848., 5406.,-2131., 3059.,-2279., 1686., -373., 1990 1 1314.,-2239., -284., 1248., 293., 802., -352., 939., 1990 2 780., 247., 325., -240., -423., 84., 141., -299., 1990 3 -214., 353., 46., 245., 154., -109., -153., -165., 1990 4 -69., -36., 97., 61., 65., -16., 59., 82., 1990 5 -178., 69., 3., -52., 18., 1., -96., 24., 1990 6 77., -64., -80., 2., -26., 26., 0., -1., 1990 7 21., 5., 17., 9., -23., 0., -4., 23., 1990 8 5., 10., -1., -19., -10., 6., -12., -22., 1990 9 3., 12., 4., 12., 2., -16., -6., -10., 1990 a 4., 9., -20., 1., 15., -12., 11., 9., 1990 b -7., -4., -7., -2., 9., 7., 8., 1., 1990 c -7., -6., 2., -3., -4., 2., 2., 1., 1990 d -5., 3., -2., 6., 4., -4., 3., 0., 1990 e 1., -2., 3., 3., 3., -1., 0., -6./ 1990 data gk/ -29692.,-1784., 5306.,-2200., 3070.,-2366., 1681., -413., 1995 1 1335.,-2267., -262., 1249., 302., 759., -427., 940., 1995 2 780., 262., 290., -236., -418., 97., 122., -306., 1995 3 -214., 352., 46., 235., 165., -118., -143., -166., 1995 4 -55., -17., 107., 68., 67., -17., 68., 72., 1995 5 -170., 67., -1., -58., 19., 1., -93., 36., 1995 6 77., -72., -69., 1., -25., 28., 4., 5., 1995 7 24., 4., 17., 8., -24., -2., -6., 25., 1995 8 6., 11., -6., -21., -9., 8., -14., -23., 1995 9 9., 15., 6., 11., -5., -16., -7., -4., 1995 a 4., 9., -20., 3., 15., -10., 12., 8., 1995 b -6., -8., -8., -1., 8., 10., 5., -2., 1995 c -8., -8., 3., -3., -6., 1., 2., 0., 1995 d -4., 4., -1., 5., 4., -5., 2., -1., 1995 e 2., -2., 5., 1., 1., -2., 0., -7., 1995 f 75*0./ 1995 data gl/ -29619.4,-1728.2, 5186.1,-2267.7, 3068.4,-2481.6, 1670.9, 2000 1 -458.0, 1339.6,-2288.0, -227.6, 1252.1, 293.4, 714.5, 2000 2 -491.1, 932.3, 786.8, 272.6, 250.0, -231.9, -403.0, 2000 3 119.8, 111.3, -303.8, -218.8, 351.4, 43.8, 222.3, 2000 4 171.9, -130.4, -133.1, -168.6, -39.3, -12.9, 106.3, 2000 5 72.3, 68.2, -17.4, 74.2, 63.7, -160.9, 65.1, 2000 6 -5.9, -61.2, 16.9, 0.7, -90.4, 43.8, 79.0, 2000 7 -74.0, -64.6, 0.0, -24.2, 33.3, 6.2, 9.1, 2000 8 24.0, 6.9, 14.8, 7.3, -25.4, -1.2, -5.8, 2000 9 24.4, 6.6, 11.9, -9.2, -21.5, -7.9, 8.5, 2000 a -16.6, -21.5, 9.1, 15.5, 7.0, 8.9, -7.9, 2000 b -14.9, -7.0, -2.1, 5.0, 9.4, -19.7, 3.0, 2000 c 13.4, -8.4, 12.5, 6.3, -6.2, -8.9, -8.4, 2000 d -1.5, 8.4, 9.3, 3.8, -4.3, -8.2, -8.2, 2000 e 4.8, -2.6, -6.0, 1.7, 1.7, 0.0, -3.1, 2000 f 4.0, -0.5, 4.9, 3.7, -5.9, 1.0, -1.2, 2000 g 2.0, -2.9, 4.2, 0.2, 0.3, -2.2, -1.1, 2000 h -7.4, 2.7, -1.7, 0.1, -1.9, 1.3, 1.5, 2000 i -0.9, -0.1, -2.6, 0.1, 0.9, -0.7, -0.7, 2000 j 0.7, -2.8, 1.7, -0.9, 0.1, -1.2, 1.2, 2000 k -1.9, 4.0, -0.9, -2.2, -0.3, -0.4, 0.2, 2000 l 0.3, 0.9, 2.5, -0.2, -2.6, 0.9, 0.7, 2000 m -0.5, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, -0.3, 0.0, -0.4, 2000 n 0.3, -0.1, -0.9, -0.2, -0.4, -0.4, 0.8, 2000 o -0.2, -0.9, -0.9, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1.8, 2000 p -0.4, -0.4, 1.3, -1.0, -0.4, -0.1, 0.7, 2000 q 0.7, -0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.6, -0.1, 0.3, 2000 r 0.4, -0.2, 0.0, -0.5, 0.1, -0.9/ 2000 data gm/-29554.63,-1669.05, 5077.99,-2337.24, 3047.69,-2594.50, 2005 1 1657.76, -515.43, 1336.30,-2305.83, -198.86, 1246.39, 2005 2 269.72, 672.51, -524.72, 920.55, 797.96, 282.07, 2005 3 210.65, -225.23, -379.86, 145.15, 100.00, -305.36, 2005 4 -227.00, 354.41, 42.72, 208.95, 180.25, -136.54, 2005 5 -123.45, -168.05, -19.57, -13.55, 103.85, 73.60, 2005 6 69.56, -20.33, 76.74, 54.75, -151.34, 63.63, 2005 7 -14.58, -63.53, 14.58, 0.24, -86.36, 50.94, 2005 8 79.88, -74.46, -61.14, -1.65, -22.57, 38.73, 2005 9 6.82, 12.30, 25.35, 9.37, 10.93, 5.42, 2005 a -26.32, 1.94, -4.64, 24.80, 7.62, 11.20, 2005 b -11.73, -20.88, -6.88, 9.83, -18.11, -19.71, 2005 c 10.17, 16.22, 9.36, 7.61, -11.25, -12.76, 2005 d -4.87, -0.06, 5.58, 9.76, -20.11, 3.58, 2005 e 12.69, -6.94, 12.67, 5.01, -6.72, -10.76, 2005 f -8.16, -1.25, 8.10, 8.76, 2.92, -6.66, 2005 g -7.73, -9.22, 6.01, -2.17, -6.12, 2.19, 2005 h 1.42, 0.10, -2.35, 4.46, -0.15, 4.76, 2005 i 3.06, -6.58, 0.29, -1.01, 2.06, -3.47, 2005 j 3.77, -0.86, -0.21, -2.31, -2.09, -7.93, 2005 k 2.95, -1.60, 0.26, -1.88, 1.44, 1.44, 2005 l -0.77, -0.31, -2.27, 0.29, 0.90, -0.79, 2005 m -0.58, 0.53, -2.69, 1.80, -1.08, 0.16, 2005 n -1.58, 0.96, -1.90, 3.99, -1.39, -2.15, 2005 o -0.29, -0.55, 0.21, 0.23, 0.89, 2.38, 2005 p -0.38, -2.63, 0.96, 0.61, -0.30, 0.40, 2005 q 0.46, 0.01, -0.35, 0.02, -0.36, 0.28, 2005 r 0.08, -0.87, -0.49, -0.34, -0.08, 0.88, 2005 s -0.16, -0.88, -0.76, 0.30, 0.33, 0.28, 2005 t 1.72, -0.43, -0.54, 1.18, -1.07, -0.37, 2005 u -0.04, 0.75, 0.63, -0.26, 0.21, 0.35, 2005 v 0.53, -0.05, 0.38, 0.41, -0.22, -0.10, 2005 w -0.57, -0.18, -0.82/ 2005 data gp/-29496.57,-1586.42, 4944.26,-2396.06, 3026.34,-2708.54, 2010 1 1668.17, -575.73, 1339.85,-2326.54, -160.40, 1232.10, 2010 2 251.75, 633.73, -537.03, 912.66, 808.97, 286.48, 2010 3 166.58, -211.03, -356.83, 164.46, 89.40, -309.72, 2010 4 -230.87, 357.29, 44.58, 200.26, 189.01, -141.05, 2010 5 -118.06, -163.17, -0.01, -8.03, 101.04, 72.78, 2010 6 68.69, -20.90, 75.92, 44.18, -141.40, 61.54, 2010 7 -22.83, -66.26, 13.10, 3.02, -78.09, 55.40, 2010 8 80.44, -75.00, -57.80, -4.55, -21.20, 45.24, 2010 9 6.54, 14.00, 24.96, 10.46, 7.03, 1.64, 2010 a -27.61, 4.92, -3.28, 24.41, 8.21, 10.84, 2010 b -14.50, -20.03, -5.59, 11.83, -19.34, -17.41, 2010 c 11.61, 16.71, 10.85, 6.96, -14.05, -10.74, 2010 d -3.54, 1.64, 5.50, 9.45, -20.54, 3.45, 2010 e 11.51, -5.27, 12.75, 3.13, -7.14, -12.38, 2010 f -7.42, -0.76, 7.97, 8.43, 2.14, -8.42, 2010 g -6.08, -10.08, 7.01, -1.94, -6.24, 2.73, 2010 h 0.89, -0.10, -1.07, 4.71, -0.16, 4.44, 2010 i 2.45, -7.22, -0.33, -0.96, 2.13, -3.95, 2010 j 3.09, -1.99, -1.03, -1.97, -2.80, -8.31, 2010 k 3.05, -1.48, 0.13, -2.03, 1.67, 1.65, 2010 l -0.66, -0.51, -1.76, 0.54, 0.85, -0.79, 2010 m -0.39, 0.37, -2.51, 1.79, -1.27, 0.12, 2010 n -2.11, 0.75, -1.94, 3.75, -1.86, -2.12, 2010 o -0.21, -0.87, 0.30, 0.27, 1.04, 2.13, 2010 p -0.63, -2.49, 0.95, 0.49, -0.11, 0.59, 2010 q 0.52, 0.00, -0.39, 0.13, -0.37, 0.27, 2010 r 0.21, -0.86, -0.77, -0.23, 0.04, 0.87, 2010 s -0.09, -0.89, -0.87, 0.31, 0.30, 0.42, 2010 t 1.66, -0.45, -0.59, 1.08, -1.14, -0.31, 2010 u -0.07, 0.78, 0.54, -0.18, 0.10, 0.38, 2010 v 0.49, 0.02, 0.44, 0.42, -0.25, -0.26, 2010 w -0.53, -0.26, -0.79/ 2010 data gq/-29442.0,-1501.0, 4797.1,-2445.1, 3012.9,-2845.6, 1676.7, 2015 1 -641.9, 1350.7,-2352.3, -115.3, 1225.6, 244.9, 582.0, 2015 2 -538.4, 907.6, 813.7, 283.3, 120.4, -188.7, -334.9, 2015 3 180.9, 70.4, -329.5, -232.6, 360.1, 47.3, 192.4, 2015 4 197.0, -140.9, -119.3, -157.5, 16.0, 4.1, 100.2, 2015 5 70.0, 67.7, -20.8, 72.7, 33.2, -129.9, 58.9, 2015 6 -28.9, -66.7, 13.2, 7.3, -70.9, 62.6, 81.6, 2015 7 -76.1, -54.1, -6.8, -19.5, 51.8, 5.7, 15.0, 2015 8 24.4, 9.4, 3.4, -2.8, -27.4, 6.8, -2.2, 2015 9 24.2, 8.8, 10.1, -16.9, -18.3, -3.2, 13.3, 2015 a -20.6, -14.6, 13.4, 16.2, 11.7, 5.7, -15.9, 2015 b -9.1, -2.0, 2.1, 5.4, 8.8, -21.6, 3.1, 2015 c 10.8, -3.3, 11.8, 0.7, -6.8, -13.3, -6.9, 2015 d -0.1, 7.8, 8.7, 1.0, -9.1, -4.0, -10.5, 2015 e 8.4, -1.9, -6.3, 3.2, 0.1, -0.4, 0.5, 2015 f 4.6, -0.5, 4.4, 1.8, -7.9, -0.7, -0.6, 2015 g 2.1, -4.2, 2.4, -2.8, -1.8, -1.2, -3.6, 2015 h -8.7, 3.1, -1.5, -0.1, -2.3, 2.0, 2.0, 2015 i -0.7, -0.8, -1.1, 0.6, 0.8, -0.7, -0.2, 2015 j 0.2, -2.2, 1.7, -1.4, -0.2, -2.5, 0.4, 2015 k -2.0, 3.5, -2.4, -1.9, -0.2, -1.1, 0.4, 2015 l 0.4, 1.2, 1.9, -0.8, -2.2, 0.9, 0.3, 2015 m 0.1, 0.7, 0.5, -0.1, -0.3, 0.3, -0.4, 2015 n 0.2, 0.2, -0.9, -0.9, -0.1, 0.0, 0.7, 2015 o 0.0, -0.9, -0.9, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 1.6, 2015 p -0.5, -0.5, 1.0, -1.2, -0.2, -0.1, 0.8, 2015 q 0.4, -0.1, -0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1, 0.5, 2015 r 0.5, -0.3, -0.4, -0.4, -0.3, -0.8/ 2015 data gr/ 10.3, 18.1, -26.6, -8.7, -3.3, -27.4, 2.1, 2017 1 -14.1, 3.4, -5.5, 8.2, -0.7, -0.4, -10.1, 2017 2 1.8, -0.7, 0.2, -1.3, -9.1, 5.3, 4.1, 2017 3 2.9, -4.3, -5.2, -0.2, 0.5, 0.6, -1.3, 2017 4 1.7, -0.1, -1.2, 1.4, 3.4, 3.9, 0.0, 2017 5 -0.3, -0.1, 0.0, -0.7, -2.1, 2.1, -0.7, 2017 6 -1.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.9, 1.6, 1.0, 0.3, 2017 7 -0.2, 0.8, -0.5, 0.4, 1.3, -0.2, 0.1, 2017 8 -0.3, -0.6, -0.6, -0.8, 0.1, 0.2, -0.2, 2017 9 0.2, 0.0, -0.3, -0.6, 0.3, 0.5, 0.1, 2017 a -0.2, 0.5, 0.4, -0.2, 0.1, -0.3, -0.4, 2017 b 0.3, 0.3, 0.0,115*0.0/ 2017 c c set initial values c x = 0.0 y = 0.0 z = 0.0 if ( go to 11 if ( write (6,960) date 960 format (/' This version of the IGRF is intended for use up', 1 ' to 2020.0.'/' values for',f9.3,' will be computed', 2 ' but may be of reduced accuracy'/) if ( go to 1 t = 0.2*(date - 1900.0) ll = t one = ll t = t - one c c SH models before 1995.0 are only to degree 10 c if ( then nmx = 10 nc = nmx*(nmx+2) ll = nc*ll kmx = (nmx+1)*(nmx+2)/2 else nmx = 13 nc = nmx*(nmx+2) ll = 0.2*(date - 1995.0) c c 19 is the number of SH models that extend to degree 10 c ll = 120*19 + nc*ll kmx = (nmx+1)*(nmx+2)/2 endif tc = 1.0 - t if (isv.eq.1) then tc = -0.2 t = 0.2 end if go to 2 c 1 t = date - 2015.0 tc = 1.0 if (isv.eq.1) then t = 1.0 tc = 0.0 end if c c pointer for last coefficient in pen-ultimate set of MF coefficients... c ll = 3060 nmx = 13 nc = nmx*(nmx+2) kmx = (nmx+1)*(nmx+2)/2 2 r = alt one = colat*0.017453292 ct = cos(one) st = sin(one) one = elong*0.017453292 cl(1) = cos(one) sl(1) = sin(one) cd = 1.0 sd = 0.0 l = 1 m = 1 n = 0 if (itype.eq.2) go to 3 c c conversion from geodetic to geocentric coordinates c (using the WGS84 spheroid) c a2 = 40680631.6 b2 = 40408296.0 one = a2*st*st two = b2*ct*ct three = one + two rho = sqrt(three) r = sqrt(alt*(alt + 2.0*rho) + (a2*one + b2*two)/three) cd = (alt + rho)/r sd = (a2 - b2)/rho*ct*st/r one = ct ct = ct*cd - st*sd st = st*cd + one*sd c 3 ratio = 6371.2/r rr = ratio*ratio c c computation of Schmidt quasi-normal coefficients p and x(=q) c p(1) = 1.0 p(3) = st q(1) = 0.0 q(3) = ct do 10 k=2,kmx if ( go to 4 m = 0 n = n + 1 rr = rr*ratio fn = n gn = n - 1 4 fm = m if ( go to 5 if (k.eq.3) go to 6 one = sqrt(1.0 - 0.5/fm) j = k - n - 1 p(k) = one*st*p(j) q(k) = one*(st*q(j) + ct*p(j)) cl(m) = cl(m-1)*cl(1) - sl(m-1)*sl(1) sl(m) = sl(m-1)*cl(1) + cl(m-1)*sl(1) go to 6 5 gmm = m*m one = sqrt(fn*fn - gmm) two = sqrt(gn*gn - gmm)/one three = (fn + gn)/one i = k - n j = i - n + 1 p(k) = three*ct*p(i) - two*p(j) q(k) = three*(ct*q(i) - st*p(i)) - two*q(j) c c synthesis of x, y and z in geocentric coordinates c 6 lm = ll + l one = (tc*gh(lm) + t*gh(lm+nc))*rr if (m.eq.0) go to 9 two = (tc*gh(lm+1) + t*gh(lm+nc+1))*rr three = one*cl(m) + two*sl(m) x = x + three*q(k) z = z - (fn + 1.0)*three*p(k) if (st.eq.0.0) go to 7 y = y + (one*sl(m) - two*cl(m))*fm*p(k)/st go to 8 7 y = y + (one*sl(m) - two*cl(m))*q(k)*ct 8 l = l + 2 go to 10 9 x = x + one*q(k) z = z - (fn + 1.0)*one*p(k) l = l + 1 10 m = m + 1 c c conversion to coordinate system specified by itype c one = x x = x*cd + z*sd z = z*cd - one*sd f = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) c return c c error return if date out of bounds c 11 f = 1.0d8 write (6,961) date 961 format (/' This subroutine will not work with a date of', 1 f9.3,'. Date must be in the range', 2 '.le.2025.0. On return f = 1.0d8., x = y = z = 0.') return end