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U.S. East Coast Continental Margin (CONMAR) Sediment Data
browse graphic The USGS/WHOI Continental Margin (CONMAR) Data set was compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution as a joint program of study of the Atlantic continental margin of the U.S. The CONMAR set contains information for 3,715 cores, dredges, and grab samples, and consists of 18 files of grain size analyses/statistical parameters, composition of clay, sand, gravel and carbonate fractions, organic contents, heavy mineral and x-ray analyses, radioactivity counts, and major chemical and trace-element analyses. An accompanying technical report contains a complete description of methodology and file organization: Hathaway, John C., 1971, Data File, Continental Margin Program, Atlantic Coast of the United States: WHOI Reference No. 71-15. Updated data files were received in digital form in 1977. Data collection was partially funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under the CONMAR program and the International Decade of Ocean Exploration. These data were also included as ASCII files on the NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals CDROM data set released by NGDC in 1992. The U.S. Geological Survey has incorporated these data into an updated data set available from their web site, and the original technical report is available from WHOI.