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BLM/OCS Southern California Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Baseline Studies
browse graphic Data in this file were produced by Science Applications, Inc., prime contractor on the Bureau of Land Management/Outer Continental Shelf - Southern California Studies (BLM/OCS). Data consist of six data files (benthic sediment characteristics, benthic sediment hydrocarbons, intertidal sediment hydrocarbons, intertidal sediment trace metals, benthic sediment trace metals, and intertidal sediment characteristics). Data are derived from 801 grab and box core samples from the sea floor offshore Southern California. Original documentation have been scanned as images to a .PDF document. The data were received on August 19, 1977. Some documentation has been transcribed to an ASCII readme file. Additional data codes and documentation are in poor, extremely hard to read condition. There are known problems in these data files, including truncation of records past the 80th column in the first file (Benthic Sediment Characteristics). Other problems exist in device codes and analyses that were unable to be resolved by multiple exchanges with the contributors. Additional problems may exist, including deviations from the specified formats.