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Completeness Rubric for: Archive of Geosample Data and Information from the University of Southern California (USC) Department of Earth Sciences

Completeness Score: 100% + 26

Resource Hierarchy Level: 'dataset' ? Status: 'completed || historicalArchive'
Category Score
+ Extra Credit
Rubric Requirements
Identification 100% + 3 Required
Access 100% + 1 Conditional - not required when Resource Hierarchy Level ='fieldSession' or Status= 'planned'.
Coverage 100% + 3 Required
Content 100% + 0 Conditional - not required when Resource Hierarchy Level = 'fieldSession'.
History 100% + 5 Required
Quality 100% + 1 Conditional - not required when Resource Hierarchy Level = 'fieldSession'.
Connections 100% + 1.0 Required
Metadata 100% + 1 Required
Associated Resource + 6 Highly Recommended
Attribution + 5 Highly Recommended

Version 2.1.
Last update of Rubric scoring: 2016-11-17
Last update of HTML display: 2016-11-17

NOAA data providers are required, per the NOAA Data Documentation Procedural Directive, to document their datasets, models, observations and other earth science resources with ISO 19115:2005 and ISO 19115-2:2009 standards and represent them as ISO 19139 compliant XML. However, there are many different ways to implement the standards and very little content is required to create a valid metadata record. Therefore, in addition to ISO compliance, this Completeness Rubric provides an extra level of assessment to help metadata authors provide more thorough information about their data. For more information about the Completeness Rubric, and how it works, users can refer to the Completeness Rubric Information wiki page.

The content within these Categories are the result of many conversations within the NOAA Metadata Working Group, which regularly updates and documents its decisions within the ISO Explorer on NOAA?s Environmental Data Management Wiki. The NOAA Metadata Working Group documents all of our most recent and up-to-date recommended practices discussed by this community in this wiki and all within NOAA are welcome to contribute use cases and examples.

This report is produced using this XSL. You may process your metadata in your own local environment or use the Enterprise Metadata Management Architecture (EMMA) Record Services GUI.

Please register any bugs, typos, or suggestions with this Rubric Feedback Form.

View history and status of issues at Rubric Feedback Manager

You may contact NOAA Enterprise Email List if you?d like to connect with our community. We?d love to have your involvement!

Identification Category

9/9 +3

The Identification Category provides content needed for basic discovery of the resource. It includes the title, an abstract, theme keywords, point of contact, status and Resource Hierarchy Level.
Label (count) Rule Score Metadata Content Guidance: Xpath and ISO Explorer Links
Resource Hierarchy Level
Required 1 dataset /gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:hierarchyLevel/gmd:MD_ScopeCode/@codeListValue
Resource Title
Required 1 Archive of Geosample Data and Information from the University of Southern California (USC) Department of Earth Sciences //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title
Resource ID
Recommended EC doi:10.7289/V58P5XH8 || NCEI Metadata ID: gov.noaa.ngdc.mgg.geology:archived-data_USC-sample-repository //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:code
Required 1 Metadata describing geological samples curated by Earth Sciences Department of the University of Southern California (USC) collected during the period from 1922 to 1981 were coded and contributed by USC to the Index to Marine and Lacustrine Geologica (...etc) //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:abstract
Required 1 The purpose of adding information describing the USC samples to the IMLGS was to promote new research on existing samples. //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:purpose
Resource Date
Required 1 1977-12-31 ~ publication || 1977-12-31 ~ revision //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date[gmd:CI_Date or gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/@gco:nilReason]
Required 1 completed || historicalArchive //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:status//gmd:MD_ProgressCode/@codeListValue
Browse Graphic
Recommended EC //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:graphicOverview/gmd:MD_BrowseGraphic/gmd:fileName
Topic Category
Required 1 geoscientificInformation || oceans //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:topicCategory/gmd:MD_TopicCategoryCode
Theme Keywords
Required 1 Databases || Scientific archives || Electronic records || Oceanography || Ocean bottom || Geology || Submarine geology || Marine geology || Sea-floor characteristics //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords[gmd:type/gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode/@codeListValue='theme']/gmd:keyword
Theme Keyword Thesaurus
Recommended EC Library of Congress Subject Headings || SeaDataNet Common Vocabularies || USGS Science Topics //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords[gmd:type/gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode/@codeListValue='theme']/gmd:thesaurusName/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title
Resource Contact
Required 1 NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information ~ pointOfContact || NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information ~ Marine Geology Data Manager ~ pointOfContact //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty[gmd:role/gmd:CI_RoleCode/@codeListValue='pointOfContact'] | //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:pointOfContact

Access Category

4/4 +1

The Access Category provides information about how to obtain the data, including formats, access points, distribution contacts and disclaimer statements. Not required when Resource Hierarchy Level='fieldSession' or Status = 'planned'.
Label (count) Rule Score Metadata Content Guidance: Xpath and ISO Explorer Links
Distribution Format (2) Required 1 ASCII || KML //gmd:MD_Distribution//gmd:MD_Format/gmd:name
Format Specification (2) Recommended EC American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) text format. || Keyhole Markup Language File //gmd:MD_Distribution//gmd:MD_Format/gmd:specification
Distribution URL(s) (8) Required 1 || || || || || || || //gmd:MD_Distribution//gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions/gmd:onLine/gmd:CI_OnlineResource/gmd:linkage
Access Contact (1) Required 1 NOAA National Centers for Environmental Contact InformationInformation for contacts at NCEI.informationdistributor //gmd:MD_Distribution//gmd:MD_Distributor/gmd:distributorContact/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty
Resource Constraint (8) Required 1 otherRestrictionsDistribution liability: NOAA and NCEI make no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding these data, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA and NCEI cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any err (...etc)otherRestrictionsUse liability: NOAA and NCEI cannot provide any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of furnished data. Users assume responsibility to determine the usability of these data. The user is responsible for the result (...etc)otherRestrictionsCite as: University of Southern California (USC) Department of Earth Sciences. 1977: Archive of Geosample Data and Information from the University of Southern California (USC) Department of Earth Sciences. NOAA National Centers for E (...etc)otherRestrictionsPlease consult the Curator before proposing to do research on any sample discovered through the IMLGS or the NCEI archive. || otherRestrictionsSample metadata are available online for free download. || Produced by the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Not subject to copyright protection within the United States. || otherRestrictionsWhile every effort has been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the limits of the current state of the art, NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in the data, nor a (...etc)unclassified //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:resourceConstraints
Data Center Keyword (0) Recommended //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords[gmd:type/gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode/@codeListValue='dataCenter']/gmd:keyword
Data Center Keyword Thesaurus (0) Recommended //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords[gmd:type/gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode/@codeListValue='dataCenter']/gmd:thesaurusName/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title

Coverage Category

2/2 +3

The Coverage Categrory provides information about regarding the extent of the resource, such as temporal range of content, geographic bounds of content, and general place names. This information can be displayed on maps and timelines and used in spatial searches. The Spatial Extent is not required when the Resource Hierarchy Level= 'nonGeographicDataset'.
Label (count) Rule Score Metadata Content Guidance: Xpath and ISO Explorer Links
Temporal Extent (1) Required 1 1922-02-08T00:00:00.000Z1981-06-12T00:00:00.000Z //gmd:MD_DataIdentification//gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:temporalElement//gmd:EX_TemporalExtent
Duration (0) Recommended //gmd:MD_DataIdentification//gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:temporalElement//gmd:EX_TemporalExtent//gml:TimePeriod/gml:duration
Time Interval (0) Recommended //gmd:MD_DataIdentification//gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:temporalElement//gmd:EX_TemporalExtent//gml:TimePeriod/gml:timeInterval
Spatial Extent (1) Required 1 -123.838-106.72221.31738.02 //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:geographicElement/gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox
Vertical Extent (1) Recommended EC -4410-0 //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:verticalElement/gmd:EX_VerticalExtent
Place Keywords (3) Recommended EC Geographic Region > Global Ocean || Vertical Location >Sea Floor || Ocean > Pacific Ocean //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords[gmd:type/gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode/@codeListValue='place']/gmd:keyword
Place Keyword Thesaurus (1) Recommended EC Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords[gmd:type/gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode/@codeListValue='place']/gmd:thesaurusName/gmd:CI_Citation

Content Category

3/3 + 0

The Content Category identifies the parameters, variables or features of the resource and can be documented with at least one of the two subcategories: Attributes or Features. Not Required when Resource Hierarchy Level = 'fieldSession'.

Attributes 3/3 +0

Label (count) Rule Score Metadata Content Guidance: Xpath and ISO Explorer Links
Description of Attributes (1) Required 1 A record describing a marine or lacustrine geologic sample: A sample of sediment or rock, usually taken from the sea floor or a lakebed, from the sample collection of one of the participating institutions. //gmd:contentInfo//gmd:attributeDescription
Attributes Category (1) Required 1 code //gmd:contentInfo//gmd:contentType/gmd:MD_CoverageContentTypeCode/@codeListValue
Attributes Details (82) Required 1 begin_dateThe date when a sampling operation was begun.2016012218000101Year, Month, Day in the form YYYYMMDDYear, Month, Day in the form YYYYMMDD || end_dateThe date when a geological sampling operation was concluded. Not used if an operation was conducted in a single day.2016012218000101Year, Month, Day in the form YYYYMMDDYear, Month, Day in the form YYYYMMDD || latitudeDistance measured north or south from the equator. Distance north is positive, distance south is negative.90.00000-90.00000decimal degreesdecimal degrees || latdegDistance measured north or south from the equator in whole degrees, unsigned.900whole degrees, unsignedwhole degrees, unsigned || latminMinutes of latitude, added to the attribute latdeg, indicating distance measured north or south from the equator.59.0000.00Minutes and decimal minutes of latitudeMinutes and decimal minutes of latitude || end_latDistance measured north or south from the equator at which sampling operations were concluded. Blank if sampling location is fixed. Distance north is positive, distance south is negative.90.00000-90.00000decimal degreesdecimal degrees || end_latdegDistance measured north or south from the equator in whole degrees, unsigned, at which sampling operations were concluded. Blank if sampling location is fixed.900whole degrees, unsignedwhole degrees, unsigned || end_latminMinutes of latitude, added to the attribute latdeg, indicating distance measured north or south from the equator, at which sampling operations were concluded. Blank if sampling location is fixed.59.0000.00Minutes and decimal minutes of lati (...etc)longitudeLongitude is measured from the Prime Meridian (which is the north/south line that runs through Greenwich, England), values measured east are positive and values measured west are negative.180.00000-180.00000decimal degreesdecimal degrees || londegDistance measured east or west of the Prime Meridian in whole degrees, unsigned.900whole degrees, unsignedwhole degrees, unsigned || lonminMinutes of longitude, added to the attribute londeg, indicating distance measured east or west of the Prime Meridian.59.0000.00Minutes and decimal minutes of longitudeMinutes and decimal minutes of longitude || end_lonLongitude is measured from the Prime Meridian (which is the north/south line that runs through Greenwich, England), at which sampling operations were concluded. Blank if sampling location is fixed. Values measured east are positive and values (...etc)end_londegDistance measured east or west of the Prime Meridian in whole degrees, unsigned, at which sampling operations were concluded. Blank if sampling location is fixed.900whole degrees, unsignedwhole degrees, unsigned || end_lonminMinutes of longitude, added to the attribute londeg, indicating distance measured east or west of the Prime Meridian, at which sampling operations were concluded. Blank if sampling location is fixed.59.0000.00Minutes and decimal minutes of (...etc)water_depthThe depth from the surface of the water to the sea floor or lakebed at the location where sample collection was begun.230000corrected meterscorrected meters || end_water_depthThe water depth at the location where sample collection was concluded. Blank if sampling location was fixed.230000corrected meterscorrected meters || cored_lengthThe length of a cored sample.9999990centimeterscentimeters || cored_length_mmAdditional precision in length of a cored sample.990millimetersmillimeters || cored_diamThe diameter of a cored sample.9990centimeterscentimeters || cored_diam_mmAdditional precision in diameter of a cored sample.990millimetersmillimeters || last_updateThe date when date from a sample was added to the database or last updated in the database.2015123119771001Year, Month, Day in the form YYYYMMDDYear, Month, Day in the form YYYYMMDD || intervalA specific interval within a core, or a separate piece of a grab or dredge sample, for which there is a separate set of information in the database.9999990nonenone || depth_topDepth to top of an interval within a core.9999990centimeterscentimeters || depth_top_mmAdditional precision in depth to top of an interval within a core.990millimetersmillimeters || depth_botDepth to bottom of an interval within a core.9999990centimeterscentimeters || depth_bot_mmAdditional precision in depth to bottom of an interval within a core.990millimetersmillimeters || dhcore_lengthLength of a single core taken down a multiple-core hole.9999990centimeterscentimeters || dhcore_length_mmAdditional precision in length of a downhole core.990millimetersmillimeters || dhcore_intervalA specific interval within a downhole core, for which there is a separate set of information in the database.9999990nonenone || dtop_in_dhcoreDepth to top of an interval within a downhole core.9999990centimeterscentimeters || dtop_mm_in_dhcoreAdditional precision in depth to top of an interval within a downhole core.990millimetersmillimeters || dbot_in_dhcoreDepth to bottom of an interval within a downhole core.9999990centimeterscentimeters || dbot_mm_dhcoreAdditional precision in depth to bottom of an interval within a downhole core.990millimetersmillimeters || weightWeight of the sample or piece of sample described.9999.9990kilogramskilograms || cmcd_topDepth to top of downhole core within hole.9999990centimeterscentimeters || mmcd_topAdditional precision in depth to top of downhole core within a hole.990millimetersmillimeters || cmcd_botDepth to bottom of a downhole core within a hole.9999990centimeterscentimeters || mmcd_botAdditional precision in depth to bottom of downhole core within a hole.990millimetersmillimeters || facility_codeAn abbreviation for the sample repository responsible for curating a given marine or lacustrine geological sample.AOML: NOAA - Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories (now closed)ARFFSU: Antarctic Marine Geology Research F (...etc)ship_codeA deprecated four-digit numeric code. The first two digits are an institution code and the second two digits are a unique ship within the institution. This code is internal to NCEI and specific to marine geology.NCEI/MGG Institution and Ship (...etc)platformThe name of the platform (usually a ship) that collected the geological sample.This is a controlled vocabulary list of platform (ship) names maintained at NCEI. It is a text field up to 50 characters in length, assigned by the sample reposito (...etc)cruiseThe period of operation of a ship, during which a geological sample was taken. A cruise may contain one or more legs, or port-to-port segments.This is not a predefined set of values. The cruise identifier is a freeform text field up to 30 chara (...etc)sampleThe sample may be geologic material recovered by a single grab, dredge, or core, or may indicate a single hole in the sea floor or lakebed. Within a hole/sample, there may be additional distinct down-hole cores, sections, or intervals.This is n (...etc)deviceThe type of device used to recover a geologic sample from the sea floor or a lakebed.core: A coring device that is undifferentiated as far as specific type.core, box: A shallow coring device in a box-like or rectangular shape.core, camera mount (...etc)nsIndicator of whether latitude is north or south of the equator.n: Latitude value is north of the equator.s: Latitude measured is south of the equator. || end_nsIndicator of whether latitude is north or south of the equator, where sampling operations were concluded. Blank if sampling location is fixed.n: Latitude value is north of the equator.s: Latitude measured is south of the equator. || ewIndicator of whether longitude is east or west of the Prime Meridian.e: Longitude measured is east of the Prime Meridian.w: Longitude measured is west of the Prime Meridian. || end_ewIndicator of whether longitude is east or west of the Prime Meridian, at which sampling operations were concluded. Blank if sampling location is fixed.e: Longitude measured is east of the Prime Meridian.w: Longitude measured is west of the Prim (...etc)latlon_origIndicates the units in which latitude and longitude were originally coded.d: Latitude and longitude were originally entered in decimal degrees.m: Latitude and longitude were originally entered in degrees, minutes, and hundredths of minutes (...etc)storage_methIndicates the sample storage method used.frozen: Samples are kept frozen.refrigerated: Samples are temperature, dry: Samples are kept at room temperature, temperature, moisture sealed: Samples are kept at r (...etc)piThe name of the Principal Investigator that collected, or is responsible for, the geologic sample.This is not a predefined set of values. The name is a freeform text field up to 255 characters in length, assigned by the sample repository. || provinceThe physiographic province of the site where the sample was collected.shelf, insular: insular shelfshelf, continental: continental shelf (along continental margin)slope, insular: insular slopeslope, continental: continental sloperise, insular (...etc)lakeThe name of the lake from which a geological sample was collected.This is not a predefined set of values. Lake is a freeform text field up to 50 characters in length, assigned by the sample repository and compiled into an alphabetical list by NCE (...etc)igsnInternational Geosample Number (IGSN). || imlgsIMLGS identifierA unique number preceded by imlgs representing one record in the Index to Marine and Lacustrine Geological Samples database || legA definitive cruiseleg identifier used to cross reference the sample material to additional information about the cruse and leg on which it was collected. May also be used to specify an alternative leg identifier to the cruise parameter.This is no (...etc)other_linkA URL linking sample level information in the database to additional data and information outside the database, usually archived by NCEI, related to the sample. For example, core photographs, descriptions, or analyses.This is not a predefin (...etc)sample_commentsComments about a whole core, grab, dredge, or hole.This is not a predefined set of values. Freeform text field up to 2000 characters in length. || show_samplURL to link detailed interval level information to a whole core, grab, dredge, or hole.This is not a predefined set of values. Freeform text field up to 254 characters in length. || dhcore_idA distinct down-hole core taken sequentially down a multi-core hole.This is not a predefined set of values. Downhole core identifier is a freeform text field up to 30 characters in length, assigned by the sample repository. || lith1Primary lithology of the material described.calcareous, algae: calcareous material, predominately algae.calcareous, biogenic: calcareous material, biogenic in origin.calcareous, coral: calcareous material, predominately coral.calcareous, foramin (...etc)text1Primary texture of the material described.allogenic limestone: Allogenic limestone, deprecated, see rock_lith.authigenic limestone: Authigenic limestone, deprecated, see rock_lith.ash: ash.breccia: Breccia.chert or porcelanite: Chert or porcelan (...etc)lith2Secondary lithology of the material described.calcareous, algae: calcareous material, predominately algae.calcareous, biogenic: calcareous material, biogenic in origin.calcareous, coral: calcareous material, predominately coral.calcareous, foram (...etc)text2Secondary texture of the material described.allogenic limestone: Allogenic limestone, deprecated, see rock_lith.authigenic limestone: Authigenic limestone, deprecated, see rock_lith.ash: ash.breccia: Breccia.chert or porcelanite: Chert or porcel (...etc)descriptionA freeform description of the geological sample.This is not a predefined set of values. Description is a freeform text field up to 2000 characters in length. || ageGeologic age.Cretaceous: Cretaceous, undifferentiated.Cretaceous, Early: Early, or Lower Cretaceous.Cretaceous, Late: Late, or Upper Cretaceous.Cretaceous, Middle: Middle Cretaceous.Eocene: Eocene.Holocene: Holocene.Jurassic: Jurassic, undifferent (...etc)absolute_age_topThe absolute age in years at the top of interval.This is a freeform text field up to 50 characters in length. || absolute_age_botThe absolute age in years at the bottom of interval.This is a freeform text field up to 50 characters in length. || rock_lithRock lithology.igneous (extrusive/volcanic): igneous (extrusive/volcanic) rock.igneous (extrusive/volcanic), andesites: igneous (extrusive/volcanic), andesite.igneous (extrusive/volcanic), basalt: igneous (extrusive/volcanic), basalt.igneous (...etc)rock_minRock mineralogy.alkali feldspar (K-spar): alkali feldspar (K-spar).amphibole (amph): amphibole (amph).biotite: biotite.clasts, basalt: clasts, basalt.clasts, metamorphic: clasts, metamorphic.clasts, plutonic: clasts, plutonic.clasts, sediment (...etc)weath_metaWeathering and/or metamorphism additional descriptive information.metamorphism - amphibolite: metamorphism - amphibolite.metamorphism - granulite: metamorphism - granulite.metamorphism - greenschist: metamorphism - greenschist.metamorphism (...etc)remarkRemarks, primarily about glass content.>50% of samples exhibit fresh glass & Mn/Fe oxide coatings: >50% of samples exhibit fresh glass & Mn/Fe oxide coatings.>50% of samples exhibit palagonitized glass & Mn/Fe oxide coatings: >50% of samples ex (...etc)munsell_codeMunsell color codes.This is not a predefined set of values. Description is a freeform text field up to 10 characters in length. || munsellMunsell colors.This is not a predefined set of values. Description is a freeform text field up to 30 characters in length. || exhaust_codeIndicator of whether sample material is exhausted.x: Sample material is no longer available. || photo_linkA URL where a sample photograph may be available.This is not a predefined set of values. Text field up to 500 characters in length. || lakeThe name of the lake from which a sample was collected.This is not a predefined set of values. Freeform text field up to 50 characters in length. || unit_numberThe identifier for a lithologic unit, used primarily for lacustrine samples.This is not a predefined set of values. Freeform text field up to 50 characters in length. || int_commentsComments about an interval or piece of a core, grab, dredge, or hole.This is not a predefined set of values. Freeform text field up to 2000 characters in length. || dhdeviceType of downhole sampling device used.This is not a predefined set of values. Freeform text field up to 50 characters in length. || subsample igsnInternational Geosample Number (IGSN) for a child or subsample within a sample or event. || parent igsnInternational Geosample Number (IGSN) of the parent of the subsample represented by the subsample igsn. //gmd:contentInfo//gmd:dimension | //gmd:contentInfo//gmi:rangeElementDescription/gmi:MI_RangeElementDescription

Features + 0

Label (count) Rule Score Metadata Content Guidance: Xpath and ISO Explorer Links
Feature Catalog Citation (0) Required 0 //gmd:contentInfo/gmd:MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription/gmd:featureCatalogueCitation/gmd:CI_Citation
Feature Catalog URL (0) Recommended //gmd:contentInfo/gmd:MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription/gmd:featureCatalogueCitation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:contactInfo/gmd:CI_Contact/gmd:onlineResource/gmd:CI_OnlineResource
List of Feature Types (0) Required 0 //gmd:contentInfo/gmd:MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription/gmd:featureTypes
Feature Catalog Included (0) Required 0 //gmd:contentInfo/gmd:MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription/gmd:includedWithDataset

History Category

4/4 + 5

The History Category provides information about how the resource was collected, processed or other steps associated with the resource, such as archival activity. The Acquisition subcategory is recommended for raw or near-raw observations, for example Level 0 satellite data. Lineage subcategory is recommended for resources that have been processed. If unable to provide acquisition or lineage, then provide a general statement. At least Acquisition, Lineage or Statement is required. You get extra credit if more than one subcategory is documented.

Lineage + 0

Label (count) Rule Score Metadata Content Guidance: Xpath and ISO Explorer Links
Lineage Scope (2) Required 1 dataset || repository //gmd:DQ_DataQuality[gmd:lineage]/gmd:scope/gmd:DQ_Scope/gmd:level/gmd:MD_ScopeCode/@codeListValue
Input Source (1) Required 1 Additional information about the samples may be contained in related technical reports and/or publications.University of Southern California (USC) reports and publicationsDr. Donn GorslineUniversity of Southern California, Department of Earth Science (...etc) //gmd:DQ_DataQuality/gmd:lineage/gmd:LI_Lineage//gmd:source
Process Step(s) (3) Required 1 Approximate date the first data were received from this repository. || Additional information about the samples may be contained in related technical reports and/or publications. || NOAA created the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) by merging NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), and National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC), including the National Coastal Data (...etc) //gmd:DQ_DataQuality/gmd:lineage/gmd:LI_Lineage[gmd:processStep or gmd:sourceStep] //gmd:description
Processor (1) Required 1 Carla J. MooreNOAA National Centers for Environmental InformationMarine Geology Data Managerprocessor //gmd:DQ_DataQuality/gmd:lineage/gmd:LI_Lineage//gmd:processor/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty

Acquisition +4

Label (count) Rule Score Metadata Content Guidance: Xpath and ISO Explorer Links
Platform Identifier (3) Required 1 Velero IV || Thomas G. Thompson || Agassiz //gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation//gmi:MI_Platform/gmi:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:code
Platform Description (3) Required 1 (unknown) || (unknown) || (unknown) //gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation//gmi:MI_Platform/gmi:description
Instrument Identifier (4) Required 1 In Situ/Laboratory Instruments || In Situ/Laboratory Instruments || In Situ/Laboratory Instruments || In Situ/Laboratory Instruments //gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation//gmi:MI_Instrument/gmi:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:code
Instrument Description (4) Required 1 Instrument Type: Sea floor and lakebed geologic sampling (coring, drilling, dredging, trawling, and/or grab sampling devices) and/or in situ measurements (cameras, visual observations, and/or recorders/loggers) || Instrument Type: Sea floor and lakebed geologic sampling (coring, drilling, dredging, trawling, and/or grab sampling devices) and/or in situ measurements (cameras, visual observations, and/or recorders/loggers) || Instrument Type: Sea floor and lakebed geologic sampling (coring, drilling, dredging, trawling, and/or grab sampling devices) and/or in situ measurements (cameras, visual observations, and/or recorders/loggers) || Instrument Type: Sea floor and lakebed geologic sampling (coring, drilling, dredging, trawling, and/or grab sampling devices) and/or in situ measurements (cameras, visual observations, and/or recorders/loggers) //gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation//gmi:MI_Instrument/gmi:description
Platform Keyword (1) Recommended EC In Situ Ocean-based Platforms > Ships //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords[gmd:type/gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode/@codeListValue='platform']/gmd:keyword
Platform Keyword Thesaurus (1) Recommended EC Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Platform Keywords //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords[gmd:type/gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode/@codeListValue='platform']/gmd:thesaurusName/gmd:CI_Citation
Instrument Keyword (4) Recommended EC In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Corers > Coring Devices || In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Samplers > Dredging Devices || In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Samplers > Grabbers/Traps/Collectors > Grab Samplers || In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Corers > Sediment Corers //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords[gmd:type/gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode/@codeListValue='instrument']/gmd:keyword
Instrument Keyword Thesaurus (1) Recommended EC Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Instrument Keywords //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords[gmd:type/gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode/@codeListValue='instrument']/gmd:thesaurusName/gmd:CI_Citation

History Statement + 1

Label (count) Rule Score Metadata Content Guidance: Xpath and ISO Explorer Links
Lineage Statement (1) Conditional 1 Data are no longer contributed by this repository. Incoming data were checked for adherence to controlled vocabularies, illegal data types in numeric fields, and out of range latitudes/longitudes. NCEI performed cursory visual inspection of data for (...etc) //gmd:DQ_DataQuality/gmd:lineage/gmd:LI_Lineage/gmd:statement

Quality Category

2/2 +1

The Quality Category provides reports on how complete or accurate a resource is. Not required when Resource Hierarchy Level = 'fieldSession'.
Label (count) Rule Score Metadata Content Guidance: Xpath and ISO Explorer Links
Quality Scope (1) Required 1 dataset //gmd:DQ_DataQuality/gmd:scope/gmd:DQ_Scope/gmd:level/gmd:MD_ScopeCode/@codeListValue[../../../../../gmd:report]
Quality Report (9) Required 1 The IMLGS includes only information on samples collected from 1922 to 1981 curated by the University of Southern California (USC) Department of Earth Sciences. || The IMLGS includes no information on samples collected after 1981 curated by the University of Southern California (USC). USC no longer contributes data on their holdings to the IMLGS and the original contributor at USC, Dr. Gosline, retired. || NCEI works with the partner institutions to ensure that sample data published in the IMLGS conforms to agreed upon formats and vocabularies, but cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information itself. || Horizontal Positional Accuracy || (unknown) || The horizontal accuracy of data values is approximately .001 degree of latitude/longitude. || Reliability || (unknown) || Quality control is performed by originator and also in coordination with NCEI after data submission. Numeric data are subjected to out of range testing at NCEI, then posted on a test web site for inspection by the originator. Data are iteratively cor (...etc) //gmd:DQ_DataQuality/gmd:report//gmd:nameOfMeasure | //gmd:measureIdentification | //gmd:measureDescription | //gmd:evaluationMethodDescription | //gmd:evaluationProcedure
Quality Result (5) Recommended EC (unknown) || (unknown) || (unknown) || (unknown) || (unknown) //gmd:DQ_DataQuality/gmd:report//gmd:result

Connections Category

3.0/3 +1.0

The Connection Category checks that all URLs have a functionCode and either a Name or a Description. You get extra credit when both Name and Description are available.
Label (count) Rule Score Metadata Content Guidance: Xpath and ISO Explorer Links
URL (25) Required 1 || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || //gmd:CI_OnlineResource/gmd:linkage
URL Name (25) Conditional 1 NCEI Contact Information || European Petroleum Survey Group Geodetic Parameter Dataset || NCEI Contact Information || Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) || SeaDataNet Common Vocabularies || USGS Thesaurus || Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords || Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords || Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords || Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords || Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords || Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords || Parent Institution || Parent Database || Parent Archive || Marine geology metadata records. || NCEI Contact Information || Metadata Landing Page || Originator's Web page || Archived files || Web forms interface || Map viewer || Linked data interface || Create a KML file || Open Data ArcGIS interface //gmd:CI_OnlineResource/gmd:name
URL Description (24) Conditional 0.96 Information for contacts at NCEI. || Registry that accesses the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset, which is a structured dataset of Coordinate Reference Systems and Coordinate Transformations. || Information for contacts at NCEI. || The Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) are part of a Linked Data Service, actively maintained since 1898 to catalog materials held at the Library of Congress. || The SeaDataNet Vocabulary Server is populated with lists describing a wide range of entities relevant to marine metadata and data such as parameters, sea area names, platform classes, instrument types, and so on. || The USGS Thesaurus contains thematic terms for categorizing information resources intended to support finding and understanding scientific information. || The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords. || The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords. || The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords. || The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords. || The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords. || The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords. || University of Southern California (USC) Department of Earth Sciences || The parent IMLGS database contains more/related data and information. || Information about the Marine Geology Data Archive at NCEI. || Information for contacts at NCEI. || How to cite this data set (doi:10.7289/V58P5XH8), all access options, and complete documentation. || Documentation about the University of Southern California (USC) Department of Earth Sciences. || Related offline geosample data files in the NCEI long-term archive || Text interface to search and download data for USC samples from the IMLGS database and access related links. || Open an ArcGIS interactive map interface with the USC sample layer active, to search and download data from the IMLGS database and access related links. Switch to the Arctic map for better viewing. || Offsite Linked Data interface (RDF graph) for Semantic Web access to the database, offered cooperatively on the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) server. || Dynamically create a KML file of sample locations with links back to the IMLGS database for full information. || Access sample information from the IMLGS using the Open Data ArcGIS interface enabling filtering, sorting, and export in multiple formats //gmd:CI_OnlineResource/gmd:description
URL Function (25) Required 1 information || search || information || information || information || information || information || information || information || information || information || information || information || information || information || search || information || information || information || information || download || search || search || display || search //gmd:CI_OnlineResource/gmd:function/gmd:CI_OnLineFunctionCode/@codeListValue

Metadata Category

5/5 +1

The Metadata Category provides information about this metadata record such as metadata ID, standard name, metadata contact and notes.
Label (count) Rule Score Metadata Content Guidance: Xpath and ISO Explorer Links
Metadata ID (1) Required 1 gov.noaa.ngdc.mgg.geology:archived-data_USC-sample-repository /gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:fileIdentifier
Metadata Date (1) Required 1 2020-04-21 /gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:dateStamp
Metadata Contact (1) Required 1 NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information ~ pointOfContact /gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:contact/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty
Metadata Standard Name (1) Required 1 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for Imagery and Gridded Data /gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:metadataStandardName
Metadata Standard Version (1) Required 1 ISO 19115-2:2009(E) /gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:metadataStandardVersion
Metadata Maintenance Note (1) Recommended EC Modified for compliance to NCEI Template v1.2. /gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:metadataMaintenance/gmd:MD_MaintenanceInformation/gmd:maintenanceNote

Associated Resource Category


The Associated Resource Category provides citations or identifiers to related papers, sister resources, parents, or programs that the resource is associated with.
Label (count) Rule Score Metadata Content Guidance: Xpath and ISO Explorer Links
Cross Reference Citation (1) Recommended EC NOAA/NCEI Marine Geology WAF //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:aggregationInfo/gmd:MD_AggregateInformation[gmd:associationType/gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode/@codeListValue='crossReference']/gmd:aggregateDataSetName/gmd:CI_Citation
Cross Reference Type (1) Recommended EC collection //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:aggregationInfo/gmd:MD_AggregateInformation[gmd:associationType/gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode/@codeListValue='crossReference']/gmd:initiativeType/gmd:DS_InitiativeTypeCode/@codeListValue
Larger Work Citation (3) Recommended EC USC Core Repository || Index to Marine and Lacustrine Geological Samples (IMLGS) || NCEI Marine Geology Data Archive //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:aggregationInfo/gmd:MD_AggregateInformation[gmd:associationType/gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode/@codeListValue='largerWorkCitation']/gmd:aggregateDataSetName/gmd:CI_Citation
Larger Work Type (3) Recommended EC collection || project || collection //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:aggregationInfo/gmd:MD_AggregateInformation[gmd:associationType/gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode/@codeListValue='largerWorkCitation']/gmd:initiativeType/gmd:DS_InitiativeTypeCode/@codeListValue
Project Keyword (2) Recommended EC IMLGS || ICSU-WDS > International Council for Science - World Data System //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords[gmd:type/gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode/@codeListValue='project']/gmd:keyword
Project Keyword Thesaurus (2) Recommended EC Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Project Keywords || Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Project Keywords //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords[gmd:type/gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode/@codeListValue='project']/gmd:thesaurusName/gmd:CI_Citation
Parent Metadata ID (0) Recommended /gmi:MI_Metadata/gmd:parentIdentifier

Attribution Category


The Attribution Category provides information that can be used to cite the resource and provide proper credit, such as creator names, publisher names and a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Label (count) Rule Score Metadata Content Guidance: Xpath and ISO Explorer Links
Creator (2) Recommended EC Dr. Donn Gorsline ~ University of Southern California, Department of Earth Sciences ~ Researcher Emeritus ~ originator || University of Southern California (USC) Department of Earth Sciences ~ author //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty[gmd:role/gmd:CI_RoleCode/@codeListValue[(.)= 'resourceProvider' or (.) = 'originator' or (.) = 'principalInvestigator' or (.) = 'author' or (.) = 'collaborator']]
Publisher (1) Recommended EC NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information ~ publisher //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty[.//gmd:role/gmd:CI_RoleCode/@codeListValue='publisher']
Publication Year (1) Recommended EC 1977-12-31 ~ publication //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/[.//gmd:dateType/gmd:CI_DateTypeCode/@codeListValue = 'publication' or .//gmd:dateType/gmd:CI_DateTypeCode/@codeListValue = 'creation']
DOI (1) Recommended EC doi:10.7289/V58P5XH8 //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:code[contains(., 'DOI') or contains(.,'doi') or contains(.,'Doi')]
Recommended Citation (1) Recommended EC Cite as: University of Southern California (USC) Department of Earth Sciences. 1977: Archive of Geosample Data and Information from the University of Southern California (USC) Department of Earth Sciences. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Info (...etc) //gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:resourceConstraints/gmd:MD_LegalConstraints/gmd:otherConstraints/gco:CharacterString[contains(., 'CITE') or contains(.,'cite') or contains(.,'Cite')]