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GOES-R Series Level 1b SEISS Energetic Heavy Ion Sensor (EHIS) Product in Daily Aggregations
browse graphic The Energetic Heavy Ions product contains heavy ion directional differential flux values measured in situ in geostationary orbit. The differential flux values are produced for the Hydrogen (H), Helium (He), Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen (CNO), Neon-Sulfur (Ne-S), and Chlorine-Nickel (Cl-Ni) mass groups, and for individual elements between Beryllium and Copper (Be-Cu). The product includes data quality information that provides an assessment of the differential flux values, including whether they are invalid, and an indication of good or degraded quality. The rationale for the quality assessment is also given. (See the README file for additional quality assessments.) For each mass group, heavy ion flux is reported in five energy bands for one angular zone. Similarly, for each element in the elemental group, heavy ion flux is reported in five energy bands for one angular zone. The five energy bands are evenly spaced logarithmically spanning from 10 to 200 MeV per nucleon for the H and He mass groups. For all the mass groups and the elemental group, the energy band bounds are dynamic and included in the product. The one angular zone has a central look-angle that is anti-earthward and has a 60 degree conical field of view. The units of measure for the directional differential flux values are particles per second per square centimeter per steradian per (megaelectron volt per nucleon). The Level 1b product has a 5-minute cadence, corresponding to an accumulation of counts over a 5-minute period.