Leg : 12 Depth to Top of Core(m): 661.00 Piece: Hole: 112 Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 0/ 0 Core: 17 Sample Depth: 661.00 Sect: 1 Analyst Name: Aumento, F. Analytical Method(s): X-Ray fluorescence X-Ray fluorescence X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock type Rock name Extensive IGNEOUS PLAG-OL-CPX PHYRIC BASALT SiO2 : Al2O3: Fe2O3(tot): FeO(tot): Fe2O3: FeO : MgO : CaO : Na2O : K2O : TiO2 : 1.002 MnO : P2O5 : LOI : H2O+ : H2O- : CO2 : SO3 : S : Total: Magnesium#: Comments: Essential oxides quoted to .01 Laboratory analysis. Data source is Initial Reports. Sample (or sample split) was analyzed more than once, e.g., both onboard ship and at one or more shore laboratories or by different techniques. Partial analysis. |
Cite as: Deep Sea Drilling Project (1989): Archive of Core and Site/Hole Data and Photographs from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V54M92G2 [access date]
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