Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: 010% Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 0.00 Silt: 050% Core: 1 Sample Depth (m) : 0.10 Clay: 040% Age : QUATERNARY Name: NANNFORAM BEARING SAND/RICH CLAYEY SILTM QTZ 50,FEL P,MICA P,HVY.MINS 4, Name: CLAY.MINS 27,GLAUC TR,HB P,CHLOR P,GARNET ? Components: (Dominant lithology) ====================================================================== FORAMINIFERA (10%); NANNOFOSSIL (06%); SPICULE (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 0.00 Silt: Core: 1 Sample Depth (m) : 0.10 Clay: Age : QUATERNARY Name: FORAM/SILT BEARING CLAY/RICH NANNO OOZEM QTZ+FEL 5/N SILT/SIZED,HVY.MINS Components: (Minor lithology) ====================================================================== FORAMINIFERA (04%); NANNOFOSSIL (65%); DIATOM (02%); SPICULE (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1330 Sand: Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 1.00 Silt: Core: 2 Sample Depth (m) : 2.33 Clay: Age : QUATERNARY Name: SILT/CLAY RICH NANNO OOZE Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (18%); FELDSPAR (01%); MICA (01%); HEAVY MINERAL (03%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (22%); CLAY MINERAL (10%); GLAUCONITE (02%); HORNBLENDE (01%); CARBONATE (02%); FORAMINIFERA (03%); NANNOFOSSIL (63%); SPICULE (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 800 Sand: 030% Sect: 2 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 1.00 Silt: 050% Core: 2 Sample Depth (m) : 3.30 Clay: 020% Age : QUATERNARY Name: SANDY SILT Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (30%); FELDSPAR (03%); MICA (03%); HEAVY MINERAL (05%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (40%); CLAY MINERAL (53%); GLAUCONITE (02%); HORNBLENDE (01%); ZIRCON (01%); OPAQUE MINERAL (01%); BIOTITE (01%); GARNET (01%); Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== NANNOFOSSIL (02%); SPICULE (04%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1250 Sand: 002% Sect: 2 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 1.00 Silt: 015% Core: 2 Sample Depth (m) : 3.75 Clay: 083% Age : QUATERNARY Name: SILT/RICH CLAY RICH NANNO OOZE Components: (Minor lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (07%); MICA (03%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); CLAY MINERAL (20%); CARBONATE (01%); SPHENE (01%); IRON (01%); FORAMINIFERA (02%); NANNOFOSSIL (70%); SPICULE (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 250 Sand: Sect: 3 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 1.00 Silt: Core: 2 Sample Depth (m) : 4.25 Clay: Age : QUATERNARY Name: FORAM/BEARING CLAY/RICH NANNO OOZE Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (02%); FELDSPAR (01%); MICA (01%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (04%); CLAY MINERAL (05%); GLAUCONITE (01%); CARBONATE (05%); FORAMINIFERA (02%); NANNOFOSSIL (82%); SPICULE (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 560 Sand: 020% Sect: 3 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 1.00 Silt: 070% Core: 2 Sample Depth (m) : 4.56 Clay: 010% Age : QUATERNARY Name: GREY SANDY SILT Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (20%); FELDSPAR (02%); MICA (03%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (25%); CLAY MINERAL (70%); GLAUCONITE (01%); CARBONATE (01%); NANNOFOSSIL (02%); SPICULE (03%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: 001% Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 1.00 Silt: 007% Core: 2 Sample Depth (m) : 5.60 Clay: 092% Age : QUATERNARY Name: SILT/BEARING CLAY/RICH NANNO OOZE Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (01%); FELDSPAR (01%); MICA (02%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (07%); CLAY MINERAL (15%); CARBONATE (02%); ZIRCON (01%); HORNBLENDE (01%); GARNET (01%); FORAMINIFERA (03%); NANNOFOSSIL (75%); SPICULE (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: 001% Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 47.00 Silt: 020% Core: 3 Sample Depth (m) : 47.10 Clay: 079% Age : UPPER PLIOCENE Name: SILT/RICH CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (03%); MICA (03%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); CLAY MINERAL (94%); HORNBLENDE (01%); TOURMALINE (01%); CARBONATE (02%); NANNOFOSSIL (03%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1000 Sand: Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 121.00 Silt: 060% Core: 4 Sample Depth (m) : 122.50 Clay: 040% Age : UPPER PLIOCENE Name: CLAYEY SILT Components: (Dominant lithology) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (30%); FELDSPAR (04%); MICA (24%); OPAQUE MINERAL (04%); CLAY MINERAL (38%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 950 Sand: Sect: 4 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 121.00 Silt: 030% Core: 4 Sample Depth (m) : 126.95 Clay: 070% Age : UPPER PLIOCENE Name: SILTY CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (25%); FELDSPAR (05%); MICA (03%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); CLAY MINERAL (65%); PYRITE (19%); DOLOMITE (02%); HORNBLENDE (01%); OPAQUE MINERAL (01%); BIOTITE (01%); NANNOFOSSIL (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 510 Sand: Sect: 5 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 121.00 Silt: 060% Core: 4 Sample Depth (m) : 128.01 Clay: 040% Age : UPPER PLIOCENE Name: CLAYEY SILT Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (40%); FELDSPAR (05%); MICA (15%); OPAQUE MINERAL (05%); CARBONATE (02%); AMPHIBOLE (01%); FORAMINIFERA (02%); NANNOFOSSIL (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 450 Sand: Sect: 6 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 121.00 Silt: 005% Core: 4 Sample Depth (m) : 129.45 Clay: 015% Age : UPPER MIOCENE Name: CLAY RICH NANNO OOZE Components: (Minor lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (05%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (20%); PYRITE (02%); MICA (01%); NANNOFOSSIL (80%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 121.00 Silt: Core: 4 Sample Depth (m) : 130.60 Clay: Age : UPPER MIOCENE Name: QUARTZ SAND Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (65%); FELDSPAR (15%); CARBONATE (15%); HORNBLENDE (04%); GARNET (01%); EPIDOTE (01%); PYRITE (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: 001% Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 121.00 Silt: 040% Core: 4 Sample Depth (m) : 130.60 Clay: 060% Age : UPPER MIOCENE Name: SILTY CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (10%); HEAVY MINERAL (01%); CLAY MINERAL (89%); DOLOMITE (01%); MICA (01%); NANNOFOSSIL (01%); SPICULE (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: 075% Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 142.00 Silt: 025% Core: 5 Sample Depth (m) : 142.10 Clay: Age : UPPER MIOCENE Name: SILTY SAND Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (75%); FELDSPAR (08%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (07%); OPAQUE MINERAL (10%); GARNET (01%); HORNBLENDE (01%); MICA (01%); FORAMINIFERA (02%); NANNOFOSSIL (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1080 Sand: 030% Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 151.00 Silt: 040% Core: 6 Sample Depth (m) : 152.08 Clay: 030% Age : UPPER MIOCENE Name: CLAYEY SANDY SILT Components: (Minor lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (55%); FELDSPAR (15%); MICA (02%); HEAVY MINERAL (03%); ZIRCON (01%); HORNBLENDE (01%); CARBONATE (01%); PYRITE (02%); OPAQUE MINERAL (01%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (98%); CLAY MINERAL (25%); FORAMINIFERA (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1200 Sand: Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 151.00 Silt: 045% Core: 6 Sample Depth (m) : 152.20 Clay: 055% Age : UPPER MIOCENE Name: SILTY CLAY Components: (Minor lithology) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (35%); FELDSPAR (10%); MICA (02%); HEAVY MINERAL (01%); CLAY MINERAL (50%); PYRITE (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: 055% Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 151.00 Silt: 040% Core: 6 Sample Depth (m) : 152.60 Clay: 005% Age : UPPER MIOCENE Name: SILTY SAND Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (60%); FELDSPAR (22%); MICA (06%); HEAVY MINERAL (05%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (99%); CLAY MINERAL (05%); GLAUCONITE (02%); PYRITE (02%); HORNBLENDE (02%); TOURMALINE (01%); GARNET (01%); EPIDOTE (01%); Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== CARBONATE (01%); OPAQUE MINERAL (00%); FORAMINIFERA (05%); NANNOFOSSIL (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 199.00 Silt: 010% Core: 7 Sample Depth (m) : 199.10 Clay: 090% Age : MIDDLE MIOCENE Name: SILT BEARING CLAY Components: (Minor lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (02%); MICA (99%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); TOURMALINE (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 600 Sand: 095% Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 227.00 Silt: Core: 8 Sample Depth (m) : 227.60 Clay: 005% Name: QUARTZ SAND Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== MICA (01%); HEAVY MINERAL (01%); CLAY MINERAL (06%); ZIRCON (01%); GARNET (01%); HORNBLENDE (01%); EPIDOTE (00%); NANNOFOSSIL (03%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1450 Sand: 005% Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 227.00 Silt: 015% Core: 8 Sample Depth (m) : 228.45 Clay: 080% Name: SILTY CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (05%); FELDSPAR (01%); MICA (02%); HEAVY MINERAL (01%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (06%); CLAY MINERAL (80%); NANNOFOSSIL (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: 030% Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 227.00 Silt: 030% Core: 8 Sample Depth (m) : 228.60 Clay: 040% Name: SILTY SANDY CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (30%); MICA (02%); HEAVY MINERAL (03%); CLAY MINERAL (50%); PYRITE (02%); HYPERSTHENE (01%); HORNBLENDE (01%); GARNET (01%); ZIRCON (01%); EPIDOTE (01%); FORAMINIFERA (02%); NANNOFOSSIL (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 650 Sand: 095% Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 265.00 Silt: 005% Core: 9 Sample Depth (m) : 265.65 Clay: Name: QUARTZ SAND Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (65%); FELDSPAR (25%); MICA (01%); HEAVY MINERAL (05%); OPAQUE MINERAL (05%); PYRITE (02%); HORNBLENDE (78%); TOURMALINE (02%); GARNET (23%); ZIRCON (01%); SPHENE (01%); EPIDOTE (23%); Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== BIOTITE (00%); FORAMINIFERA (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: 010% Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 265.00 Silt: 015% Core: 9 Sample Depth (m) : 268.10 Clay: 075% Name: SANDY/SILT RICH CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (18%); FELDSPAR (06%); MICA (02%); HEAVY MINERAL (01%); CLAY MINERAL (75%); PYRITE (02%); ZIRCON (01%); BIOTITE (01%); HORNBLENDE (01%); IRON (01%); GARNET (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: 040% Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 265.00 Silt: 030% Core: 9 Sample Depth (m) : 268.10 Clay: 030% Name: CLAYEY SILTY SAND Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (50%); FELDSPAR (05%); MICA (15%); HORNBLENDE (02%); CLAY MINERAL (28%); PYRITE (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 900 Sand: Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 312.00 Silt: 015% Core: 10 Sample Depth (m) : 312.90 Clay: 085% Age : LOWER MIOCENE Name: SILT RICH CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (08%); FELDSPAR (03%); MICA (03%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); CLAY MINERAL (85%); IRON (01%); PYRITE (03%); HORNBLENDE (01%); ZIRCON (01%); EPIDOTE (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1000 Sand: Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 312.00 Silt: 015% Core: 10 Sample Depth (m) : 313.00 Clay: 085% Age : LOWER MIOCENE Name: SILT/RICH CLAY Components: (Minor lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== MICA (02%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (99%); CLAY MINERAL (85%); PYRITE (02%); APATITE (01%); FELDSPAR (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1100 Sand: Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 312.00 Silt: 020% Core: 10 Sample Depth (m) : 313.10 Clay: Age : LOWER MIOCENE Name: SILT/RICH CLAY Components: (Minor lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (14%); FELDSPAR (05%); MICA (02%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); CLAY MINERAL (80%); PYRITE (02%); CARBONATE (02%); HORNBLENDE (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1270 Sand: Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 312.00 Silt: 010% Core: 10 Sample Depth (m) : 313.27 Clay: 090% Age : LOWER MIOCENE Name: SILT/RICH CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (08%); FELDSPAR (01%); CLAY MINERAL (90%); PYRITE (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 320 Sand: Sect: 2 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 312.00 Silt: 035% Core: 10 Sample Depth (m) : 313.82 Clay: 065% Age : LOWER MIOCENE Name: SILT/RICH MANGANESE/RICH CLAY Components: (Minor lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== MICA (02%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); CLAY MINERAL (65%); MANGANESE (20%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 700 Sand: Sect: 2 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 312.00 Silt: 002% Core: 10 Sample Depth (m) : 314.20 Clay: 098% Age : UPPER EOCENE Name: DEVITRIFIED VOLCANIC GLASS Components: (Minor lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== GLASS (02%); CLAY MINERAL (98%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1290 Sand: Sect: 2 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 312.00 Silt: 005% Core: 10 Sample Depth (m) : 314.79 Clay: 095% Age : UPPER EOCENE Name: DEVITRIFIED VOLCANIC GLASS Components: (Minor lithology) ====================================================================== CLAY MINERAL (95%); IRON (00%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1360 Sand: Sect: 2 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 312.00 Silt: 005% Core: 10 Sample Depth (m) : 314.86 Clay: 095% Age : UPPER EOCENE Name: SILT/BEARING CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (04%); FELDSPAR (01%); MICA (02%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); CLAY MINERAL (95%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1200 Sand: Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 360.00 Silt: 010% Core: 11 Sample Depth (m) : 361.20 Clay: 090% Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: SILT/RICH CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (09%); FELDSPAR (02%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (09%); CLAY MINERAL (92%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1300 Sand: Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 360.00 Silt: 007% Core: 11 Sample Depth (m) : 361.30 Clay: 093% Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: SILTY/RICH CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (05%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (05%); CLAY MINERAL (93%); PYRITE (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 750 Sand: Sect: 2 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 360.00 Silt: 015% Core: 11 Sample Depth (m) : 362.25 Clay: 085% Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: SILT/RICH CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (10%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (11%); CLAY MINERAL (89%); PYRITE (01%); DOLOMITE (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 100 Sand: Sect: 3 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 360.00 Silt: 097% Core: 11 Sample Depth (m) : 363.10 Clay: 003% Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: CARBONATE SILT Components: (Minor lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (02%); MICA (03%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); CARBONATE (95%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 410 Sand: Sect: 3 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 360.00 Silt: 040% Core: 11 Sample Depth (m) : 363.41 Clay: 060% Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: CARBONATE RHOMB CLAY Components: (Minor lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (05%); FELDSPAR (00%); MICA (00%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (05%); CLAY MINERAL (59%); CARBONATE (35%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 630 Sand: Sect: 3 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 360.00 Silt: 015% Core: 11 Sample Depth (m) : 363.63 Clay: 085% Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: SILT/RICH CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (05%); CLAY MINERAL (95%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); IRON (01%); MICA (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 360.00 Silt: 005% Core: 11 Sample Depth (m) : 364.60 Clay: 095% Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: CLAY Components: (Minor lithology) ====================================================================== CLAY MINERAL (95%); PALAGONITE (00%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1000 Sand: Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 389.00 Silt: 005% Core: 12 Sample Depth (m) : 390.00 Clay: Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: SILT BEARING CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (05%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (05%); CLAY MINERAL (95%); HORNBLENDE (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 810 Sand: Sect: 3 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 389.00 Silt: 010% Core: 12 Sample Depth (m) : 392.81 Clay: 090% Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: SILT BEARING CLAY Components: (Minor lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (30%); FELDSPAR (01%); MICA (01%); HEAVY MINERAL (01%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (03%); CLAY MINERAL (96%); PYRITE (01%); HORNBLENDE (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1060 Sand: Sect: 3 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 389.00 Silt: 060% Core: 12 Sample Depth (m) : 393.06 Clay: 040% Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: CLAYEY SILT Components: (Minor lithology) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (03%); CLAY MINERAL (96%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1400 Sand: Sect: 3 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 389.00 Silt: Core: 12 Sample Depth (m) : 393.40 Clay: Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: SILT RICH CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (03%); CLAY MINERAL (95%); DOLOMITE (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1400 Sand: Sect: 4 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 389.00 Silt: 010% Core: 12 Sample Depth (m) : 394.90 Clay: 090% Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: SILT BEARING CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (03%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (04%); CLAY MINERAL (06%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 900 Sand: Sect: 6 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 389.00 Silt: 010% Core: 12 Sample Depth (m) : 397.40 Clay: 090% Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: SILT BEARING CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (05%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (05%); CLAY MINERAL (95%); RADIOLARIA (00%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 389.00 Silt: 005% Core: 12 Sample Depth (m) : 398.10 Clay: 095% Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== MICA (02%); CLAY MINERAL (95%); PYRITE (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 389.00 Silt: 015% Core: 12 Sample Depth (m) : 398.10 Clay: 085% Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: SILT RICH CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (03%); CLAY MINERAL (97%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); NANNOFOSSIL (00%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1200 Sand: Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 398.00 Silt: 020% Core: 13 Sample Depth (m) : 399.20 Clay: 080% Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: SILT RICH CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (05%); MICA (96%); HEAVY MINERAL (01%); ZIRCON (01%); CARBONATE (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 950 Sand: Sect: 6 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 398.00 Silt: Core: 13 Sample Depth (m) : 406.45 Clay: Age : LOWER EOCENE Name: NANNO RICH CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (02%); CLAY MINERAL (73%); CARBONATE (02%); NANNOFOSSIL (25%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 398.00 Silt: 010% Core: 13 Sample Depth (m) : 407.10 Clay: 090% Age : LOWER TERTIARY Name: NANNO BEARING SILT BEARING CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (03%); CLAY MINERAL (87%); HEAVY MINERAL (02%); DOLOMITE (01%); CARBONATE (02%); MICA (01%); NANNOFOSSIL (07%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 310 Sand: Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 407.00 Silt: 020% Core: 14 Sample Depth (m) : 407.83 Clay: 080% Age : LOWER TERTIARY Name: BROWN CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== CLAY MINERAL (80%); OPAQUE MINERAL (01%); IRON (02%); LIMONITE (01%); DIOPSIDE (01%); AUGITE (01%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 340 Sand: Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 407.00 Silt: 010% Core: 14 Sample Depth (m) : 407.86 Clay: 090% Age : LOWER TERTIARY Name: SILT BEARING BROWN CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology) ====================================================================== CLAY MINERAL (90%); OPAQUE MINERAL (02%); IRON (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 720 Sand: Sect: 1 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 407.00 Silt: 001% Core: 14 Sample Depth (m) : 408.24 Clay: 090% Age : LOWER TERTIARY Name: BROWN CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (05%); OPAQUE MINERAL (05%); LIMONITE (00%); MAGNETITE (00%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 660 Sand: Sect: 3 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 407.00 Silt: 005% Core: 14 Sample Depth (m) : 411.18 Clay: 095% Age : LOWER TERTIARY Name: GREEN CLAY Components: (Minor lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== CLAY MINERAL (95%); OPAQUE MINERAL (01%); IRON (02%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1320 Sand: Sect: 5 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 407.00 Silt: 020% Core: 14 Sample Depth (m) : 414.84 Clay: 080% Age : LOWER TERTIARY Name: SILT RICH BROWN CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology) ====================================================================== MICA (01%); CLAY MINERAL (80%); OPAQUE MINERAL (04%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 420 Sand: Sect: 6 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 407.00 Silt: 010% Core: 14 Sample Depth (m) : 415.44 Clay: 090% Age : LOWER TERTIARY Name: RED SILT BEARING CLAY Components: (Minor lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (01%); IRON (03%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 1440 Sand: Sect: 6 Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 407.00 Silt: 015% Core: 14 Sample Depth (m) : 416.46 Clay: 085% Name: SILT RICH CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (02%); TERRIGENOUS DETRITUS (02%); CLAY MINERAL (95%); BIOTITE (00%); Leg : 25 Top Int Depth(mm): 0 Sand: Sect: CC Hole: 248 Top Core Depth(m): 407.00 Silt: 005% Core: 14 Sample Depth (m) : 416.62 Clay: 095% Name: BROWN CLAY Components: (Dominant lithology, % converted from relative abundance) ====================================================================== QUARTZ (01%); CLAY MINERAL (97%); IRON (01%); |
Cite as: Deep Sea Drilling Project (1989): Archive of Core and Site/Hole Data and Photographs from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V54M92G2 [access date]
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