NOAA logo, National Centers for Environmental Information, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NSF logo, National Science Foundation, Division of Ocean Sciences

Core Data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project

Leg : 52    Top/Bottom Interval(mm):  240/ 270  Analyst: Levi, S.
Hole: 418A  Top of Core Depth(m)   :   158.50   Device : ROTARY
Core:   6   Sample Midpoint(m)     :   158.76   Section:  1

AFD   Intensity exp  J(H)/Jo   Declination  Inclination  Rep  Comments
====  ========= ===  ========  ===========  ===========  ===  ===============
 NRM      19.5   6      1.000     219.4         42.4      0
  25             6      0.719     224.1         39.5      0
  50             6      0.515     226.1         27.6      0
 100             6      0.409     225.7         21.6      0
 150             6      0.275     232.4         28.6      0
 200             6      0.073     244.7         22.6      0
 300             6      0.159     236.7         30.8      0
 400             6      0.025     217.5          0.7      0
 200             6      0.176     236.7         31.2      1
 300             6      0.146     234.1         16.0      1
 400             6      0.020     222.0         33.3      1

Leg : 52    Top/Bottom Interval(mm):  120/ 140  Analyst: Levi, S.
Hole: 418A  Top of Core Depth(m)   :   168.00   Device : ROTARY
Core:   7   Sample Midpoint(m)     :   172.63   Section:  4

AFD   Intensity exp  J(H)/Jo   Declination  Inclination  Rep  Comments
====  ========= ===  ========  ===========  ===========  ===  ===============
 NRM      6.93   6      1.000      79.0         79.9      0
  25             6     0.0741      80.1         18.8      0
  50             6      0.793      81.5        -15.7      0
 100             6      0.435      83.7        -18.2      0
 150             6      0.224      86.3        -25.0      0
 200             6      0.290      93.3        -29.4      0
 300             6      0.336      88.5        -12.2      0
  50             6      0.670      80.9        -18.9      1
 150             6      0.488      86.8        -38.1      1
 300             6      0.582      90.1        -34.8      1

Leg : 52    Top/Bottom Interval(mm):  540/ 570  Analyst: Levi, S.
Hole: 418A  Top of Core Depth(m)   :   168.00   Device : ROTARY
Core:   7   Sample Midpoint(m)     :   174.56   Section:  5

AFD   Intensity exp  J(H)/Jo   Declination  Inclination  Rep  Comments
====  ========= ===  ========  ===========  ===========  ===  ===============
 NRM      17.2   6      1.000      25.1         70.8      0
  25             6      0.535      24.4         69.3      0
  50             6      0.048     187.9         62.1      0
 100             6      0.032     184.6          4.3      0
 150             6      0.092     196.5         -8.8      0
 200             6      0.140     198.1        -21.1      0
 300             6      0.095     157.5         14.8      0
  50             6      0.088     191.0         58.0      1
 150             6      0.093     196.8        -16.1      1
 300             6      0.135     197.8        -36.7      1

Leg : 52    Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1360/1390  Analyst: Levi, S.
Hole: 418A  Top of Core Depth(m)   :   196.50   Device : ROTARY
Core:   8   Sample Midpoint(m)     :   197.88   Section:  1

AFD   Intensity exp  J(H)/Jo   Declination  Inclination  Rep  Comments
====  ========= ===  ========  ===========  ===========  ===  ===============
 NRM      24.1   6      1.000     152.4         29.2      0
  25             6      0.861     144.0         28.5      0
  50             6      0.496     141.9          7.4      0
 100             6      0.249     131.7         -0.0      0
 150             6      0.188     133.4        -17.9      0
 200             6      0.153     138.4         -1.1      0
 300             6      0.026     264.7         -6.9      0
 100             6      0.233     129.6         -9.4      1
 200             6      0.096     113.3        -19.7      1
 300             6      0.014     245.6         -7.5      1

Leg : 52    Top/Bottom Interval(mm):  870/ 890  Analyst: Levi, S.
Hole: 418A  Top of Core Depth(m)   :   291.50   Device : ROTARY
Core:  12   Sample Midpoint(m)     :   292.38   Section:  1

AFD   Intensity exp  J(H)/Jo   Declination  Inclination  Rep  Comments
====  ========= ===  ========  ===========  ===========  ===  ===============
 NRM      3.41   6      1.000     169.2         25.4      0
  25             6      1.252     175.5         15.7      0
  50             6      0.758     172.4          3.3      0
 100             6      0.438     173.4         -3.6      0
 150             6      0.594     173.0        -11.4      0
 200             6      0.366     174.5         -3.8      0
 100             6      0.323     171.6         -6.8      1
 200             6      0.044     159.6         21.2      1

Leg : 52    Top/Bottom Interval(mm):  720/ 750  Analyst: Levi, S.
Hole: 418A  Top of Core Depth(m)   :   301.00   Device : ROTARY
Core:  13   Sample Midpoint(m)     :   301.74   Section:  1

AFD   Intensity exp  J(H)/Jo   Declination  Inclination  Rep  Comments
====  ========= ===  ========  ===========  ===========  ===  ===============
 NRM     100.8   6      1.000     235.6         39.4      0
  25             6      0.910     224.1         32.6      0
  50             6      0.709     220.7         26.9      0
 100             6      0.429     219.9         24.0      0
 150             6      0.269     221.0         23.0      0
 200             6      0.145     221.9         20.7      0
 300             6      0.073     223.7         18.4      0
 400             6      0.022     225.7          8.3      0
 400             6      0.011     231.0         18.3      1

Leg : 52    Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1010/1030  Analyst: Levi, S.
Hole: 418A  Top of Core Depth(m)   :   301.00   Device : ROTARY
Core:  13   Sample Midpoint(m)     :   303.52   Section:  2

AFD   Intensity exp  J(H)/Jo   Declination  Inclination  Rep  Comments
====  ========= ===  ========  ===========  ===========  ===  ===============
 NRM     0.380   6      1.000      93.3         -4.3      0
  25             6      0.679      93.7         -7.0      0
  25             6      0.709      81.3        -23.6      1

Leg : 52    Top/Bottom Interval(mm):  100/ 120  Analyst: Levi, S.
Hole: 418A  Top of Core Depth(m)   :   320.00   Device : ROTARY
Core:  15   Sample Midpoint(m)     :   320.11   Section:  1

AFD   Intensity exp  J(H)/Jo   Declination  Inclination  Rep  Comments
====  ========= ===  ========  ===========  ===========  ===  ===============
 NRM     0.816   6      1.000      37.6         19.3      0
  25             6      0.622      57.3         43.0      0
  50             6      1.024      39.5         32.7      0
  25             6      0.630      37.6         31.5      1
  50             6      0.963      30.9         66.0      1

Leg : 52    Top/Bottom Interval(mm):  150/ 170  Analyst: Levi, S.
Hole: 418A  Top of Core Depth(m)   :   320.00   Device : ROTARY
Core:  15   Sample Midpoint(m)     :   320.16   Section:  1

AFD   Intensity exp  J(H)/Jo   Declination  Inclination  Rep  Comments
====  ========= ===  ========  ===========  ===========  ===  ===============
 NRM     0.996   6      1.000      58.1         31.4      0
  25             6      0.929      38.8         26.0      0
  50             6      2.028      51.4         22.1      0
  25             6      0.958      57.4         37.9      1
  50             6      2.337      51.4         26.6      1



Cite as: Deep Sea Drilling Project (1989): Archive of Core and Site/Hole Data and Photographs from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V54M92G2 [access date]

These Web pages are from the Core Data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 1-96 CD-ROM produced in 1989 and modified in 2000 by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, National Geophysical Data Center (now part of the National Centers for Environmental Information), and collocated World Data Center for Marine Geology and Geophysics, Boulder (now part of the World Data Service for Geophysics). Data were compiled in cooperation with the U.S. Science Support Program, of the Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc. (now the Consortium for Ocean Leadership), and the U.S. National Science Foundation.

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Department of Commerce > NOAA > NESDIS > NCEI > doi:10.7289/V54M92G2