Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 286.50 Sample Depth(m): 289.92 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 400/ 440 Core: 3 Section/Piece: 3/2 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 193. Co: Ni: 44. Cu: Zn: 76. Ga: 20. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 8. Sr: 192. Y : 32. Zr: 98. Nb: -1. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 40. La: 4. Ce: 14. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 3. Bi: Th: 2. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 286.50 Sample Depth(m): 290.92 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1400/1430 Core: 3 Section/Piece: 3/15B Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 247. Co: Ni: 57. Cu: Zn: 83. Ga: 18. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 5. Sr: 186. Y : 29. Zr: 89. Nb: 1. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 24. La: 2. Ce: 16. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 7. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 286.50 Sample Depth(m): 290.92 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1400/1430 Core: 3 Section/Piece: 3/15B Analyst: Wood, D. Methods: Inst neutron activ Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 38.9 V : Cr: 215. Co: Ni: 64. Cu: Zn: Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 4.4 Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 0.29 Ba: La: 2.9 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.16 Gd: Tb: 0.70 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.20 Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 0.17 U : 0.10 Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 286.50 Sample Depth(m): 290.93 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1400/1460 Core: 3 Section/Piece: 3/15B Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 31. Be: B : 10. F : 330. Cl: Sc: V : 290. Cr: 260. Co: 40. Ni: 52. Cu: 72. Zn: 82. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 9.4 Sr: 180. Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 0.8 Ba: La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 286.50 Sample Depth(m): 291.14 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 130/ 160 Core: 3 Section/Piece: 4/1B Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 221. Co: Ni: 52. Cu: Zn: 85. Ga: 18. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 7. Sr: 180. Y : 30. Zr: 96. Nb: 1. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 37. La: 5. Ce: 12. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 1. Bi: Th: 1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 296.00 Sample Depth(m): 296.58 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 570/ 580 Core: 4 Section/Piece: 1/9 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 258. Co: Ni: 60. Cu: Zn: 70. Ga: 18. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 7. Sr: 189. Y : 30. Zr: 89. Nb: 4. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 22. La: 3. Ce: 17. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 6. Bi: Th: 2. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 296.00 Sample Depth(m): 297.88 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 350/ 400 Core: 4 Section/Piece: 2/6 Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 26. Be: B : 10. F : 390. Cl: Sc: V : 270. Cr: 230. Co: 43. Ni: 44. Cu: 70. Zn: 72. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 8.2 Sr: 170. Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 0.6 Ba: La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 296.00 Sample Depth(m): 298.63 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1100/1150 Core: 4 Section/Piece: 2/16 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 222. Co: Ni: 42. Cu: Zn: 66. Ga: 20. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 8. Sr: 187. Y : 29. Zr: 85. Nb: 3. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 28. La: 3. Ce: 12. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 3. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 296.00 Sample Depth(m): 299.22 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 210/ 230 Core: 4 Section/Piece: 3/3B Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 216. Co: Ni: 53. Cu: Zn: 67. Ga: 17. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 6. Sr: 184. Y : 28. Zr: 90. Nb: 2. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 26. La: 2. Ce: 14. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 4. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 296.00 Sample Depth(m): 299.22 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 210/ 230 Core: 4 Section/Piece: 3/3B Analyst: Wood, D. Methods: Inst neutron activ Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 37.4 V : Cr: 190. Co: Ni: 62. Cu: Zn: Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 4.0 Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 0.17 Ba: La: 2.9 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.14 Gd: Tb: 0.67 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.12 Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 0.21 U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 305.50 Sample Depth(m): 306.72 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1200/1240 Core: 5 Section/Piece: 1/10B Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 222. Co: Ni: 84. Cu: Zn: 67. Ga: 18. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 3. Sr: 188. Y : 25. Zr: 89. Nb: -1. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 33. La: 5. Ce: 13. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: -1. Bi: Th: 2. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 305.50 Sample Depth(m): 307.03 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 10/ 50 Core: 5 Section/Piece: 2/1A Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 237. Co: Ni: 103. Cu: Zn: 70. Ga: 19. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 2. Sr: 183. Y : 23. Zr: 91. Nb: 1. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 32. La: 2. Ce: 12. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: -1. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 305.50 Sample Depth(m): 307.03 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 10/ 50 Core: 5 Section/Piece: 2/1A Analyst: Wood, D. Methods: Inst neutron activ Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 37.2 V : Cr: 216. Co: Ni: 113. Cu: Zn: Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 3.2 Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 0.07 Ba: La: 2.9 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.15 Gd: Tb: 0.61 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.21 Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 0.20 U : 0.39 Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 305.50 Sample Depth(m): 307.63 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 600/ 650 Core: 5 Section/Piece: 2/2D Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Fresh IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 232. Co: Ni: 157. Cu: Zn: 84. Ga: 19. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 2. Sr: 179. Y : 27. Zr: 91. Nb: 4. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 35. La: 2. Ce: 11. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 1. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 305.50 Sample Depth(m): 307.68 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 650/ 700 Core: 5 Section/Piece: 2/2E Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 12. Be: B : -10. F : 400. Cl: Sc: V : 260. Cr: 200. Co: 40. Ni: 135. Cu: 79. Zn: 105. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 6.0 Sr: 170. Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: -0.5 Ba: La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 305.50 Sample Depth(m): 308.08 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1060/1090 Core: 5 Section/Piece: 2/2H Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 244. Co: Ni: 80. Cu: Zn: 59. Ga: 15. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 5. Sr: 176. Y : 26. Zr: 84. Nb: 3. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 30. La: 2. Ce: 11. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 1. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 305.50 Sample Depth(m): 309.44 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 940/ 940 Core: 5 Section/Piece: 3/8A Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 226. Co: Ni: 74. Cu: Zn: 100. Ga: 15. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 5. Sr: 179. Y : 27. Zr: 90. Nb: 3. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 32. La: 3. Ce: 9. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 4. Bi: Th: 1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 305.50 Sample Depth(m): 310.79 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 790/ 790 Core: 5 Section/Piece: 4/13 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 233. Co: Ni: 60. Cu: Zn: 79. Ga: 14. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 3. Sr: 185. Y : 28. Zr: 84. Nb: 2. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 29. La: 3. Ce: 16. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 3. Bi: Th: 2. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 315.00 Sample Depth(m): 315.55 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 530/ 570 Core: 6 Section/Piece: 1/7A Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 237. Co: Ni: 64. Cu: Zn: 75. Ga: 18. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 2. Sr: 130. Y : 28. Zr: 88. Nb: 3. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 29. La: 3. Ce: 10. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 3. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 315.00 Sample Depth(m): 316.84 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 320/ 360 Core: 6 Section/Piece: 2/5 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 277. Co: Ni: 71. Cu: Zn: 106. Ga: 18. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 7. Sr: 152. Y : 27. Zr: 86. Nb: 2. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 37. La: 3. Ce: 8. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 8. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 315.00 Sample Depth(m): 317.99 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1470/1500 Core: 6 Section/Piece: 2/14 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 247. Co: Ni: 82. Cu: Zn: 71. Ga: 20. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -1. Sr: 193. Y : 28. Zr: 83. Nb: 4. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 28. La: 4. Ce: 12. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 1. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 315.00 Sample Depth(m): 318.31 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 270/ 350 Core: 6 Section/Piece: 3/3 Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Fresh IGNEOUS BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 5. Be: B : -10. F : 250. Cl: Sc: V : 300. Cr: 190. Co: 47. Ni: 84. Cu: 78. Zn: 94. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 3.1 Sr: 150. Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 315.00 Sample Depth(m): 318.29 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 280/ 300 Core: 6 Section/Piece: 3/4 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Fresh IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 232. Co: Ni: 49. Cu: Zn: 76. Ga: 18. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 3. Sr: 195. Y : 26. Zr: 89. Nb: 3. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 32. La: 4. Ce: 12. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 6. Bi: Th: 1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 324.50 Sample Depth(m): 324.89 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 350/ 420 Core: 7 Section/Piece: 1/5 Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Fresh IGNEOUS BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 10. Be: B : -10. F : 240. Cl: Sc: V : 290. Cr: 190. Co: 38. Ni: 56. Cu: 78. Zn: 105. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 7.9 Sr: 150. Y : 10.71 Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: -0.5 Ba: La: 2.28 Ce: 7.53 Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 324.50 Sample Depth(m): 324.97 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 460/ 480 Core: 7 Section/Piece: 1/7 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Fresh IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 209. Co: Ni: 50. Cu: Zn: 75. Ga: 19. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 2. Sr: 202. Y : 31. Zr: 94. Nb: 3. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 44. La: 4. Ce: 14. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 3. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 324.50 Sample Depth(m): 325.62 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1100/1140 Core: 7 Section/Piece: 1/11 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Fresh IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 211. Co: Ni: 59. Cu: Zn: 80. Ga: 18. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 2. Sr: 161. Y : 30. Zr: 93. Nb: 4. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 40. La: 3. Ce: 10. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 5. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 334.00 Sample Depth(m): 334.34 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 320/ 360 Core: 8 Section/Piece: 1/1C Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Fresh IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 412. Co: Ni: 201. Cu: Zn: 59. Ga: 19. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -1. Sr: 135. Y : 21. Zr: 67. Nb: 6. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 14. La: 5. Ce: 13. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 1. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 334.00 Sample Depth(m): 334.34 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 320/ 360 Core: 8 Section/Piece: 1/1C Analyst: Wood, D. Methods: Inst neutron activ Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Fresh IGNEOUS DOLERITE Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 30.0 V : Cr: 328. Co: Ni: 224. Cu: Zn: Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 0.03 Ba: La: 2.3 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 0.90 Gd: Tb: 0.53 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: 1.71 Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 0.12 U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 334.00 Sample Depth(m): 334.83 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 800/ 850 Core: 8 Section/Piece: 1/1I Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Fresh IGNEOUS APHYRIC DIABASE Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 10. Be: B : -10. F : 120. Cl: Sc: V : 250. Cr: 200. Co: 44. Ni: 130. Cu: 100. Zn: 80. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 3.5 Sr: 110. Y : 5.90 Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: -0.5 Ba: La: 1.58 Ce: 4.78 Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 334.00 Sample Depth(m): 338.23 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1200/1250 Core: 8 Section/Piece: 3/4B Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS DIABASE Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 12. Be: B : 11. F : 150. Cl: Sc: V : 250. Cr: 230. Co: 44. Ni: 130. Cu: 52. Zn: 85. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 5.0 Sr: 120. Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: -0.5 Ba: La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: -0.3 U : 0.7 Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 334.00 Sample Depth(m): 339.13 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 600/ 650 Core: 8 Section/Piece: 4/2 Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS DIABASE Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 10. Be: B : 18. F : 130. Cl: Sc: V : 290. Cr: 230. Co: 50. Ni: 100. Cu: 120. Zn: 100. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 6.1 Sr: 130. Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 334.00 Sample Depth(m): 340.77 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 740/ 790 Core: 8 Section/Piece: 5/3 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 255. Co: Ni: 100. Cu: Zn: 58. Ga: 16. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 2. Sr: 159. Y : 28. Zr: 84. Nb: 1. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 29. La: 3. Ce: 13. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 4. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 334.00 Sample Depth(m): 340.77 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 740/ 790 Core: 8 Section/Piece: 5/3 Analyst: Wood, D. Methods: Inst neutron activ Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS DOLERITE Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 34.1 V : Cr: 226. Co: Ni: 118. Cu: Zn: Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 0.04 Ba: La: 3.2 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.13 Gd: Tb: 0.67 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.19 Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 0.20 U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 334.00 Sample Depth(m): 342.03 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 500/ 550 Core: 8 Section/Piece: 6/2B Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS DIABASE Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 10. Be: B : -10. F : 260. Cl: Sc: V : 320. Cr: 230. Co: 40. Ni: 110. Cu: 76. Zn: 72. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 1.8 Sr: 150. Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: -0.5 Ba: La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 334.00 Sample Depth(m): 342.88 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1350/1400 Core: 8 Section/Piece: 6/4 Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS DIABASE Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 33. Be: B : -10. F : 250. Cl: Sc: V : 240. Cr: 190. Co: 38. Ni: 84. Cu: 77. Zn: 75. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 5.8 Sr: 140. Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 334.00 Sample Depth(m): 342.94 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1410/1460 Core: 8 Section/Piece: 6/4 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 258. Co: Ni: 105. Cu: Zn: 63. Ga: 18. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: -1. Sr: 169. Y : 27. Zr: 91. Nb: 1. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 34. La: 3. Ce: 12. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 5. Bi: Th: 2. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 334.00 Sample Depth(m): 343.50 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 470/ 520 Core: 8 Section/Piece: 7/5 Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS DIABASE Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 13. Be: B : -10. F : 260. Cl: Sc: V : 240. Cr: 220. Co: 48. Ni: 100. Cu: 70. Zn: 92. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 4.2 Sr: 150. Y : 12.80 Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: -0.5 Ba: La: 2.80 Ce: 9.32 Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 334.00 Sample Depth(m): 344.06 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1040/1080 Core: 8 Section/Piece: 7/12A Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 228. Co: Ni: 66. Cu: Zn: 41. Ga: 17. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 5. Sr: 154. Y : 20. Zr: 94. Nb: 4. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 19. La: 2. Ce: 13. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 6. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 334.00 Sample Depth(m): 344.06 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1040/1080 Core: 8 Section/Piece: 7/12A Analyst: Wood, D. Methods: Inst neutron activ Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS DOLERITE Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 36.6 V : Cr: 210. Co: Ni: 79. Cu: Zn: Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 2.4 Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 0.16 Ba: La: 3.1 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.17 Gd: Tb: 0.63 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.27 Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 0.21 U : Comments: CALCITE VEIN PRESENT IN THIS PIECE. Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 343.50 Sample Depth(m): 343.63 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 100/ 150 Core: 9 Section/Piece: 1/2 Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Extensive IGNEOUS BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 32. Be: B : -10. F : 130. Cl: Sc: V : 330. Cr: 290. Co: 56. Ni: 92. Cu: 57. Zn: 75. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 9.1 Sr: 150. Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 0.8 Ba: La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 343.50 Sample Depth(m): 343.87 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 340/ 390 Core: 9 Section/Piece: 1/5 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 300. Co: Ni: 137. Cu: Zn: 59. Ga: 18. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 11. Sr: 167. Y : 24. Zr: 78. Nb: 4. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 35. La: 5. Ce: 14. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 5. Bi: Th: 1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 343.50 Sample Depth(m): 344.59 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1070/1100 Core: 9 Section/Piece: 1/6D Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 282. Co: Ni: 118. Cu: Zn: 61. Ga: 14. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 9. Sr: 164. Y : 25. Zr: 79. Nb: 6. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 35. La: 2. Ce: 10. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 4. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 343.50 Sample Depth(m): 345.39 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 370/ 400 Core: 9 Section/Piece: 2/4A Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 270. Co: Ni: 100. Cu: Zn: 85. Ga: 17. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 7. Sr: 173. Y : 28. Zr: 84. Nb: 4. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 52. La: 2. Ce: 12. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 6. Bi: Th: 2. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 343.50 Sample Depth(m): 347.06 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 540/ 580 Core: 9 Section/Piece: 3/2A Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 251. Co: Ni: 118. Cu: Zn: 99. Ga: 20. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 3. Sr: 177. Y : 31. Zr: 106. Nb: 2. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 31. La: 3. Ce: 20. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 3. Bi: Th: 1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 353.00 Sample Depth(m): 353.81 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 780/ 840 Core: 10 Section/Piece: 1/14 Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 13. Be: B : 22. F : 330. Cl: Sc: V : 270. Cr: 260. Co: 81. Ni: 50. Cu: 64. Zn: 100. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 14.0 Sr: 170. Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 0.8 Ba: La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 353.00 Sample Depth(m): 353.95 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 930/ 960 Core: 10 Section/Piece: 1/17 Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : -10. F : 270. Cl: Sc: V : 210. Cr: 150. Co: 150. Ni: 65. Cu: 97. Zn: Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: Sr: 150. Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 353.00 Sample Depth(m): 354.12 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1100/1140 Core: 10 Section/Piece: 1/20 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 150. Co: Ni: 50. Cu: Zn: 94. Ga: 20. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 7. Sr: 162. Y : 35. Zr: 105. Nb: 3. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 25. La: 6. Ce: 13. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 5. Bi: Th: 1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 353.00 Sample Depth(m): 354.12 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1100/1140 Core: 10 Section/Piece: 1/20 Analyst: Wood, D. Methods: Inst neutron activ Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 40.7 V : Cr: 161. Co: Ni: 58. Cu: Zn: Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 6.1 Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 0.24 Ba: La: 3.2 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.49 Gd: Tb: 0.84 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.84 Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 0.13 U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 353.00 Sample Depth(m): 354.20 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1180/1210 Core: 10 Section/Piece: 1/21 Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS BASALTIC GLASS Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 10. Be: B : 15. F : 270. Cl: Sc: V : 240. Cr: 150. Co: 160. Ni: 45. Cu: 52. Zn: 100. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 13.0 Sr: 160. Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: -0.5 Ba: La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 362.50 Sample Depth(m): 363.98 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1460/1500 Core: 11 Section/Piece: 1/20 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 192. Co: Ni: 58. Cu: Zn: 108. Ga: 23. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 9. Sr: 185. Y : 38. Zr: 114. Nb: 3. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 30. La: 6. Ce: 15. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 3. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 362.50 Sample Depth(m): 364.72 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 700/ 730 Core: 11 Section/Piece: 2/10 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 195. Co: Ni: 70. Cu: Zn: 105. Ga: 21. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 5. Sr: 175. Y : 37. Zr: 116. Nb: 4. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 24. La: 4. Ce: 18. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 7. Bi: Th: 1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 362.50 Sample Depth(m): 364.72 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 700/ 730 Core: 11 Section/Piece: 2/10 Analyst: Wood, D. Methods: Inst neutron activ Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 37.1 V : Cr: 193. Co: Ni: 73. Cu: Zn: Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 0.24 Ba: La: 4.0 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.48 Gd: Tb: 0.81 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: 3.00 Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 0.25 U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 362.50 Sample Depth(m): 365.76 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 240/ 280 Core: 11 Section/Piece: 3/3 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 267. Co: Ni: 71. Cu: Zn: 110. Ga: 21. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 5. Sr: 178. Y : 39. Zr: 115. Nb: 5. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 39. La: 4. Ce: 14. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 4. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 372.00 Sample Depth(m): 372.54 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 520/ 560 Core: 12 Section/Piece: 1/8 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 194. Co: Ni: 67. Cu: Zn: 99. Ga: 24. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 8. Sr: 181. Y : 40. Zr: 120. Nb: 3. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 36. La: 4. Ce: 17. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 2. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 381.50 Sample Depth(m): 381.85 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 340/ 360 Core: 13 Section/Piece: 1/6 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 201. Co: Ni: 66. Cu: Zn: 100. Ga: 20. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 6. Sr: 171. Y : 43. Zr: 124. Nb: 5. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 28. La: 6. Ce: 19. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 6. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 381.50 Sample Depth(m): 383.93 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 920/ 940 Core: 13 Section/Piece: 2/12B Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 197. Co: Ni: 48. Cu: Zn: 103. Ga: 21. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 6. Sr: 186. Y : 41. Zr: 114. Nb: 4. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 40. La: 6. Ce: 18. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 3. Bi: Th: 2. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 381.50 Sample Depth(m): 384.71 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 190/ 220 Core: 13 Section/Piece: 3/3 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 195. Co: Ni: 51. Cu: Zn: 110. Ga: 22. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 7. Sr: 182. Y : 39. Zr: 115. Nb: 4. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 31. La: 8. Ce: 18. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 2. Bi: Th: 1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 391.00 Sample Depth(m): 391.38 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 350/ 400 Core: 14 Section/Piece: 1/6 Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS BASALTIC GLASS Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : -10. F : 300. Cl: Sc: V : 400. Cr: 120. Co: 45. Ni: 80. Cu: 95. Zn: Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: Sr: 220. Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 400.50 Sample Depth(m): 400.92 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 400/ 430 Core: 15 Section/Piece: 1/7 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 49. Co: Ni: 32. Cu: Zn: 83. Ga: 21. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 7. Sr: 219. Y : 31. Zr: 88. Nb: 3. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 33. La: 7. Ce: 15. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 3. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 410.00 Sample Depth(m): 410.27 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 250/ 280 Core: 16 Section/Piece: 1/4 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 35. Co: Ni: 39. Cu: Zn: 88. Ga: 22. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 21. Sr: 208. Y : 33. Zr: 95. Nb: 2. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 45. La: 5. Ce: 17. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 3. Bi: Th: 2. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 410.00 Sample Depth(m): 410.41 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 350/ 470 Core: 16 Section/Piece: 1/5 Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 18. Be: B : -10. F : 270. Cl: Sc: V : 290. Cr: 50. Co: 53. Ni: 34. Cu: 74. Zn: 110. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 13. Sr: 190. Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: -0.5 Ba: La: Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: -0.3 U : -0.2 Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 410.00 Sample Depth(m): 411.67 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 150/ 180 Core: 16 Section/Piece: 2/3 Analyst: Wood, D. Methods: Inst neutron activ Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 34.5 V : Cr: 64. Co: Ni: 44. Cu: Zn: Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 5.8 Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 0.37 Ba: La: 3.7 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.15 Gd: Tb: 0.68 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: 2.23 Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 0.38 U : 0.18 Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 417.00 Sample Depth(m): 417.53 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 500/ 550 Core: 17 Section/Piece: 1/11 Analyst: Nisterenko, G. Methods: Atomic absorption Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: 10. Be: B : 12. F : 270. Cl: Sc: V : 250. Cr: 65. Co: 54. Ni: 36. Cu: 75. Zn: 105. Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 16. Sr: 180. Y : 26.74 Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 1.6 Ba: La: 7.98 Ce: 14.56 Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 417.00 Sample Depth(m): 418.43 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 1420/1440 Core: 17 Section/Piece: 1/28 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 59. Co: Ni: 47. Cu: Zn: 94. Ga: 20. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 6. Sr: 185. Y : 37. Zr: 121. Nb: 3. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 30. La: 6. Ce: 17. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 5. Bi: Th: 2. U : Comments: ROCK HAS GLASSY RIND Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 426.50 Sample Depth(m): 426.98 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 460/ 490 Core: 18 Section/Piece: 1/12 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Moderate IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 59. Co: Ni: 48. Cu: Zn: 88. Ga: 22. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 3. Sr: 189. Y : 39. Zr: 123. Nb: 1. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 31. La: 5. Ce: 16. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 1. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 436.00 Sample Depth(m): 436.47 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 450/ 480 Core: 19 Section/Piece: 1/6 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 58. Co: Ni: 59. Cu: Zn: 106. Ga: 22. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 5. Sr: 173. Y : 36. Zr: 123. Nb: 5. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 42. La: 3. Ce: 17. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 1. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 436.00 Sample Depth(m): 437.89 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 380/ 400 Core: 19 Section/Piece: 2/6 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 59. Co: Ni: 57. Cu: Zn: 81. Ga: 22. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 7. Sr: 189. Y : 38. Zr: 129. Nb: 4. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 34. La: 4. Ce: 19. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 3. Bi: Th: -1. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 436.00 Sample Depth(m): 438.03 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 510/ 540 Core: 19 Section/Piece: 2/7 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 60. Co: Ni: 63. Cu: Zn: 84. Ga: 24. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 14. Sr: 186. Y : 38. Zr: 123. Nb: 3. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 34. La: 4. Ce: 15. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: 7. Bi: Th: 3. U : Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 436.00 Sample Depth(m): 438.03 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 510/ 540 Core: 19 Section/Piece: 2/7 Analyst: Wood, D. Methods: Inst neutron activ Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: 41.5 V : Cr: 91. Co: Ni: 71. Cu: Zn: Ga: Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 12.4 Sr: Y : Zr: Nb: Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: 1.70 Ba: La: 4.6 Ce: Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: 1.41 Gd: Tb: 0.83 Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: 3.10 Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: Bi: Th: 0.29 U : 0.26 Leg : 58 Depth to Top of Core(m): 445.50 Sample Depth(m): 446.02 Hole: 442B Top/Bottom Interval(mm): 500/ 530 Core: 20 Section/Piece: 1/9 Analyst: Tarney, J. Methods: X-Ray fluorescence Alteration Rock Type Rock Name Slight IGNEOUS APHYRIC BASALT Element concentrations (ppm): Li: Be: B : F : Cl: Sc: V : Cr: 64. Co: Ni: 41. Cu: Zn: 79. Ga: 20. Ge: As: Se: Br: Rb: 10. Sr: 179. Y : 39. Zr: 124. Nb: 1. Mo: Pd: Ag: Cd: Sn: Sb: Cs: Ba: 29. La: 6. Ce: 19. Pr: Nd: Sm: Eu: Gd: Tb: Dy: Ho: Er: Tm: Yb: Lu: Hf: Ta: W : Ir: Rt: Au: Tl: Pb: -1. Bi: Th: -1. U : |
Cite as: Deep Sea Drilling Project (1989): Archive of Core and Site/Hole Data and Photographs from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V54M92G2 [access date]
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