leg site hole core section top interval depth (cm) bottom interval depth (cm) top of core depth (m) sample depth in hole (m) data type sprint constant (g-cm) vane constant (cm-3) rate of vane rotation (degrees/minute) depth of vane burial (cm) deformation type orientation taped temperature wait time (minutes) torvane torvane calibration history shear strength (g/cm2) (hand calculated) remolded strength (g/cm2) (hand calculated) sensitivity (hand calculated) shear strength (g/cm2) (computer calculated) remolded strength (g/cm2) (computer calculated) sensitivity (computer calculated) stress strain observer 58 442 B 1 1 70.0 72.0 267.50 268.21 TORVANE INDETERMINABLE DEFORMATION MEDIUM BOTH 48.9 68.4 58 442 B 1 2 13.0 15.0 267.50 269.14 TORVANE INDETERMINABLE DEFORMATION MEDIUM BOTH 117.2 142.6 58 442 B 1 2 88.0 90.0 267.50 269.89 TORVANE INDETERMINABLE DEFORMATION MEDIUM BOTH 166.2 183.6 58 442 B 1 2 123.0 125.0 267.50 270.24 TORVANE INDETERMINABLE DEFORMATION MEDIUM BOTH 117.2 142.6 58 442 B 1 3 34.0 36.0 267.50 270.85 TORVANE INDETERMINABLE DEFORMATION MEDIUM BOTH 1172.7 1276.3 58 442 B 2 1 115.0 117.0 277.00 278.16 TORVANE INDETERMINABLE DEFORMATION MEDIUM BOTH 683.2 766.5 58 442 B 2 2 130.0 132.0 277.00 279.81 TORVANE INDETERMINABLE DEFORMATION MEDIUM BOTH 683.2 766.5 58 442 B 2 3 54.0 56.0 277.00 280.55 TORVANE INDETERMINABLE DEFORMATION MEDIUM BOTH 595.6 678.7 58 442 B 2 5 12.0 14.0 277.00 283.13 TORVANE INDETERMINABLE DEFORMATION MEDIUM BOTH 1223.7 1346.6