leg site hole core section top interval depth (cm) bottom interval depth (cm) top of core depth (m) sample depth in hole (m) data type sprint constant (g-cm) vane constant (cm-3) rate of vane rotation (degrees/minute) depth of vane burial (cm) deformation type orientation taped temperature wait time (minutes) torvane torvane calibration history shear strength (g/cm2) (hand calculated) remolded strength (g/cm2) (hand calculated) sensitivity (hand calculated) shear strength (g/cm2) (computer calculated) remolded strength (g/cm2) (computer calculated) sensitivity (computer calculated) stress strain observer 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 REMOLDED 51.10600 0.22858 89 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 5 3 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 REMOLDED 51.10600 0.22858 89 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 10 7 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 REMOLDED 51.10600 0.22858 89 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 11 13 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 REMOLDED 51.10600 0.22858 89 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 SHEAR 51.10600 0.22858 89 DISCONTINOUS DEFORMATION 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 5 2 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 SHEAR 51.10600 0.22858 89 DISCONTINOUS DEFORMATION 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 10 3 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 SHEAR 51.10600 0.22858 89 DISCONTINOUS DEFORMATION 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 15 3 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 SHEAR 51.10600 0.22858 89 DISCONTINOUS DEFORMATION 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 20 4 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 SHEAR 51.10600 0.22858 89 DISCONTINOUS DEFORMATION 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 25 4 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 SHEAR 51.10600 0.22858 89 DISCONTINOUS DEFORMATION 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 30 5 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 SHEAR 51.10600 0.22858 89 DISCONTINOUS DEFORMATION 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 35 7 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 SHEAR 51.10600 0.22858 89 DISCONTINOUS DEFORMATION 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 40 9 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 SHEAR 51.10600 0.22858 89 DISCONTINOUS DEFORMATION 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 45 10 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 SHEAR 51.10600 0.22858 89 DISCONTINOUS DEFORMATION 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 50 13 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 SHEAR 51.10600 0.22858 89 DISCONTINOUS DEFORMATION 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 55 16 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 SHEAR 51.10600 0.22858 89 DISCONTINOUS DEFORMATION 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 60 27 LM 85 572 C 20 2 53.0 54.0 164.50 166.54 SHEAR 51.10600 0.22858 89 DISCONTINOUS DEFORMATION 24 700.0 128.0 5.0 642.5 116.8 5.5 LM