DSDP Hard Rocks Thin Sections 4/87 ================================================= = DEEP SEA DRILLING PROJECT = = THIN SECTION DESCRIPTIONS = = IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS DATA FILE = ================================================= I. INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND This file contains encoded descriptions of 4391 thin sections made from igneous and metamorphic rocks and a few sedimentary rocks composed of volcanic material. The vast majority of the descriptions were encoded from shipboard Thin Section Description forms. Thin section descriptions also were encoded from the "Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project". A variety of forms to record DSDP thin sections were used in the early legs. This data file was designed in the format of the data form in use from Leg 51 to the project end. B. METHODS The descriptions were encoded with a minimum of editing unless there were instructions to edit from the shipboard petrographer or the DSDP staff representative. No summaries of thin section descriptions, only descriptions of individual thin sections, were encoded. An attempt was made to be consistent in terminology and in organization of the data. See Table 3 for special abbreviations used in this file. A code for the describer's name, when available, was included with each description. See Table 1 for the index to describers' codes. Each description contains a code for rock type, whether it is of igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic origin. Rock type can be further specified by the codes for tuff, volcanic breccia, and hyaloclastite. See Table 2 for the rock type codes. Each thin section description can be organized into five categories of information. Each data record begins in column 1 with the appropriate code. The codes are: Thin section general information (S) Phenocrysts (P) Groundmass (G) Alteration (A) Vesicles (V) Thin section general information (S) is organized into four categories, RT (rock name), PCE (piece number), TEX (texture), and WS (where sampled). These codes begin in column 3 of the S code data records. All of the data in thin section general information are narrative. There are no fixed fields in this category. Each of the remaining four categories have both narrative and fixed-field formats. Each thin section description set includes a lead record followed by the data records. A minimum of one data record is present and it must contain the rock name (RT). C. LEGS IN DATA SET The data set contains data from legs 4, 6-7, 11-14, 16-19, 22-23, 25-26, 28-39, 42-43, 45-46, 49, 51-55, 57-70, 73-74, 77, 79, 81-84, 86, 88-89, and 91-92. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY Natland, James, 1978. Cruise Objectives and Major Results, Analytical Procedures, and Explanatory Notes. In Melson, W. G., Rabinowitz, P. D., et al., Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Volume 45. Washington (U.S. Government Printing Office), pp. 19-20. For information about the igneous and metamorphic rocks classification used during a DSDP leg, consult the Explanatory Notes chapter of the Initial Reports. II. FORMAT, FIELD DESCRIPTIONS, AND CODES A. RECORD FORMATS =============== = LEAD RECORD = =============== Record length = 58 characters (originally 60, blank fields removed by NGDC) COLUMN FIELD FORMAT ====== ================================== ====== 1-2 LEG A2 3-5 SITE A3 6 HOLE A1 7-9 CORE A3 10-11 SECTION A2 12-15 TOP INTERVAL DEPTH (centimeters) F4.1 16-19 BOTTOM INTERVAL DEPTH (centimeters) F4.1 20-27 TOP OF CORE DEPTH (meters) F8.2 28-35 SAMPLE MIDPOINT DEPTH (meters) F8.2 36 unused 37-40 DESCRIBER CODE A4 41 unused 42 ROCK TYPE A1 43 unused 44-52 PIECE NUMBER (left-justified) A9 53-54 Unused 55-56 NUMBER OF PHYSICAL RECORDS I2 57-58 PHYSICAL RECORD NUMBER I2 ============================ = PETROGRAPHIC DATA RECORD = ============================ Record length = 58 characters COLUMN FIELD FORMAT ====== =================================== ====== S CODE 1 GENERAL INFORMATION CODE "S" A1 2 unused 3-55 GENERAL INFORMATION DATA A53 a. Sub-codes RT, PCE, TEX, and WS start in column 3. or b. % for comment occurs in column 3. 56 unused for all codes 57-58 PHYSICAL RECORD NUMBER (for all codes) I2 P CODE 1 PHENOCRYST INFORMATION CODE "P" A1 2 unused 3 PHENOCRYST DATA 3-10 a. Mineral A8 11-15 b. Percent A5 16-25 c. Size range (mm) A10 26-55 d. Morphology A30 or 3 e. % for comment A53 G CODE 1 GROUNDMASS INFORMATION CODE "G" A1 2 unused 3 GROUNDMASS DATA 3-10 a. Mineral A8 11-15 b. Percent A5 16-25 c. Size range (mm) A10 26-55 d. Morphology A30 or 3 e. % for comment A53 A CODE 1 ALTERATION INFORMATION CODE "A" A1 2 unused 3 ALTERATION DATA 3-10 a. Alteration mineral A8 11-15 b. Percent A5 16-28 c. Location A13 29-55 d. Replacing A27 or 3 e. % for comment A53 V CODE 1 VESICLE INFORMATION CODE "V" A1 2 unused 3 VESICLE DATA 3-10 a. Size range (mm) A8 11-15 b. Percent A5 16-28 c. Location A13 29-43 d. Filling A15 44-55 e. Shape A12 or 3 f. % for comment A53 B. FIELD DESCRIPTIONS AND CODES The definition of leg, site, hole, core and section may be found in the explanatory notes. In addition, the special core designations, as well as the methods of sample labeling and calculating absolute sample depths are discussed. INTERVAL DEPTH: Refers to the depth in centimeters within the section at which the rock was sampled. Values are encoded with an implicit decimal point. TOP OF CORE DEPTH: The subbottom depth in meters to the top of the core. SAMPLE MIDPOINT DEPTH: The subbottom depth in meters to the level at which the core was sampled. DESCRIBER CODE: TABLE 1 - DESCRIBERS' CODES LEG CODE DESCRIBER === ==== ============== 4 WB Benson, W. E. 6 ML Melson, W. 7 HEAT Heath, R. 11 LANC Lancelot, Y. HATH Hathaway, J. C. PAUL Paulus, F. J. 12 AU Aumento, F. RYAL Ryall, P. 13 HSU Hsu, K. 14 WB Benson, W. E. 16 YEAT Yeats, R. S. 17 BASS Bass, M. MOB Moberly, R. 18 MACL MacLeod, N. S. 19 NAT Natland, J. 22 HEK Hekinian, R. 23 COLM Coleman, R. KD Kidd, R. 25 ERLK Erlank, A. J. VAL 26 MY McKelvey, B. C. KEMP Kempe, D. 28 FORD Ford, A. BRT Barrett, P. J. 29 RI Ridley, W. OVEN Ovenshine, A. T. ANDW P. B. Andrews 30 STOS Stoeser, D. 31 HAIL Haile, N. MOOR Moore, C. MG MacGregor, I. MEIJ Meijer, A. 32 MAR Marshall, M. 33 JACK Jackson, E. D. 34 BASS Bass, M. BUNC Bunch, T. DON Donaldson, C. H . SCOT Scott, R. VAL Vallier, T. KEMP Kempe, D. BCE Bence, A. E. 35 VENM Vennum, W. 36 TARN Tarney, J. 37 WG Wright, T. FRJ Fischer, J. ML Melson, W. FLOW Flower, M. RB Robinson, P. CLK Clarke, D. B. HILL Hill, R. E. 38 KH Kharin, G. 39 BT Bonatti, E. KH Kharin, G. FD Fodor, R. 42 EMRN Emmermann, R. 43 HOUG Houghton, R. 45 GH Graham, A. FJ Fujioka, K. PRS Prosser, E. ZOL Zolotarev, B. NAT Natland, J. 46 DUG Dungan, M. SO Sato, H. KK Kirkpatrick, J. HDG Hodges, F. HON Honnorez, J. DI Dick, H. SHM Schmincke, H. 49 available on DSDP microfilmed source data 51 JUT Juteau, T. STN Sinton, J. UI Ui, Tadahide RUS Rusinov, V. 52 SWN Swanson, D. RIC Ricou, L. BRY Bryan, W. EMRN Emmermann, R. RB Robinson, P. PV Pertsev, N. BY Byerly, G. 53 MTZ Mathez, E. MEV Mevel,C. FLOW Flower, M. STAU Staudigel, H. PV Pertsev, N. RB Robinson, P. 54 FD Fodor, R. DMI Dmitriev, Y. SRI Srivastava, R. K. MTY Mattey, D. HUM Humphris, S. 55 KK Kirkpatrick, J. AVD Avdeiko, G. DAL Dalrymple, G. CLAG Clague, D. 57 FUJ Fujioka, K. 58 DT Dmitriev, L. NIST Nisterenko, G. MRSH Marsh, N. DI Dick, H. 59 SCOT Scott, R. ZAK Zakariakze, G. ISH Ishi, T. MTY Mattey, D. 60 SRN Sharaskin, A. MJR Meijer, A. MEIJ Meijer, A. NAT Natland, J. FYR Fryer, P. 61 BAT Batiza, R. SHKA Shcheka, S. A. MOB Moberly, R. TOK Tokuyama, H. RCH Riech, V. SEIF Seifert, K. VAL Vallier, T. WIN Windom, K. 62 VAL Vallier, T. WIN Windom, K. SEIF Seifert, K. 63 SHIB Shibata, T. GRCH Grechin, V. NIEM Niem, A. PITO Pisciotto, K. 64 SAUN Saunders, A. KELT Kelts, K. FOR Fornari, D. 65 RB Robinson, P. SHM Schmincke, H. 66 NL Lundberg, N. JS Stephan, J-F 67 DSC Cowan, D. S. 68 PV Pertsev, N. CA Cann, J. 69 PV Pertsev, N. ADA Adamson, A. C. NO Noack, Y. 70 SDR Schrader, E. L. LAV Laverne, C. 73 CAR Carman, M. 74 RICH Richardson, S. H. OCON O'Connell, S. 77 PIRO Pisciotto, K. PITO Pisciotto, K. 79 MOOR Moore, C. 81 MORT Morton, A. C. DES Desprairies, A. 82 TIE Christie, D. M. JCB Brannon, J. RID Ridley, W. NEU Neuser, R. WEAV Weaver, B. MILL Mills, W. 83 KEM Kempton, P. ADA Adamson, A. C. LAV Laverne, C. EMRN Emmermann, R. ALT Alt, J. C. 84 HELM Helm, R. OGA Ogawa, Y. BOU Bourgois, J. BLMR Bloomer, S. BELL Bellon, H. BAL Baltuck, M. 86 FOUN Fountain, J. C. 88 NAT Natland, J. 89 FLOY Floyd, P. 91 ROS Rosencrantz, E. 92 PEA Pearce, J. A. GOL Goldberg, D. ROCK TYPE CODE: TABLE 2 - ROCK TYPE CODES I = Igneous S = Sedimentary M = Metamorphic T = Tuff (sedimentary) V = Volcanic breccia (igneous) H = Hyaloclastite (igneous) **U = Unidentified?? **(found by NGDC in the data base and assumed to be correct) PIECE NUMBER: The sample number assigned to the rock is included when available. NUMBER OF PHYSICAL RECORDS: The total number of physical records which together comprise a complete thin section description. Since there is always a lead record and at least one data record, the number of records is never less than two. PHYSICAL RECORD NUMBER: Each physical record in a thin section description set is numbered sequentially in column 58. The physical record number will always be "1" for the lead record. PETROGRAPHIC DATA: TABLE 3 - ABBREVIATIONS USED IN DATA RECORDS The following abbreviations are used in the igneous rocks data bases. Other abbreviations were borrowed from the soft rocks data bases. For a key to these abbreviations consult the documentation for the soft rocks lithological data bases. ACTINOLITE ACTINOL ALKALI FELDSPAR ALK.SPAR ALL MINERALS ALL.MINS ALTERED GLASS ALT.GLASS ALTERED MINERALS ALT.MINS AMPHIBOLE AMPH ANHYDRITE ANHYD ANTHOPHYLLITE ANTHOPHL ANTIGORITE ANTIGORI ARAGONITE ARAGONIT BOWLINGITE BWLGITE CARBONATE CARB CELADONITE CELAD CHABAZITE CHABAZIT CHALCOPYRITE CHALPYR CHLOROPHAEITE CHLOROPH CHROME SPINEL CR.SPIN CHRYSOTILE CHRYSOTI CLAY MINERALS CLAY.MINS(S) CLINOPYROXENE CPX CLINOZOISITE CLZOIS CORDIERITE CORD CRYPTOCRYSTALLINE CRYPTXLN CRYSTALS XTLS DEVITRIFIED GLASS DEVT.GLS DIKTYTAXITIC DIKTYTAXIT FE-TI OXIDE FE.TI.OX FELDSPAR FELD FERRIC MINERALS (PHENOS) FE.MINS FERROMAGNESIUM FE.MG FERROUS HYDROXIDE MINERALS FE.HYDRX FERROUS MANGANESE OXIDE FE.MN.OX FERROUS OXIDE FE.OXIDE FIBROUS CHLORITE FIBROUS.CHLOR GROUNDMASS GNDMASS HORNBLENDE HBL HYDROBIOTITE HYD.BIOT HYDROMICA HYD.MICA HYDROXIDE HYDROXID HYPERSTHENE HY IDDINGSITE IDDINGS IRON ORE FE.ORE KAERSUTITE KAERSUT KAOLINITE KAOLIN LABRADORITE LABRADOR LAUMONTITE LAUMON LAWSONITE LAWSONIT LEUCOXENE LEUCOX MAGNETITE MAGN MANGANESE HYDROXIDE MN.HYDRX MANGANESE OXIDE MN.OXIDE MARCASITE MARCASIT MESOSTASIS MESOSTAS MICROCRYSTALLINE GROUNDMASS MICROXLN MICROLITE MICROLIT MONTMORILLONITE MONT MORDENITE MORDENIT MUSCOVITE MUSC NATROLITE NATROL NEPHELINE NEPHELIN NONTRONITE NONTRON OLIVINE OL ORE MINERALS ORE.MINS ORTHOAMPHIBOLE ORTHAMPH ORTHOCLASE OR ORTHOPYROXENE OPX OXYHORNBLENDE OXY.HBL PALAGONITE PALAG PHENOCRYSTS PHENOS PHILLIPSITE PHIL PIGEONITE PIGEONIT PLAGIOCLASE PLAG PSILOMELANE PSILOMEL PUMPELLYITE PUMPELLY PYROXENE PYX PYRRHOTITE PYRRHOT SAUSSURITE SAUSSUR SCAPOLITE SCAPOLIT SCOLECITE SCOLECIT SERPENTINITE SERP SIDEROMELANE SIDEROM SMECTITE SMEC SPHERULITES SPHERUL SPHERULITIC MESOSTASIS SPHR.MES STILPNOMELANE STILPNOM TITANAUGITE TI.AUGIT TITANOMAGNETITE TI.MAG TITANOMAGNETITE TITAN.MT TREMOLITE TREMOL UNIDENTIFIED UNIDENT UNIDENTIFIED UNIDENT.MINS NGDC NOTES: Some comments records were not identified as such, causing errors in trying to read the data according to the format. Some additional minerals codes are also present, but the abbreviations for these are fairly self-explanatory. List of deviations from field descriptions: Description of deviation Record Number(s) ======================================== ========================== Top interval depth greater that bottom- occurs throughout the file DSDP Hard Rock Thin Sections 4/87