by Heinz Hilbrecht
Geological Institute, ETH Zentrum, Sonneggstr. 5, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland. |
Reference: Hilbrecht, H. (1996): Extant planktic foraminifera and the physical environment in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.- Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Institut der Eidgen. Technischen Hochschule und der Universität Zürich, Neue Folge. No. 300, 93 pp.; Zürich. |
The files can be obtained from the author. The copyright remains with the author. |
Table of contents Abstract Introduction Micropaleontologic and Oceanographic Data Physical Oceanography Species and the Physical Environment Discussion Results Acknowledgements References Appendix: Physical preferences of planktic foraminifera data file |
The atlas does not intend to be a complete review of the ecology of planktic foraminifera. Future updates can be viewed through this link. Please send your comments and suggestions by e-mail. |
© Copyright 1996 Heinz Hilbrecht
This posting is a mirror of the site at http://www.Fuhrmann-Hilbrecht.de/ posted courtesy of Dr. Heinz Hilbrecht, author.