OCEAN DRILLING PROGRAM July 1990 DATA FILE DOCUMENTATION * Revised edition PHYSICAL PROPERTIES MEASUREMENTS GAMMA RAY ATTENUATION POROSITY EVALUATION SPECIAL 2-MINUTE COUNTS (GRAPE-2) I. INTRODUCTION The Gamma Ray Attenuation Porosity Evaluation Special 2-Minute Counts (GRAPE-2) data file contains information generated onboard the JOIDES Resolution by the shipboard physical properties scientists. The GRAPE system is in static mode and allows individual samples to be run and counted for a 2-minute period with a precision of +/- 1 or 2% and is used to measure bulk density and porosity. For this analysis, samples initially used for velocity analyses are plastic-wrapped or submerged in sea water to prevent moisture loss and placed in the scanning GRAPE instrument. Measurements can be made parallel and/or perpendicular to bedding. The GRAPE-2 data file contains raw data and calculated values for GRAPE-2 Minute Count tests. Each record in the data file represents a density evaluation for one sample. You may have as many as two runs for every sample, usually according to a vertical and/or horizontal orientation. Corrected wet bulk density is calculated using air count, sample count, and thickness values. True wet bulk density is calculated from those values listed above plus the grain density value. If you have problems or questions concerning these data, please contact: Data Librarian, Data Base Group Ocean Drilling Program Texas A&M University Research Park 1000 Discovery Drive College Station, Texas 77845-9547 U.S.A. (979) 845-8495, 845-2673 Easylink (Telex) Number: 62760290 Email: database@odpemail.tamu.edu Fax Number: 979-845-4857 II. LEGS IN THE DATA FILE The data file contains data from Legs 101 to 129. No GRAPE-2 data were collected on Legs 102, 107-108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120-123. III. BIBLIOGRAPHY Boyce, R.E., 1976. Definitions and laboratory techniques of compressional sound velocity parameters and water-wet content, wet-bulk density, and porosity parameters by gravimetric and gamma ray attenuation techniques. In: Schlanger, S.O., et al., 1976, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 33: Washington (U.S. Government Printing Office) pp. 931-958. IV. DATA ITEM FORMATS The following tables list the data items and their formats. For data requests other than on paper (i.e. on magnetic tape), an accompanying sheet will contain any additional information needed to read the data. GRAPE-2 SAMPLE TEST ITEMS FORMAT ================================== ========== LEG Integer 3 SUBLEG Text 1 SITE Integer 4 HOLE Text 1 DATE_TIME Text 19, (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS) OBSERVER Text 4 CORE Integer 3 CORETYPE Text 1 SECTION Text 2 TOP_INTERVAL Integer 3 BOTTOM_INTERVAL Integer 3 SAM_CODE Text 4 PIECE Integer 3 SUBPIECE Text 1 GRC_ATTEN(2), accepts values from 2 runs Decimal F6.3 AIR_COUNT(2), accepts values from 2 runs Integer 6 SAM_COUNT(2), accepts values from 2 runs Integer 6 THICKNESS(2), accepts values from 2 runs Decimal F6.3 CORR_WET_BULK_DEN(2), accepts values from 2 runs Decimal F6.3 EST_GRAIN_DEN(2), accepts values from 2 runs Decimal F6.3 TRUE_WET_BULK_DEN(2), accepts values from 2 runs Decimal F6.3 VERT_HOR(2), accepts values from 2 runs Text 1 COMMENTS Text 70 ADD_DATE Text 18, MM/DD/YYYY HH:MMam or pm CHG_DATE Text 18, MM/DD/YYYY HH:MMam or pm V. EXPLANATION OF THE DATA ITEMS LEG - Number identifying the cruise. The Ocean Drilling Program started numbering the cruises of the JOIDES Resolution at Leg 101. SUBLEG - Letter identifying a subleg or transit. A subleg is the continuation of a Leg after a port call; it often involves a crew change. SITE - Number identifying the site. A site is the position of a beacon around which holes are drilled. HOLE - Letter identifying the hole. DATE_TIME - Date and time of test, entered as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS. Time is often missing. OBSERVER - Three or four letter code identifying the person performing the GRAPE-2 analysis. CORE - Number identifying the core. Cores are numbered serially from the top of the hole downward. CORETYPE - A letter code identifying the drill bit/coring method used to retrieve the core. The coretype codes are: B - Drill Bit C - Center Bit D - Positive Displacement H - Hydraulic (Advanced) Piston Core M - Miscellaneous N - Downhole Mud Motor (Navidrill) P - Pressure Core Sampler R - Rotary S - Side Wall Core W - Wash Core X - Extended Core Barrel SECTION - A core is cut into 1.5-meter-long sections that are numbered serially from the top of the core. A core with full recovery will have 7 sections and a core catcher and be approximately 9.8 meters long. TOP_INTERVAL - The location of the top of a sample within a section in centimeters. BOTTOM_INTERVAL - The location of the bottom of a sample within a section in centimeters. SAM_CODE - An alpha code identifying the investigator or test for which the sample was taken. PIECE - Number identifying a rock piece within a section. A piece is one or a group of rock fragments that can be fitted together. SUB_PIECE - Letter identifying the individual rock fragments within a piece. GRC_ATTEN - Selected attenuation value for calibration standard. AIR_COUNT - Number of counts through air. Number of counts recorded for 2 minutes without sample in the instrument. SAM_COUNT - Number of counts recorded when a sample is in place. THICKNESS - Distance in cm that beams travel through sample. CORR_WET_BULK_DEN - Calculated corrected wet bulk density value in g/cc. The attenuation coefficient (Mu_std) for a discrete standard is calculated as ln ( AIR_COUNT / STD_COUNT ) Mu_std = ------------------------------, where STD_DENSITY * STD_THICKNESS STD = standard STD_DENSITY = 2.65 for a quartz standard, 2.60 for an aluminum standard or any value for any other type of standard. The CORR_WET_BULK_DEN (P_bc) of a discrete sample is calculated as ln (AIR_COUNT / SAM_COUNT ) P_bc = ----------------------------- MU_std * THICKNESS EST_GRAIN_DEN - Estimated grain density value in g/cc. TRUE_WET_BULK_DEN - Calculated true wet bulk density value in g/cc. The TRUE_WET_BULK_DEN (P_b) of a discrete sample is calculated as --- --- | (P_bc - P_fc) * (P_g - P_f) | P_b = | ----------------------------- | + P_f, where | (P_gc - P_fc) | --- --- P_fc = corrected fluid density = 1.125 P_f = true fluid density = 1.0245 P_gc = corrected grain density = P_g = true grain density = estimated value entered by user VERT-HOR - Vertical or horizontal orientation: V = vertical, H = horizontal. COMMENTS - Comments concerning test or sample. ADD_DATE - Date of entry, entered as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MMam (or pm). CHG_DATE - Date record was last changed, entered as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MMam (or pm). RECORD FORMAT ON TAPE FOR THE 2-MINUTE GRAPE DATA SET 2-MINUTE GRAPE DATA ITEMS COLUMN ON TAPE ========================= ============== LEG 2-4 SUBLEG 5 SITE 6-9 HOLE 10 DATE_TIME 11-29 OBSERVER 30-33 CORE 34-36 CORETYPE 37 SECTION 38-39 TOP_INTERVAL 40-42 BOTTOM_INTERVAL 43-45 SAM_CODE 46-49 PIECE 50-52 SUBPIECE 53 GRC_ATTEN(1) 54-59 GRC_ATTEN(2) 60-65 AIR_COUNT(1) 66-71 AIR_COUNT(2) 72-77 SAM_COUNT(1) 78-83 SAM_COUNT(2) 84-89 THICKNESS(1) 90-95 THICKNESS(2) 96-101 CORR_WET_BULK_DEN(1) 102-107 CORR_WET_BULK_DEN(2) 108-113 EST_GRAIN_DEN(1) 114-119 EST_GRAIN_DEN(2) 120-125 TRUE_WET_BULK_DEN(1) 126-131 TRUE_WET_BULK_DEN(2) 132-137 VERT_HOR(1) 138 VERT_HOR(2) 139 COMMENTS 140-209 ADD_DATE 210-227 CHANGE_DATE 228-245 GRCSTD file: G101 SMI QQQ 02.65002.65002.650 05.01005.01005.010 473008472568472568 171026169122170947 00.07700.07700.077 03111985 000000 03111985 000000 03111985 000000 00.07700.07700.07700.077 03111985 000000ALTERNATIVE COEFFICIENT FROM CALCITE IS 0.07327 11061989 113100 G103 JK Q 02.650 05.080 500958 180555 00.076 06131985 000000 00.07600.07600.07600.076 06131985 000000 11061989 113100 G104 SMI A 02.600 02.001 532415 358895 00.076 07071985 000000 00.07600.07600.07600.076 07071985 000000 11061989 113100 G105 SMI A 02.600 02.540 513641 322630 00.070 10211985 235959 00.07000.07000.07000.070 10211985 235959 11061989 113100 G106 YAM Q 02.650 05.080 444223 161080 00.075 12061985 000000 00.07500.07500.07500.075 12061985 000000 11061989 113100 G109 QQQ 02.65002.65002.650 05.08005.08005.080 528324527356528441 189434189087189476 00.07600.07600.076 06171986 235959 05271986 235959 05271986 235959 00.07600.07600.07600.076 05271986 235959 11061989 113100 G111 SMI Q 02.650 05.080 513113 184451 00.076 10141986 235959 00.07600.07600.07600.076 10141986 235959AIR COUNT CALCULATED FROM REST OF DATA 11061989 113100 G113 SMI Q 02.650 05.080 475202 170823 00.076 01281987 000000 00.07600.07600.07600.076 01281987 000000AIR COUNT CALCULATED FROM REST OF DATA, NOT GIVEN ON PAPER FORM 11061989 113100 G115 SMI 00.074 06021987 235959NO OTHER DATA GIVEN ON PAPER DATA FORM, QUARTZ STANDARD 11061989 113100 G117 SMI Q 02.650 05.010 500499 178211 00.078 09241987 000000 00.07800.07800.07800.078 09241987 000000 11061989 113100 G119 SMI 00.078 01031988 235959NO OTHER DATA GIVEN ON PAPER FORM, QUARTZ STANDARD 11061989 113100 G125 MCS QA 02.65002.600 06.50006.610 384052384502 102025104052 00.07700.076 02271989 235959 02271989 235959 00.07600.07600.07700.076 02271989 235959 11061989 113100 G126 MCS QA 02.65002.600 06.50006.610 384052384502 102025104052 00.07700.076 02271989 235959 02271989 235959 00.07600.07600.07700.076 02271989 235959 11061989 113100 G127 KUR QAQ 02.65002.60002.650 05.65006.47005.660 371058369661369132 116906101350116023 00.07700.07700.077 08071989 132258 08071989 132258 08071989 132258 00.07700.07700.07700.077 08071989 132258 11061989 113100 G128 KUR QAQ 02.65002.60002.650 05.65006.47005.660 371058369661369132 116906101350116023 00.07700.07700.077 08071989 132258 08071989 132258 08071989 132258 00.07700.07700.07700.077 08071989 132258 08221989 011100 08241989 070800 G129 JLD QQAAAAAAAA02.65002.65002.60002.60002.60002.60002.60002.60002.60002.60005.03005.03000.50001.00002.00003.00004.00005.00006.00006.49046199346310246217946281846288346254346170846257146186146243016563216604941697037789730833025260520579816813013689512609200.07700.07700.07900.07800.07800.07800.07800.07800.07800.077 11291989 093156 11291989 093313 11291989 093504 11291989 093544 11291989 093610 11291989 093631 11291989 093656 11291989 093723 11291989 093831 11291989 09391400.07700.07800.07900.078 11291989 095712 11291989 095700