This directory contains a color, shaded-relief image of Earth that was created from ETOPO1 Ice Surface (cell-registered). The image was created with Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) [] using three color palettes: blues for ocean depths and above sea-level lakes; greens and browns for dry land areas; and shades of white for the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets and glaciers greater than 100 km2 using the ‘GLIMS Glacier Database’ [] at the National Snow and Ice Data Center []. Image created by J. Varner and E. Lim, CIRES, University of Colorado at Boulder. Online directory contents: color_etopo1_ice_low.tfw - accompanying tif world file with georeferencing information color_etopo1_ice_low.tif.gz - gzipped low-resolution tif (5400 by 2700 pixels) [34 MB] - zipped low-resolution tif (5400 by 2700 pixels) [34 MB] color_etopo1_ice_full.tfw - accompanying tif world file with georeferencing information color_etopo1_ice_full.tif.gz - gzipped full-resolution tif (21600 by 10800 pixels) [473 MB] - zipped full-resolution tif (21600 by 10800 pixels) [473 MB] etopo1_grayscale_hillshade.tif.gz - gzipped grayscale hillshade (21601 by 10801 pixels) [112M] - zipped grayscale hillshade (21601 by 10801 pixels) [112M] etopo1_southpole_hillshade.tif.gz - gzipped southpole hillshade (6236 by 6236) [35M] - zipped southpole hillshade (6236 by 6236) [35M] etopo1_northpole_hillshade.tif.gz - gzipped northpole hillshade (6236 by 6236) [54M] - zipped northpole hillshade (6236 by 6236) [54M] readme_color_etopo1_image.txt - this readme file For more information contact: Barry Eakins Marine Geophysicist Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at University of Colorado at Boulder and NOAA National Geophysical Data Center, Marine Geology and Geophysics Division 325 Broadway, E/GC3 Boulder, Colorado 80305-3328 Phone: 303-497-6505, Fax: 303-497-6513 E-mail: Office: 1B124, David Skaggs Bldg Web: