file AREADME.TXT Plot software for compressed coastline files using Borland Turbo C PLOT.C- main program- illustrates how to call WDBPLTC.C WDBPLTC.C- function to be called from the user's program to access the coastline file, extract a geographic window of data and call CURVE.C to plot each string of geographic points. It requires the memory handling functions in UTIL.C. Modifications from the original by Jan Depner include dynamic memory allocation and removal of internal map projection. CURVE.C- function called from WDBPLTC.C- this function should be customized for the user's application. It typically calls a map projection to convert the geocoordinates to plotting coordinates and calls a plotting routine to plot them. UTIL.C- these functions are called from within WDBPLTC.C to allocate and free up memory, give the operator a chance to abort the drawing, etc. IPROJ.C- is a map projection utility that performs conversion between geocoordinates and plotting coordinates. This demo uses just the Linear (lat lon linear plot). GTCLIB.C- these functions interface to the Turbo C library to perform graphics functions. Not all of these functions are used in this demo. EGAVGA.BGI- is the Turbo C graphics driver.