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Marine Seismic Reflection

MMS Permit 75-08 (Alaska)

Seismic Reflection Map of MMS Permit 75-08 (Alaska)

During the summer and fall of 1975, Dresser Industries, Inc., acquired 5606.32 miles of multichannel seismic reflection data. Under Permit 75-08, two vessels were used. The M/V Canadian Olympic used an EPR Sleeve Exploder as a sound source. Six energy sources were suspended from the vessel at a depth of 30 to 40 feet. The system developed 30.7 million ft.-lbs. of energy per line mile. The M/V U. S. Olympic employed a 1,600-cubic-inch array of Bolt Par Air Guns towed at a depth of 30 feet. The maximum output of this system was 33.5 million ft.-lbs. per line mi. The navigation was Loran C operated in the Rho-Rho mode. The seismic sections are now available to the public.

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