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3.B. Copyright and Redstribution Information

Though an improvement over previous global DEMs, GLOBE data are imperfect. See the imperfections in digital elevation data and disclaimers in Sections 6 and 12 of this document.

Copyright Information

For the most part, these data are not copyright, nor are they restricted in any way. This is true of all data files and information, except for selected data within the B.A.D. (Best Available Data) data files (see Section 11.A for the file-naming convention). In GLOBE version 1.0 the only area with B.A.D. GLOBE coverage is Australia, with data copyright AUSLIG.

The documentation, source/lineage, and G.O.O.D. (Globally Only Open-access Data) files are all unrestricted (see Section 11.A for the file-naming convention). However, these are scientific data, and should be cited accordingly. The citation of the full G.O.O.D. files should be made as noted in Section 3.A. If you want more detailed citation of geographic parts of GLOBE, you should refer to the source/lineage map, and its legend (given in Section 11.E).

Redistribution Information

If you repackage and/or redistribute G.O.O.D. GLOBE files in any way, please be aware of the disclaimers in Section 12, and others throughout this document.

The copyright data in B.A.D. GLOBE files may not be repackaged or reproduced in any way without permission of the copyright holders. The distribution of copyright data (contained only in files with ???B pattern names) is shown in the source files with the ???T pattern names. Contact names and addresses are in Appendix A.


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