Multibeam Report for NF-11-02-CRER

Ship Name: Nancy Foster
Chief Scientist: Smith, Ryan
Source Organization: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Start Date: 2011-04-19
End Date: 2011-05-07

View ISO Metadata

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Multibeam Bathymetry

Cruise Details

Project: Coral Reef Ecosystem Research
Instrument: Simrad EM1002

Data Quality

Number of Files: 35
Number of Records: 225517
BATHYMETRY DATA Quantity Percentage
Number of Beams 225517 100%
Number of Good Beams 225517 100.0%
Number of Zero Beams 0 0%
Number of Flagged Beams 0 0%

Navigation Totals

Total Time: 0 hours
Total Track Length: 0 km
Average Speed: NaN km/hr (NaN knots)

Cruise Bounds

Northern Extent: 26.192831
Southern Extent: 18.030834
Western Extent: -79.09925
Eastern Extent: -67.16124


Minimum Sonar Depth 0 Maximum Sonar Depth 0
Minimum Altitude 0 Maximum Altitude 7701.9199
Minimum Depth 0 Maximum Depth 7701.9199

File Information

Full Resolution Bathymetry as collected (raw): 34

Files File Size Description
0001_120_1406_000.mb163 14.8KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0001_120_1406_000.xtf.gz 76.54MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0001_120_1441_000.mb163 7.6KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0001_120_1441_000.xtf.gz 56.64MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_120_1629_000.mb163 85.3KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_120_1629_000.xtf.gz 65.92MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_120_2029_000.mb163 175.3KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_120_2029_000.xtf.gz 65.92MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_121_0614_000.mb163 165.0KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_121_0614_000.xtf.gz 65.92MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_121_1823_000.mb163 137.9KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_121_1823_000.xtf.gz 65.92MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_121_2259_000.mb163 164.7KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_121_2259_000.xtf.gz 65.92MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_122_0633_000.mb163 138.0KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_122_0633_000.xtf.gz 65.92MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_122_1141_000.mb163 83.6KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_122_1141_000.xtf.gz 65.92MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_122_1949_000.mb163 161.0KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_122_1949_000.xtf.gz 65.92MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_123_0536_000.mb163 195.3KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_123_0536_000.xtf.gz 65.92MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_123_1544_000.mb163 214.8KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_123_1544_000.xtf.gz 65.92MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_124_1915_000.mb163 169.2KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_124_1915_000.xtf.gz 65.92MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_125_1828_000.mb163 9.6KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_125_1828_000.xtf.gz 65.92MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_125_1927_000.mb163 9.4KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_125_1927_000.xtf.gz 65.92MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_125_2026_000.mb163 127.6KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_125_2026_000.xtf.gz 65.92MB XTF formatted bathymetry
0002_126_1900_000.mb163 153.3KB Generic YXZ sounding format
0002_126_1900_000.xtf.gz 47.89MB XTF formatted bathymetry

Metadata Files: 1

Files File Size Description
NF-11-02-CRER_Multibeam.xml NCEI created ISO metadata