Multibeam Report for NT06-08

Ship Name: Natsushima
Chief Scientist:
Source Organization: Japanese Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Start Date: 2006-04-28
End Date: 2006-05-14

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Multibeam Bathymetry

Cruise Details

Project: NT06-08
Instrument: Reson SeaBat 8160

Data Quality

Number of Files: 12
Number of Records: 8269234
BATHYMETRY DATA Quantity Percentage
Number of Beams 8269234 100%
Number of Good Beams 8269234 100.0%
Number of Zero Beams 0 0%
Number of Flagged Beams 0 0%

Navigation Totals

Total Time: 0 hours
Total Track Length: 0 km
Average Speed: NaN km/hr (NaN knots)

Cruise Bounds

Northern Extent: 24.670149
Southern Extent: 22.99445
Western Extent: 141.33731
Eastern Extent: 141.76245


Minimum Sonar Depth 0 Maximum Sonar Depth 0
Minimum Altitude 5.011 Maximum Altitude 2995.459
Minimum Depth 5.011 Maximum Depth 2995.459

File Information

Full Resolution Bathymetry as collected (raw): 10

Files File Size Description
20060430.mb162 30.41MB Generic XYZ sounding format
20060501.mb162 31.69MB Generic XYZ sounding format
20060502.mb162 27.15MB Generic XYZ sounding format
20060503.mb162 46.40MB Generic XYZ sounding format
20060504.mb162 4.41MB Generic XYZ sounding format
20060506.mb162 19.22MB Generic XYZ sounding format
20060507.mb162 14.69MB Generic XYZ sounding format
20060508.mb162 29.70MB Generic XYZ sounding format
20060509.mb162 23.83MB Generic XYZ sounding format
20060510.mb162 32.74MB Generic XYZ sounding format

Full Resolution Bathymetry (processed): 1

Files File Size Description
nt0608_fuledit.b93.mb164.gz 33.52MB NGDC binary hydrographic sounding format

Metadata Files: 1

Files File Size Description
NT06-08_Multibeam.xml NGDC created ISO metadata