Multibeam Report for 981107RR

Ship Name: Roger Revelle
Chief Scientist: Checkley, David
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Source Organization: University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (UC/SIO)
Start Date: 1998-11-07
End Date: 1998-11-07

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Multibeam Bathymetry

Cruise Details

Project: Student Cruise
Instrument: SeaBeam 2100

Data Quality

Number of Files: 7
Number of Records: 13019
BATHYMETRY DATA Quantity Percentage
Number of Beams 976425 100%
Number of Good Beams 783522 80.24%
Number of Zero Beams 192903 19.76%
Number of Flagged Beams 0 0%

Navigation Totals

Total Time: 5.5004 hours
Total Track Length: 19.885 km
Average Speed: 3.615 km/hr (1.9519 knots)

Cruise Bounds

Northern Extent: 32.682926
Southern Extent: 32.629147
Western Extent: -117.36327
Eastern Extent: -117.27912


Minimum Sonar Depth 0 Maximum Sonar Depth 0
Minimum Altitude 68.26 Maximum Altitude 227.85
Minimum Depth 66.34 Maximum Depth 230.75

File Information

Full Resolution Bathymetry as collected (raw): 6

Files File Size Description
sb2100_vf.19981107-1800p.mb41.gz 4.70MB SeaBeam 2100 series vender format
sb2100_vf.19981107-1900p.mb41.gz 9.36MB SeaBeam 2100 series vender format
sb2100_vf.19981107-2000p.mb41.gz 9.33MB SeaBeam 2100 series vender format
sb2100_vf.19981107-2100p.mb41.gz 9.17MB SeaBeam 2100 series vender format
sb2100_vf.19981107-2200p.mb41.gz 10.36MB SeaBeam 2100 series vender format
sb2100_vf.19981107-2300p.mb41.gz 9.76MB SeaBeam 2100 series vender format

Metadata Files: 1

Files File Size Description
981107RR_Multibeam.xml NCEI created ISO metadata