GOES Space Environment Monitor

Images of Moon

This has nothing to do with the GOES SEM ...

GOES-8 Imager
June 8, 1995 11:45 UT
75.3 degrees west longitude

Channel #3 Infrared (6.50-7.00 microns)
Click to see the full view.Pseudo color image of moonColor scale for the pseudo color images.

Channel #2 Infrared (3.80-4.00 microns)
Click to see the full view.pseudo colorColor scale for the pseudo color images.

Channel #4 Infrared (10.20-11.20 microns)
Click to see the full view.Pseudo color image of the moon. Color scale for the pseudo color images.

Channel #5 Infrared (11.50-12.50 microns)
Click to see the full view.Pseudo color image of the moon. Color scale for the pseudo color images.

Channel #1 Visible (.55-.75 microns)
Click to see the full view. Click to see the highest resolution.Color scale for the pseudo color images.

On average, the Moon's surface temperature is 107°C (224.6°F) during the day and -153°C (-244.6°F) at night -- this is why the moon is much brighter in IR than Earth.

The hottest temperature recorded on Earth was 70.7°C (159°F) in the Lut Desert in Iran; the temperature was recorded by a NASA satellite. The coldest temperature recorded on Earth – which was measured by the Russian Vostok Station – was -89.2°C (-129°F) on July 21, 1983 in Antarctica.(read more)