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Minutes 1998 Curators of Marine Geological Samples Meeting



  • Jim Broda to review device codes, propose new coding scheme/list. All participants to forward device code lists to Jim as input & review proposed new list via list server. Participants provide lists to Jim by 1 June, completion by September 1996 - pending

  • Brian representing USGS/NGDC to check into JAVA security issues and report to group (due June 30 1996) - done

  • Jim Broda to supply translation routine for Munsell color codes to English equivalents via his worker Roger - done

  • NGDC will revise entry/edit programs to new specifications, and add translations from additional classification schemes (Shepard, etc.) in consultation with June Wilson - new specifications done, additional schemes not added

  • Rusty Lotti will check with TESH meeting participants for additional information - status unknown

  • Dawn Graber will provide NGDC with a list of lake description terminology, NGDC will incorporate them into the sample descriptors - pending, descriptors not yet received

  • Effective May 1996, with the understanding that historical files will be updated as time/funds/students become available; that cores with no recovery will be clearly flagged and sent to NGDC. If comments are available then they should be included with data submitted to NGDC - policy decision, no action yet

  • Review current list server subscription (accomplished at meeting) NGDC will send out messages asking subscribers to confirm their wish to be on the list - done

  • Each institute repository provide facility statistics such as: storage capacity/growth numbers, number of new meters that can be stored in the existing area, costs for core racks to store additional cores - pending

  • Alan Mix should provide a "strawman" list for discussion of which basic tools and services which should be common to all repositories. The discussion could be conducted over the list server - pending

  • NGDC to create a Curator WWW page with links to special pages created and maintained at each institution to post curatorial "news" - Draft will be non-public, after testing, the group will decide which parts to be public/non-public. The list server & list archive page will remain non-public - Curator page done, links implemented, no other materials received for implementation

  • Chris Mato put a copy of sections from the curatorial cookbook on the Curator WWW page - pending

  • Carla provide a means to ftp electronic files from the WWW - done

Database items:

  • Expansion of cruise and sample fields to 15 digits each (Moore) - done

  • New device codes list (Broda) - pending, but now unnecessary (see new 10/98 action items list)

  • Sediment trap, multicorer, kastenlot added to old list (Moore) - done

  • Add '19' to year field making the database Y2K compliant (Moore) - done

  • Expand precision of lat/lon to hundredths of minutes available (Moore) - done

  • Consensus - do not add core condition code after discussion (no action)

  • Consensus - leave current storage codes (no action)

  • Images - consensus add capability to link directly to image, or to site with image, or to information that image exists at facility, with link to facility (Moore) - not done, no information received from institutions to link

  • Expand depth to top/bottom of interval to have tenths of cm (mm) precision capability (Moore) - done

  • Add province code for salt water inland lakes (Moore) - done

  • Add field for standardized Munsell color code to curators' database - use standard translation list (Moore, Broda) - done

  • Drop the current multi-card, fixed-field format as an exchange mechanism (Moore) - done

  • Send in digital information to NGDC even though it may not include the core description and analyses, and sampling may still be restricted to the original scientific group (All) - USGS has done so

  • NGDC will put a field in the database to flag samples from which materials are no longer available (Moore) - done

  • NGDC should only receive corrected water depths (All) - ?

  • Consensus, round off diameter of core to whole cm and put actual diameter in comments, if necessary

  • NGDC will rename 'subdominant component' to 'other components'; four additional 'other components' fields will be added (Moore) - done

  • Wolf Berger to chair subcommittee to look into sedimentary classification schemes; subcommittee members; Tom Janecek, Phil Weaver, Bill Hay, Brian Edwards - pending (see classification discussion)

  • NGDC will provide the ability to put the sediment trap locations and investigator information into the Curators' database (Moore) - done/available, not yet used

  • Metadata will be kept at NGDC, ancillary core data will be kept at the institute level which will be available for user access through the local curator. Should the institute no longer be capable or willing to provide the ancillary data to the user, the institute will provide the data to NGDC/World Data Center for MGG, Boulder - (not an action item, just policy note - also note that NCEI/WDS for Geophysics will gladly accept any kind of data and make it available, at the request of any institution)

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