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Minutes 1998 Curators of Marine Geological Samples Meeting


ODP REPOSITORY TOUR - John Firth gave a tour of the ODP Gulf Coast Repository including the very large core-handling area, huge refrigerated-storage area and of the Micropaleontological Reference Collection (MRC). He presented some interesting cores including a laminated diatom ooze from the upwelling zone off the Peruvian margin, ODP Leg 112. Cores are stacked to 12 feet high in the refrigerated storage, the upper rows being reached by high ladders. (Commented Brian Edwards, "I don't think they expect earthquakes here.") Core data are printed on end caps in bar codes that may be electronically scanned; archive and work sections have red and black end caps, respectively, for ease of identification. The MRC houses reference sets of smear, radiolarian, diatom, foram and nannoplankton slides from the DSDP and ODP legs. These are available (for viewing) to all interested researchers. The MRC at ODP/TAMU is one of several situated around the world, see URL:

ODP'S APPLECORE PROGRAM - Several attendees viewed the ODP's AppleCore program, a MAC-platform program that produces a stratigraphic representation of the cores. The graphic core description with lithologic symbols can be positioned adjacent to the descriptive text. Adjustments of scales, tick marks and labeling allow for a variable page presentation. The version that ODP uses is available commercially from Mike Ranger. His email address is:

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