Tuesday June 11 |
| Welcome & USGS Woods Hole (USGSWH) - Brian Buczkowski, Meeting Host |
| University of Rhode Island (URI) - Steven Carey |
| Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) - Phil Rumford |
| Oregon State University (CEOAS) - Maziet Chesebey |
| Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples - Carla Moore |
| National Science Foundation - Candace Major |
| Ice Cores and Climate Research at WHOI - Alison Criscitiello |
Wednesday June 12 |
| British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility (BOSCORF) - Suzanne MacLauchlan |
| Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) - Alex Hangsterfer |
| Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) - Nichole Anest |
| Byrd Polar Research Center (BPRC) - Anne Grunnow |
| Antarctic Marine Geology Research Facility, Florida State University (AMGRF) - Steve Petrushak |
| Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) - Bob Arko |
| Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA) - Kerstin Lehnert |
Thursday June 13 |
| USGS St. Petersburg (USGSSP) - James Flock |
| University of Hawaii, Manoa (SOEST) - Kevin Johnson |
| Geological Survey of Canada National Marine Geoscience Collection (NRCAN) - Kate Jarrett |
| Meeting Wrap up and Action Items |