Multibeam Report for AT11L14

Ship Name: Atlantis
Chief Scientist: McDuff, R.
University of Washington
Source Organization: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
Start Date: 2004-06-14
End Date: 2004-07-13

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Multibeam Bathymetry

Cruise Details

Instrument: SeaBeam 2112

Data Quality

Number of Files: 3
Number of Records: 6577
BATHYMETRY DATA Quantity Percentage
Number of Beams 993127 100%
Number of Good Beams 762221 76.75%
Number of Zero Beams 230024 23.16%
Number of Flagged Beams 882 0.09%
AMPLITUDE DATA Quantity Percentage
Number of Beams 993127 100%
Number of Good Beams 762221 76.75%
Number of Zero Beams 230024 23.16%
Number of Flagged Beams 882 0.09%
SIDESCAN DATA Quantity Percentage
Number of Pixels 13154000 100%
Number of Good Pixels 8835043 67.17%
Number of Zero Pixels 4318957 32.83%
Number of Flagged Pixels 0 0%

Navigation Totals

Total Time: 20.0938 hours
Total Track Length: 112.3289 km
Average Speed: 5.59 km/hr (3.0184 knots)

Cruise Bounds

Northern Extent: 49.332767
Southern Extent: 48.971996
Western Extent: -127.84498
Eastern Extent: -127.44577


Minimum Sonar Depth 0 Maximum Sonar Depth 0
Minimum Altitude 1930.1 Maximum Altitude 2556.5
Minimum Depth 1704.2 Maximum Depth 2630.7
Minimum Amplitude 37.7887 Maximum Amplitude 84.5387
Minimum Sidescan 0.5983 Maximum Sidescan 25875.0938

File Information

Full Resolution Bathymetry as collected (raw): 2

Files File Size Description 14.69MB SeaBeam 2100 series vender format 20.83MB SeaBeam 2100 series vender format

Metadata Files: 1

Files File Size Description
AT11L14_Multibeam.xml NGDC created ISO metadata